luni, 30 martie 2015

Damn Cool Pics

Damn Cool Pics

Shocking Health Secrets From The Oldest People On Earth

Posted: 30 Mar 2015 01:24 PM PDT

Who would have thought that bad habits like these ones would actually extend your life.

Olive oil, port wine, cigarettes, and chocolate:

Before she passed at the age of 122, Jeanne Calment was a staunch proponent of slathering her food (and herself) in olive oil, a steady intake of port wine, and consuming 2 lbs of chocolate a week to keep herself alive. That, and she smoked a cigarette or two every day until she was 117.

Get friendly with Dr. Pepper:

Elizabeth Sullivan of Forth Worth, Texas attributes her 104 years of life to having had no fewer than 3 cans of Dr. Pepper a day for the better part of the last century. When asked about the health risk, Sullivan said, "Every doctor that sees me says they'll kill you, but they die and I don't, so there must be a mistake somewhere."

Fry yourself up some bacon:

Pearl Cantrell (105) credits her longevity to eating bacon. Every. Single. Day.

"Cigarettes, whiskey, and wild, wild women":

Though he passed away recently, Henry Allingham attributed his 113 spectacular years on this planet to a steady diet of "cigarettes, whiskey, and women"... though his happy, carefree attitude may also had some part in his longevity.

Bingo, and lots of puzzles:

For Milly Smith, the last 3-decade-push across the centenarian finish line has been all about two things: playing bingo, and doing jigsaw puzzles.

Raw eggs, and no husbands:

At 115 years of age, Italian Emma Morano is the oldest living person in Europe. Her secret? She drinks 3 raw eggs every day (and has for a century), and hasn't had any interest in the opposite sex since she and her husband split in the '30's.

Sushi and sleep:

Recently crowned the oldest living person in the world at the age of 117, Misao Okawa's secret to everlasting life is simple: sleep a bunch, and enjoy sushi.


Author Bel Kaufman (who passed away last year at the age of 103) credits her long life to one of the simplest human pleasures: "Laughter keeps you healthy. You can survive by seeing the humor in everything. Thumb your nose at sadness; turn the tables on tragedy. You can't laugh and be angry, you can't laugh and feel sad, you can't laugh and feel envious."

Scotchy, Scotch, Scotch:

Samuel Henry "Errie" Ball, one of the competitors in the first Masters Golf Tournament, attributed his living through 103 rock-solid years to drinking two scotches a day, being easy-going, and having a wonderful wife.

Porridge, and a staunch avoidance of the opposite sex:

Scottish woman Jessie Gallan turned 109 earlier this year, and revealed to the world her two big secrets to living for nearly 11 decades: a daily bowl of porridge, and cutting the stress of men out of her life completely.

If Your Girlfriend Does Any Of These Things She's Definitely Crazy

Posted: 30 Mar 2015 12:46 PM PDT

If any of these things look familiar to you there's probably a good chance that your girlfriend is crazy. Take our advice, run.

New Compound Allows Humans To See In The Dark

Posted: 30 Mar 2015 11:58 AM PDT

Scientists recently tested a substance known as Chlorin e6 (Ce6) that has been previously known to treat blindness, by applying it directly to a man's eyes. The testing proved that the substance could hold remarkable power as they found that it allows humans to see through the darkness over a distance of 50 meters for a couple of hours.

Overweight Mother Transforms Herself Into Championship Bodybuilder

Posted: 30 Mar 2015 11:41 AM PDT

Jenny Clark, 36, has made a huge change since getting into bodybuilding. She went from 252 pounds down to a muscular 112 pounds. She loves bodybuilding and even won the title in the Bodybuilding and Fitness Association (IBFA) British Championships last year and other World Championships as well.

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