miercuri, 24 iunie 2015

You've got 14 new Pins waiting for you

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Hi Hari,
This just in: you've got 14 new Pins waiting in your home feed! Tip: to get even more Pins delivered to your feed, follow any people, boards and interests that look interesting.
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New Pins for you
Garlic Scape Pesto | Easy to make and utterly addictive. You ...
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EXCELLENT!!! Chicken Lombardy . I made it tonight with thin sliced ...
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Savannah Sheet Cake Recipe - yummy chocolate cake! So easy and ...
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Pinterest tips that every pinner should read. If you want ...
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How to Make Secret McDonald's Original Milkshakes Shake Vanilla ...
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Italian Roasted Garlic & Parmesan Potatoes - appetizer, side dish, Southern recipe ...
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50 Ways to Be Sexier Right Now
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Happy Pinning!
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