marți, 5 august 2014

Why You Should Avoid Numbers in Your URL Graywolf's SEO Blog

Why You Should Avoid Numbers in Your URL Graywolf's SEO Blog

Why You Should Avoid Numbers in Your URL

Posted: 05 Aug 2014 06:47 AM PDT

While linkbait posts aren’t as popular as they once were, top 10 lists have been popular ever since Moses came down from the mount with his top 10 list of “thou shalt nots.” Magazines like Rolling Stone will always have top 500 playlists and AFI will always publish top 100 movies lists. However, as a responsible publisher, marketer, and SEO ... [Continue reading Why You Should Avoid Numbers in Your URL]

The post Why You Should Avoid Numbers in Your URL appeared first on Graywolf's SEO Blog.

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