duminică, 26 ianuarie 2014

What if every president did this?

Here's what you missed this week.

What if every president did this?

On Tuesday we're offering a special, enhanced version of President Obama's State of the Union address that you won't find anywhere else. Featuring graphics and charts that'll lay out the case for making 2014 a year of action, it's the best way for you to get the smartest take.

Which got us thinking: What if other presidents had an enhanced version of their State of the Union address?

Here's what we think that might look like -- watch, then RSVP to watch on Tuesday for the real deal:

Watch the video -- then RSVP



A Big Block of Cheese

In an homage -- or fromage -- to President Andrew Jackson's 1837 open house, which featured a 1,400 lb. block of cheese, White House officials are answering your questions on social media. Make sure you take part this Wednesday, following the State of the Union:

Watch: Big Block of Cheese Day


Join a Virtual Road Trip

President Obama's taking a virtual road trip this Friday to answer questions from across the country, and we want you to come along for the ride. Find out how to join us on Google+.

Join the roadtrip -- find out how to ask your questions


Taking Over Instagram

All this week, White House officials have been taking over our Instagram feed to take you #InsideSOTU. Check out some of the photos below, and follow us on Instagram to see what's in store for the week ahead:

Go #InsideSOTU -- and see what we've been up to


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