miercuri, 14 octombrie 2015

Seth's Blog : When in doubt, draw a bell curve

When in doubt, draw a bell curve

"All men are created equal." But after that, culture starts to change things.

Almost nothing is evenly distributed.

Some people seek out new technology in an area they are focused on... others fear new technology.

Some people can dunk a basketball, others will never be athletic enough to do so.

Some people are willing to put in the effort to be great at something, most people, by definition, are mediocre.

We're puzzled when we see uneven acceptance or uneven performance, because it's easy to imagine that any group of people is homogeneous. But they're not. 

And the distribution of behaviors and traits is usually predictable. Most people are in the middle, but there are plenty of outliers.

Here's one for technology.

And for stories.

And for medicine.

Treat different people differently. Not because they're born this way, but because they choose to be this way.


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