sâmbătă, 2 august 2014

It's Time for Congress to Help the Middle Class

Here's what's going on at the White House today.

Weekly Address: It's Time for Congress to Help the Middle Class

The President discusses the new monthly jobs report and the fact that our economy created over 200,000 new jobs in July for the sixth straight month – the longest streak since 1997. To ensure this momentum can be sustained, the President is pressing Congress to act to create jobs and expand opportunity from raising the minimum wage, to helping people pay back their student loans, to fair pay and paid leave. These are steps that would continue to make things better for the middle class, which has always been his priority. But Republicans in Congress have repeatedly blocked these important measures.

As Congress is about to go on vacation, the President encouraged Americans to reach out to their elected officials and let them know that they must pass these measures when Congress returns to session. And in their absence, the President will continue to do everything he can, working with all stakeholders who are willing, to create jobs, strengthen our economy, and expand opportunity for all Americans.

Click here to watch this week's Weekly Address.

Watch: President Obama delivers the weekly address

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53 Straight Months of Job Growth

Yesterday was the first Friday of the month. It was Jobs Day, and we saw another month of encouraging trends in the labor market.

Graphic depicting private sector jobs added

In July, the private sector gained 198,000 jobs, and total job growth has exceeded 200,000 jobs for six straight months -- the first time that has happened since 1997.


BBQ, Iced Tea, and the Economy

President Obama just got back from Kansas City, Missouri, where he grabbed BBQ with some letter writers, picked up an iced tea at Parkville Coffee, and chatted with employees at Peddlers Wagon, a quilt and gift shop.

The President in Kansas City

As the President took a walk down Main Street (literally), visiting storefronts and chatting with local residents, we got it all on video -- we think you'll want to see this:

The President takes a walk along Main Street.

In the middle of meeting with everyday folks and chowing down on BBQ, the President spoke to a fired-up crowd about the progress our economy has made since he took office and how Republican obstructionism in Congress is hurting hard-working Americans.

"Come on and help out a little bit," the President said. "Stop being mad all the time. Stop just hatin' all the time...Let's get some work done together."


Africa's Next Generation of Leaders

On Monday, President Obama hosted a town hall with 500 of Africa's most inspirational and promising young leaders. The participants are in the Washington Fellowship program, which is part of the President Obama's Young African Leaders Initiative (YALI), created by the President in 2010. These young leaders came from all over Africa to the United States to gain new skills, expand their networks, and strengthen the connections between the United States and Africa.

The President at a YALI town hall.

Despite the challenges that Africa faces, the President told the crowd that they should be optimistic about the trajectory of their countries: "The great thing about being young is you are not bound by the past, and you can shape the future."


As always, to see even more of this week's events, watch the latest West Wing Week.


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