miercuri, 30 aprilie 2014

What Senate Republicans did today:

The White House Wednesday, April 30, 2014

What Senate Republicans did today:

Earlier today, Senate Republicans blocked a vote to raise the minimum wage for 28 million hardworking Americans.

Whether or not this issue personally affects you, chances are you know someone for whom this would make a difference.

So if you believe raising the wage is the right thing to do, it's time to add your voice to this debate.

Share this graphic with your family and friends and let them know you think this is important.

We know what the folks who stand to benefit from raising the wage actually look like -- and the answer might surprise you: The average worker who would benefit is 35 years old, and more than half are women.

It's a single mother trying to make sure her kids have enough to eat. It's a college student working to pay her way through school. And they deserve a raise.

Help us get the word out. This issue is too important to ignore.

Share what $10.10 means

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