luni, 10 februarie 2014

Damn Cool Pics

Damn Cool Pics

Top 10 Deadliest Horror Villains [Infographic]

Posted: 10 Feb 2014 06:44 PM PST

Top 10 Deadliest Villains listed by Kill Count. Find out how many kills your favorite scary movie villain has had.

Click on Image to Enlarge.

Via buycostumes

Staying in a Capsule Hotel in Tokyo

Posted: 10 Feb 2014 03:10 PM PST

One guy stayed at a Tokyo capsule hotel for a week. Some Japanese people who lost their jobs live their for months or even years. 


Look at this inviting and warm lobby. You buy a ticket out of the vending machine on the left to stay the night. 


After going up an elevator I made it to the 7th floor. The entire floor is basically a hallway with these small square holes stacked 2 high on each side. I was on the bottom. 

No real door 

I hope no one on my floor snores (spoilers: they did). 


This is from the inside looking at the door. Note the spacious closet and ventilation fan. 


My legs for scale. The tv took ¥100 coins to watch it but I just assumed it didn't work. And don't be fooled by the window... it was bolted shut.

Marius the Giraffe Killed at Copenhagen Zoo

Posted: 10 Feb 2014 02:54 PM PST

Sorry for these pictures, but it has to be seen. A Copenhagen zoo in Denmark killed a young giraffe named Marius with a bolt gun and fed its meat to the lions Sunday, saying the animal was "unwanted." Marius was given its favorite meal of rye bread by a keeper – and then shot in the head by a vet. The death of Marius, an 18-month-old giraffe considered useless for breeding because his genes were too common, was followed by his dissection in front of a large crowd, including fascinated-looking children, prompting outrage and protests around the world.

Copenhagen zoo carried out the killing despite a small group of protesters at the gates and an international petition which garnered more than 27,000 signatures, as well as offers from several zoos to rehouse the creature. Yorkshire Wildlife Park, near Doncaster, which offered to take Marius, said it was saddened to learn of his fate. The animal was killed with a bolt gun so that its meat could eaten, which would not have been possible if anaesthetic had been used.

When a storm of protest broke over the news that the giraffe was to be killed – the small gene pool among European zoos meant there was a risk of inbreeding if it was allowed to reproduce – the zoo posted a detailed justification on its website. It explained that as part of an international programme, only unrelated animals were allowed to breed: "When breeding success increases, it is sometimes necessary to euthanise." The zoo also said that giving Marius contraceptives would have had unwanted side-effects and represented poor animal welfare, and that there was no programme for releasing giraffes into the wild.

Here is the Facebook page of the killer zoo 

Warning! Graphic images

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