joi, 31 iulie 2014

LinkedIn: How to spark more engagement with your followers

LinkedIn: How to spark more engagement with your followers

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LinkedIn: How to spark more engagement with your followers

Posted: 29 Jul 2014 01:14 AM PDT

Do you want to create more engagement with your LinkedIn followers?

As we found out in April of this year, LinkedIn company pages underwent a major change. The products and services section was removed, much to people's disappointment as this was a logical place for companies to showcase their products and services. But don't let the fact they’ve disappeared throw you into disarray, LinkedIn still offers plenty of benefits for your company.

Why use a LinkedIn Company page?

  1. LinkedIn is now responsible for a whopping 64% of all visits from social media channels to corporate websites. In contrast, Facebook accounts for around 17% of such visits, while Twitter is a mere 14%.
  2. There are 148 million different industries represented on company pages
  3. There are now over 3 million LinkedIn company pages

So how can we use LinkedIn to engage with our followers?

#1 – Post More

Ever wondered why no one likes or comments on your company updates? A lot of us are guilty of posting LinkedIn updates only once or twice a week, but that is probably why we often see little to no engagement.

LinkedIn has found that 20 posts per month can help you reach 60% of your unique audience. In contrast, when you only post occasionally, your single post only reaches 20% of your audience. Why only 20%? The less frequent you post, the less you’ll show up on your audiences home feed. The more you post, the more chance your updates have of being seen. Don’t post too frequently though as this can be annoying!

If you’re not sure on what to post, I found this infographic that can help you understand the elements of a LinkedIn update.

Key takeaway - A frequent posting schedule will help you reach more people, more often.

#2 – Be More Visual

"A picture is worth a thousand words". It might be a major cliché but this holds truth on LinkedIn. Images make your company page much more attractive to your current and potential followers and as a result, they are more likely to engage with your content.

Don’t forget to use a relevant and compelling image in your banner as well as your updates to boost your visibility to your audience.

Key takeaway: Use a compelling image in your LinkedIn company page banner as well as in your updates.

#3 – Show & Tell

toms video

Online video is growing at a significant rate. Gone are the days when companies could use chunks of text. Users want more creative ways to engage!

1. In 2013, over 52 billion videos were viewed online
2. 52% of customers say that watching videos of products makes them more confident in online purchasing decisions.

There are a variety of ways to take your LinkedIn videos to the next level.

Short Videos

Typically less than 15 seconds, these can be used to focus your message. You can use them to showcase a book, demonstrate how a product works. Vine and Instagram videos work well to create these videos.

Event videos

Think of these as testimonials as opposed to ads. These contain the best parts of your company, your products and your customers. They aren't an outright advertisement.

Interview videos

Q&A videos let you highlight your relationship with industry experts whether you are interviewing a person outside of your company or an employee.

Key takeaway: your followers are looking for something more creative than just paragraphs of text. Mix your page up with videos!

 #4 – Showcase Pages


Showcase pages are relatively new and are definitely an exciting addition to this social platform. These pages let you customise your messages and engage different audience segments based on their product interest. For example, Hp have a range of products and they use showcase pages to target their different segments of audience.

Key takeaway: Create showcases to make sure your customers can easily learn about the product or services that interests them the most.

#5 – Engagement

hootsuite updates

Many of your followers have followed you as a way to interact with you. Ask people questions and reply to their answers. It's a good way to test how people perceive your products or services and can give you inspiration for new products.

Hootsuite posted an update that asked its followers to share the social media story that was most memorable to them in 2013. This is a great way to spark conversations between you as industry experts and your audience.

Key takeaway – LinkedIn may be a professional networking space, but don't forget that it is also a social network. Make that effort to communicate with your followers through updates and responses.

#6 – Add the follow button

LinkedIn's developers page makes it easy to create and add a 'follow us' button to your company website. You simply type your name in the appropriate field, choose your button style and copy the code to your website.

Key takeaway - Take advantage of this resource and let your audience know where they can find and engage with you!

Do you have any tips to add? Have you used any of these tactics on your company page? Let me know in the comments or by tweeting me @KLBennett_


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