joi, 24 iulie 2014

What would you share?

The White House Thursday, July 24, 2014

What would you share?

Across the country, Americans are writing the President and telling him about their experiences -- how their families are doing, what's working, and what's not.

We want to know what's on your mind, too. Join thousands of Americans and tell us how you're doing.

Tell your story.

This summer, President Obama is traveling around the country to spend time with folks like you who are writing him. He's sitting down to eat meals with them, walking through their neighborhoods -- seeing what their day looks like.

Every story he hears or reads sticks with him. It's a constant reminder of who he's fighting for. And those stories turn into real action.

And while President Obama can't visit every front porch in America in person, we want to hear from you:

Share the view from your own front porch. Let us know how your family is doing, what your community looks like, what's working for you, and what isn't.

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