joi, 2 octombrie 2014

Damn Cool Pics

Damn Cool Pics

Homemade Halloween Costumes By Parents

Posted: 02 Oct 2014 05:47 PM PDT

These parents definitely love their kids and tried really hard to make the best Halloween costumes possible. Unfortunately they didn't turn out so well, but I still think they are better than store bought and have their own charm.

Welcome To Trash Island

Posted: 02 Oct 2014 03:03 PM PDT

Award-winning filmmaker Alison Teal, 27, visited Thilafushi, better known as Trash Island. It's an artificial island created as a municipal landfill situated to the west of Malé. When people think of the Maldives they certainly don't think of shores filled with mountains of trash. But this is the darker side of the Maldives that people rarely see.


50 Worst Book Covers and Titles Ever Made

Posted: 02 Oct 2014 02:52 PM PDT

These book covers are absolutely ridiculous. The only thing worse than the book covers, is the title of the books they belong to.


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