marți, 15 aprilie 2014

A moment of silence for Boston

The White House Tuesday, April 15, 2014

A moment of silence for Boston

Today, at 2:49 p.m. ET, President Obama will observe a moment of silence to mark the one-year anniversary of the Boston Marathon bombing.

The President also released a statement this morning on the tragedy:

A year ago, tragedy struck at the 117th Boston Marathon. Four innocent people were killed that week, and hundreds more were wounded. Today, we remember Krystle Campbell, Lingzi Lu, Martin Richard, and Sean Collier. And we send our thoughts and prayers to those still struggling to recover.

We also know that the most vivid images from that day were not of smoke and chaos, but of compassion, kindness and strength: A man in a cowboy hat helping a wounded stranger out of harm's way; runners embracing loved ones, and each other; an EMT carrying a spectator to safety. Today, we recognize the incredible courage and leadership of so many Bostonians in the wake of unspeakable tragedy. And we offer our deepest gratitude to the courageous firefighters, police officers, medical professionals, runners and spectators who, in an instant, displayed the spirit Boston was built on -- perseverance, freedom and love.

Read the statement here, and if you like, join the President for a moment of silence at 2:49 p.m. ET today.

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