sâmbătă, 15 februarie 2014

Calling on Congress to Raise the Minimum Wage



Weekly Address: Calling on Congress to Raise the Minimum Wage

This week, President Obama took action to lift more workers' wages by requiring that federal contractors pay their employees a fair wage of at least $10.10 an hour. In this week's address, he highlights that executive action and calls on Congress to pass a bill to raise the federal minimum wage for all workers.

Click here to watch this week's Weekly Address.

Watch: President Obama's Weekly Address


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Bonjour, President Hollande

On Tuesday, President Obama, Vice President Biden, and the First Lady welcomed French President François Hollande to the White House -- the first state visit by a French president in nearly 20 years.

Image and tweet of President Obama welcoming President Hollande of France.


The President Uses His Pen, Raises the Wage

Instead of continuing to wait for Congress to take action, President Obama is doing what he can to help raise working Americans' wages.

Tweet and image: Join the rest of the country. Say yes. Give America a raise. -President Obama

In his 2014 State of the Union address, President Obama announced his intention to move forward using his own authority and raise the minimum wage for workers on new and replacement Federal service contracts to $10.10 an hour. On Wednesday, the President used his pen and signed an Executive Order making this vision a reality.


Step into the Kitchen

On Monday, Chefs Cris Comerford and Bill Yosses took over the White House Instagram account to take you into the kitchen ahead of Tuesday's state dinner in honor of French President Hollande.

Instagram image: Sugar roses and fleur-de-lis, the official flowers of the United States and France.

For behind-the-scenes video from the kitchen and the official menu for the French State Dinner, keep reading.


"That's a Tasty Chip"

You know that feeling when you really appreciate a good snack? Turns out, the President does, too.

Video player: West Wing Week preview

As you can see in this week's West Wing Peek, while touring the Michigan Biotechnology Institute last Friday, President Obama viewed examples of a highly innovative potato breeding project, aimed at increasing nutritional value and disease resistance. That meant: potato chips!


ACA Valentines

What better way to celebrate Valentine's Day than making sure your friends, family, and loved ones are covered?

Tweet: ACA Valentines


West Wing Week 2/14/14

As always, to see even more of this week's events, watch this week's episode of West Wing Week.

Video player: West Wing Week



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