marți, 4 februarie 2014

Damn Cool Pics

Damn Cool Pics

Things They Only Sell At Chinese Walmarts

Posted: 04 Feb 2014 02:20 PM PST

You can buy all these things at Wal-Marts in China.

Crocodiles (ready for roasting, it seems)

Bulk rice

Mixed mystery meats

Orange juice and cooking oil combos 

Frogs 'n turtles 

Bulk, Wal-Mart brand liquor 

Cheap ribs

Dried reptile parts 

Boxes of liquor

More frogs 

More chopsticks than you could ever imagine


"Great Value" beef granules (that look like candy?)

Pig faces

Anti-bacterial underwear for men 

Night Club Girls of South Korea

Posted: 04 Feb 2014 12:01 PM PST

Let's take a look inside South Korean night clubs. There are a lot of hot Asian girls.

42 Biggest Travel Don’ts Around The World [Infographic]

Posted: 04 Feb 2014 09:48 AM PST

International etiquette can be complicated. Clearing your plate in Ukraine is an insult to the chef - in England, it's a compliment. Similarly, the 'ok' gesture - an internationally recognised diving sign - could get you into serious trouble in Brazil.

We at Love Home Swap were curious about the unspoken rules and regulations of other countries. After some serious research, we've compiled a list of the biggest travel don'ts around the world.

Check out our infographic before your trip abroad, and avoid making an etiquette faux pas.

Click on Image to Enlarge.

Via lovehomeswap

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