vineri, 31 octombrie 2014

AdSense Insider October 2014

Explore the latest updates and tips every month.
Your Publisher ID: ca-pub-1492172262972996
October Edition
In this issue of AdSense Insider, you’ll discover the latest Ad review center features, learn how adopted Responsive Web Design (RWD) to engage their mobile audience, and sign-up for the upcoming AdSense survey.
Product news
Explore new control features for your ads
You now have more options to review the ads running on your site. Search for ads by similar creatives or by language. Visit the blog to learn more about the new tools available in the Ad review center.
Latest buzz boosts mobile pageviews through site redesign
When’s mobile users grew to be 40% of their total traffic, they knew it was time to develop a multi-screen site. See how switching to Responsive web design (RWD) increased time-on-site for mobile users by 15% and improved their overall user experience.
We'd love to hear from you - sign up for the AdSense semi-annual survey
Your AdSense feedback is critical to making us better. Our semi-annual survey launches in early November, and we’d love to hear from you. To participate, review your contact information and opt-in to receive occasional survey messages.
We’ll keep you posted with more news in November.
Until then, see you online.
Did you know:
The percentage of the world’s population with smartphones.

Source: Credit Suisse Global Equity Themes report, September 2014.
The projected percentage of the world’s population with smartphones in 2017.

Source: Credit Suisse Global Equity Themes report, September 2014.
Interested in learning more about programmatic buying? Discover how programmatic has affected ad inventory, CTRs and CPM with this infographic from Think with Google.
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