joi, 12 martie 2015

Damn Cool Pics

Damn Cool Pics

Inner City Treehouse Uses 150 Trees To Protect Residents From Noise

Posted: 12 Mar 2015 04:31 PM PDT

This apartment complex in Turin, Italy was designed by Luciana Pia to look like an urban treehouse. The complex is a mix of steel girders and trees and it helps keep the city's air cleaner and also gives residents a break from inner city life as well.


This Bird Got A Nice Defense Mechanism

Posted: 12 Mar 2015 03:35 PM PDT

The Amazonian Cinereous Mourner newborns are easy targets for other, bigger birds, so they developed an interesting survival strategy. They impersonate a caterpillar known to be extremely poisonous. That's a pretty ingenious ploy for a bird that doesn't even know how to fly yet.

Makeup Artist Turns Her Lips Into Cute Cartoon Characters

Posted: 12 Mar 2015 03:31 PM PDT

Laura Jenkinson is a makeup artist and she's got some serious skills when it comes to her creativity.

Via Insatgram

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