vineri, 19 septembrie 2014

Damn Cool Pics

Damn Cool Pics

This Guy Found Out The Hard Way That Cheating Is Wrong

Posted: 19 Sep 2014 11:16 AM PDT

Poor Charlie Fisher went away on holiday and when returned he had a surprise waiting for him at the airport. He got off the plane and then saw his girlfriend, standing with his other girlfriend, who was standing with his other girlfriend. Looks like someone got busted.

The Inside Of A Turtles Mouth Is Absolutely Terrifying

Posted: 19 Sep 2014 10:23 AM PDT

Chances are you've probably never seen the inside of a turtles mouth or even wondered what it looked like. Well after you see what it looks like in there, you will never forget it.

Unknown Facts About Well-Known Paintings

Posted: 18 Sep 2014 08:28 PM PDT

When it comes to famous paintings throughout history these are the ones that everyone is familiar with. But how much do you really know about these paintings?

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