joi, 5 martie 2015

Google announce ‘significant’ impact of mobile ranking signals

Google announce ‘significant’ impact of mobile ranking signals

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Google announce ‘significant’ impact of mobile ranking signals

Posted: 27 Feb 2015 04:04 AM PST

Yesterday, Google announced via the Webmaster Central blog that, from 21st April 2015, mobile ranking signals will have a ‘significant’ impact on search results. These ranking signals will only affect mobile searches and will be used across all languages.

For most of us in the search marketing industry, this announcement shouldn’t come as much of a surprise. Over the last six months the hints have been coming thick and fast from Google. Let’s refresh our minds as to what they’ve been up to:

Mobile Usability Reports arrive in Webmaster Tools

In October 2014, Google introduced its newest feature in WMT; Mobile Usability Reports, which highlighted the following issues which Google found to be impacting mobile users:

  • Tiny fonts
  • fixed width and wrongly-sized viewports
  • buttons being too close together

At this time, John Mueller, Google’s Webmaster Trends Analyst said Google "strongly recommend[s] you take a look at these issues in Webmaster Tools.”

Search Result Annotations


September 2014 October 2014 October 2014

Google has tested a range of icons and annotations to mobile search results over the course of the last six months.

Fix Mobile Usability Issue Messages

Google began sending out these messages en masse in mid January and have continued to do so over the last five weeks. They conclude with the threatening message ‘these pages will…be displayed and ranked appropriately for smartphone users’.

Importantly, Google also chose to send these messages via email to Webmasters. This was definitely a sign that they should be taken seriously and that something was to come.


February 2015

Neeraj Kayastha spotted that Google was trialing ‘slow’ labels in mobile search results this week. Is this the sign of things to come, a will coloured labels become a permanent feature in mobile search results?


Who should be worried?

  • Websites with a decent percentage of mobile traffic, who have received mobile usability issue messages in Webmaster Tools. These sites will probably already be struggling with a low conversion rate from mobile traffic due to poor user experience.
  • Sites that have completely ignored responsive design

What to do now

Those who have received messages in Webmaster Tools, who have a significant amount of mobile traffic, should take action as soon as possible. For some, a few styling changes for users with small screen size will suffice – subtle changes to font size and spacing may fix issues for you.

You should also check out Google Developer’s Guide to Make It Responsive

To see the original post on Webmaster Central, click here.


Google’s guide to Mobile-Friendly Websites

Google’s Mobile Friendly URL Test


Image via Serge Kij

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UK Digital Events 2015

Posted: 24 Feb 2015 02:00 AM PST

The digital industry is thriving and the rate of change can seem overwhelming, that is why a good event or conference is a great way to stay in touch with the industry and the diverse mix of people who make it.

White has a proud history of event attendance, with a number of decorated speakers in our midst. It will come as no surprise that we like to keep an eye on what events are taking place throughout the year.

With that in mind, we’ve compiled a handy list of digital events running throughout the UK over the next 12 months, and picked out the key events we recommend you attend.


Digital Media Strategies – 3rd March 2015

MeasureCamp VI - 14th March 2015

Digital Cream – 26th March 2015

Top pick – MeasureCamp VI

The fact that it focuses on web analytics makes MeasureCamp a unique prospect among the list of digital events held in the UK this year. It comes highly recommended with the team at White confirming that if you want to spend a Saturday in March learning about web tracking, this is almost certainly the best place to do it!

Last September's MeasureCamp was great. I found the sessions both challenging and enlightening, and met a really varied bunch of people. It's a great way to discover new ways of doing things and inspires you to have a go at using data in a way you’ve never considered before.

Alex – Specialist at White


BrightonSEO – 9th April 2015

Marketing Week Live – 29th April 2015

Adobe Summit London – 29th April 2015

Top pick – BrightonSEO

BrightonSEO is a two-a-year event that has become something of a pilgrimage for White, and the rest of the SEO community. It started a few years ago in a pub and has become a firm favourite for SEO fans and digital marketers alike. Not only is the event jam-packed with talks and roundtables (one of which we run), it also boasts a great pre-and-post-night atmosphere, with drinks and chats book-ending the main event.


Figaro Digital – 14th May 2015

Thinking Digital – 19th May 2015

International Search Summit – 19th May 2015

SMX London – 20th May 2015

Top pick – SMX London

SMX, or Search Marketing Expo, is a truly international affair. Held within 11 cities around the globe, when it stops in London in May it is well worth checking out. The event programme is managed by the team from and, more than enough evidence to suggest that the caliber of content at this event will be well worth the journey.


Digital Analytics Hub – 6th June 2015

Social Media World Forum – 8th June 2015

SAScon – 11th June 2015

Data IQ Summit – 16th June 2015

Interop 2015 – 16th June 2015

Top pick – SAScon

Some might say SAScon is the most significant search and digital conference held in the North. Hosted in Manchester, SAScon always boasts an enviable lineup of speakers and 2015 is expected to be no exception.


*Is everyone on holiday?*


*Still on holiday?*


BrightonSEO – TBC

White Exchange – TBC

Top pick – White Exchange

OK, so it’s a shameless bit of self promotion but White Exchange is worth the plug. First off, it is held at the Ashmolean Museum which is the world’s first university museum, no-less. Secondly, 2014’s White Exchange was a huge success with speakers from White, Marin and Linkdex sharing the stage and chatting over a free lunch. At the end of the day you get the mooch around the museum, on a Monday, when it is closed to the public.


Ad:tech – 13th October 2015

SearchLove – 19th October 2015

eMetrics – 28th October 2015

Conversion Conference – 28th October 2015

Top pick – SearchLove

If your only wish in the world is to go and hear from the celebrities of the search and digital world, SearchLove is probably your safest bet. With a list of previous speakers that would make most marketers grab frantically for their autograph books, SearchLove draws a crowd for a reason. It’s usually expensive, but if you can justify it you are bound to love it!


Crunch (Festival of Marketing) – TBC

Digital Marketing Show – 18th November 2015


*Early Christmas?*

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