vineri, 4 decembrie 2015

Damn Cool Pics

Damn Cool Pics

Passengers Repair An Airplane After Being Stranded In Antarctica

Posted: 04 Dec 2015 03:53 PM PST

Three men were recently stranded in Antarctica for 8 days after the landing gear on their plane broke. After 8 days of work they finally found a solution and managed to escape the freezing cold with all their limbs intact.

She Might Look Like Just Another Blonde Barbie But This Girl Has Brains Too

Posted: 04 Dec 2015 03:09 PM PST

People often get the wrong idea about 22 year old Ashton Clarke. She's changed up her look so that she looks more like a blonde barbie but there's more to her than that. She is a psychology student at The University of Tennessee, an exhibited artist and she even speaks four languages.

Ashton has been using lip fillers, contact lenses, fake tanning and makeup to achieve this look since the age of 16 and says that her "fake" self makes her feel more comfortable and confident.

Home Theaters You Wish You Had in Your House

Posted: 04 Dec 2015 01:43 PM PST

Imagine having your very own movie theater in your house. You might get sick of everyone always wanting to come round to your place for movie night, but at least you could get them to bring the popcorn! The lucky owners of these Awesome Home Theaters don't have to imagine, because they just have to nip through a door and they're in their very own Private cinema. Some of these amazing rooms are just off the charts, especially the themed ones. 

So check out this list of some of the most amazing home theaters you'll ever see for some serious inspiration!

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