joi, 2 iunie 2011

SEOmoz Daily SEO Blog

SEOmoz Daily SEO Blog

New SEOmoz Pricing Plans + More Keywords for Everyone!

Posted: 02 Jun 2011 06:44 AM PDT

Posted by adamf

More than six months have passed since we last updated our plans and pricing with the launch of our web app last summer. In that time, we have gotten a ton of great feedback, brilliant suggestions, and more specifically, pleas for a better price point between $99 and $499 (with more campaigns). We gave this a lot of thought, crunched some numbers, and today we're launching improved plans and pricing for SEOmoz PRO!

Improved Plans & Pricing

What's New & Notable

1. PRO plan members now get 300 keywords!

That's 50 more than before and they can be tracked across up to 3 search engines.

2. A New PRO Plus tier with more than double the keywords and campaigns!

Many of you have asked for it, and now it is finally here. This new plan includes more than twice as many campaigns as PRO, and a bunch more keywords.

  • 12 Campaigns
  • 1,000 Keywords (across up to 3 search engines)
  • 10,000 page crawl depth per campaign
  • 1 private Q&A question per month
  • Branded PDF reports

3. PRO Elite is now beefier!

  • 30 campaigns (compared to just 10 before)
  • 3,500 keywords across up to 3 search engines (compared to 2,000 before)
  • Note: to support the increase in campaigns, we have limited to crawl depth to 20,000 pages. If you already have and like the old PRO Elite plan, nothing has changed, but you can switch over to the new version at any time.
  • 3 private questions per month
  • Branded PDF reports

4. SSL/HTTPS crawling now supported!

Many of you have been patiently waiting, and I am now happy to announce that we now crawl https pages as part of campaign craws. If you have any SSL pages on your site, you should start to see them processed and analyzed with the your next crawl that begins later than today.

5. Branded PDF Reports new to PRO Plus & PRO Elite!

You may have noticed this mentioned above. We have added a new feature to the PRO Plus and higher plans, which supports the addition of customer logos at the top of all PDF reports.

Upgrading is Easy

If any of these new plans strike your fancy, we have also improved interface for changing your plan, so it's easy to upgrade or downgrade at any time.

Upgrade Account

or... Switch to Annual Billing and save 20%

If you are changing your plan, you might also consider an annual membership. If you buy for a full year, we give you a 20% discount over what you would pay monthly for twelve months.  It's easy to switch to annual pricing on the PRO Billing & Subscription page.

Upgrade Account

If I'm already an Elite or Premier member, will my plan change?

Nope, nothing will change, but you can opt to choose a different plan at any time.

Need more? We've got you covered!

We do have a couple of larger plans:

  • Agency - $2,000/month (Great if you are managing lots of sites!)
    • 120 Campaigns
    • 20,000 keywords per account
    • 10,000 pages crawled per campaign
    • 4 private Q&A questions per month
    • Branded PDF Reports
  • Enterprise - $4,000/month (Great if you are managing really large sites!)
    • 20 Campaigns
    • 30,000 keywords per account
    • 1,000,000 pages crawled per campaign (on a 4-week cycle)
    • 4 private Q&A questions per month
    • Branded PDF Reports
    • This plan is not available yet, but will be in the next few weeks

These plans are not self service at the moment, but if they like something that you need, contact and we will be happy to set you up!

Let us know what you think!

We took a lot of great feedback into account when creating these new pricing plans, but we know we can make them better. Please share your feedback in the comments below, or click on Help at the very top right of the page, and then Feedback if you want to comment privately. I promise, we're listening. 

Free for 30 days
Upgrade Account


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And The Winning City for #MozCation Is...

Posted: 01 Jun 2011 02:42 PM PDT

Posted by jennita

MozCationCome on now, you didn't think I'd spill beans just like that did you? Before I give you the goods, let me refresh your memory in case this is the first time you're hearing about MozCation. A few weeks ago, we asked people to create some sort of unique content and tell us why we should have an SEOmoz Meetup (aka MozCation) in their city.

Overwhelming Response

The nominations started in rather slowly and at first we thought that perhaps MozCation would be a complete failure! Soon a number of nominations started trickling in, however people weren't creating new content. They were simply linking to city government websites and wikipedia pages... which wasn't what we were looking for. There was an email thread going around internally about how we needed to write another post explaining better what we were looking for.

But then, the first "real" nomination came in from Peru. We were delighted and quite surprised, we were unaware we had a following in Peru (little did we know), and the retweets started rolling in. Soon after, Portsmouth, NH was nominated and then Calgary. By this time, we were excited that we were getting some unique submissions and figured we'd have a handful of cities to pick from. What we didn't realize was that the next nomination would be for Spain, and it would change the whole game. Gianluca had bought the domain and built an entire site! Holy game changer. Soon after, people started creating Twitter and Facebook accounts, building websites and rallying their local communities. Check out all the submissions below. :)

Picking A City

Whew. Now, how on earth do we pick one city out of all the great nominations we received? Well, we decided we didn't have to. We're the keeper of the rules, and in true TAGFEE fashion, we decided to pick four cities instead. :) I don't want to ruin all the fun, so I'll just let Rand spill the beans:

(Be sure to watch the entire video!)

The Nominees

Take a look at all 15 nominated cities in no particular order. Everyone worked really hard on these sites, pages, videos, etc. I know they'd love for you to take a peek at all their hard work.

Cleveland, OH

Title: The Decision 2011

Nominated by: @FathomSEO

San Luis Obispo, CA

Title: Roger, Come to the Happiest Place in America

Nominated by: @NugeKnows

Sao Paulo, Brazil

Title: Why SEOmoz Should Come To Brazil

Nominated by: @fabioricotta

Orlando, FL

Title: MozCation Orlando

Nominated by: @MozcationMCO a group at Full Sail University

Lima, Peru

Title: MozCation In Lima

Nominated by: @MozcationLima

Spain (various cities)

Title: Why SEOmoz Must Take Roger To Spain

Nominated by: @gfiorelli1

Calgary, AB Canada

Title: SEOmoz Come To Calgary… Or Else!

Nominated by: @calindaniel

Copenhagen, Denmark

Title: Where's Roger Mozbot

Nominated by: @ahogenhaven

Porstmouth, NH

Title: It's Time for MozCon Portsmouth, NH

Nominated by: @DaveCurrierSEO

Indianapolis, IN

Title: Roger... STOP... Save Indianapolis....STOP!

Nominated by: @flea_spano


Now What?

Yes we chose four cities, but we will still be holding at least one more round of nominations for another MozCation later in the year. So if you missed out this time, or if your city wasn't chosen, keep a watch on the blog! We'll be announcing open nominations again in a couple months. So stay tuned! We'll also keep you up-to-date on dates/times for all the MozCation events coming up.

Thank You

Never did we imagine that we'd get so many nominations. The sheer number of tweets that came in for #MozCation was enough to humble us. Thank you to everyone who worked hard to nominate their city. You've made is so proud to be a part of this amazing community. We look forward to seeing you all!


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How to Use the Hootsuite Bulk Scheduling Tool Graywolf's SEO Blog

How to Use the Hootsuite Bulk Scheduling Tool Graywolf's SEO Blog

How to Use the Hootsuite Bulk Scheduling Tool

Posted: 01 Jun 2011 10:19 AM PDT

Post image for How to Use the Hootsuite Bulk Scheduling Tool

The following is part of a series on using the Hootsuite social media tool. In this post we are going to be looking at using the bulk scheduling feature.

First, we are going to take a step back and look at the two basics ways to schedule tweets so you get an idea of how things work before we get into bulk scheduling. Using the Hootsuite dashboard, you can enter a tweet the way you normally would but, instead of hitting “tweet,” you click the schedule button. When a calendar pops up, you click on the date, set the time, click schedule, select the accounts, and you are good to go (see screen shot below).

The next way is to use the Hootlet bookmarklet. If you aren’t familiar with bookmarklets, they are JavaScript bookmarks that you drag onto your browser toolbar that execute code. As you are browsing around and come across something you would like to tweet, you hit the bookmarklet and a dialog box will pop up. Again, choose the account, hit schedule and a calendar pops up that allows you to set the date and time (see screen shot below)

One of the nice things is that, if you copy this bookmarklet into Safari, you can get it to sync with your iPad and schedule tweets. One of the bad things is that it doesn’t work on the iPhone. If you try to use it on the iPhone, you get stuck in a loop suggesting that you download the iPhone app. I have mentioned this to Hootsuite multiple times, but they don’t seem to care …

Now that we have a basic idea of how scheduling in Hootsuite works, we’re going to want to kick it up a notch with bulk tweet scheduling. I haven’t hit an upper limit as to how many tweets you can schedule, but they do have to be different (you can’t retweet the exact same tweet more than once).

You will need a spreadsheet with the following columns:
Date (dd/mm/yyyy format)
Time (hh:mm format)

Depending on your spreadsheet program, it may not offer the ability to use the (dd/mm/yyyy) format ( Google docs doesn’t). If that’s the case just force the formatting to be a text format. I like to fill in the tweets first, before the day and time. Throughout the week I will forward myself emails of things I would like to tweet. Google reader, ziteapp, and most newspaper or other apps have an email this story function. Set up a rule to catch these emails. Every few days or at the end of the week, I will go through the folder and put the text and URL into the spreadsheet. Once I have them all there, I will go through and put in the the dates. I like to make sure I have at least one per day. Then I will set up the time: I like 12-5 EST because it gives me the opportunity to reach East and West coast followers. If there are multiple tweets, I will set them to go at different times in that (12-5) time window. Once all the tweets are ready, you can export to a CSV file.

Once you have a CSV file you choose Schedule a Tweet > Bulk Upload, then choose the account and file, and you are good to go. If you haven’t made any mistakes, it will let you know how many tweets were accepted. If you made a mistake, it will spit you out a fairly descriptive, easy-to-understand message.

CSV of Scheduled tweets

IMHO, scheduling tweets is a huge time saving step to take. Many social media experts shy away from it because they think it makes you less authentic; personally, I have better things to do than sit in front of twitter all day (tk). You can schedule out tweets for your campaign, archive tweets to affiliate centric posts, or do anything that you want.

Once you have all your tweets imported, you can check to make sure you don’t have any tweets that step on each other or are scheduled for the middle of the night. You will just need to set up a tab for pending tweets.

What Scheduled Tweets Look Like


IMHO working in batch mode does save you a bit of time as opposed to doing each tweet as you see it, but it does make it one big job instead of 50 little ones. I’d love if Hootsuite added a functionality that would auto schedule the way Bufferapp does  (see Bufferapp review) but, for now, it doesn’t. Is this process perfect and hassle free? No. However, IMHO taking an hour a week to schedule tweets across multiple accounts, filling an entire week’s worth of tweets, is much more productive than sitting on twitter all day. As a bonus, you can also schedule updates to Facebook accounts or pages using this method as well.

To be clear, I am a current paying customer of Hootsuite. If you sign up from my link I will get a commission. This is a product I have been using for a few months. I have been happy with it and am comfortable recommending Hootsuite as a social media management tool.

photo credit: Photospin

tla starter kit

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This post originally came from Michael Gray who is an SEO Consultant. Be sure not to miss the Thesis Wordpress Theme review.

How to Use the Hootsuite Bulk Scheduling Tool

Chart of the Day: The Resurgence of the American Automotive Industry

The White House Your Daily Snapshot for
Thursday, June 2, 2011

Chart of the Day: The Resurgence of the American Automotive Industry

Yesterday, the White House released a report that highlights the resurgence of the American auto industry. The report discusses the jobs created in the sector, the turnaround of the companies that are now turning a profit, and how entire communities have been revitalized by a strengthened auto industry.

In the year before GM and Chrysler filed for bankruptcy, the auto industry shed over 400,000 jobs. Had President Obama failed to intervene, conservative estimates suggest that it would have cost at least an additional one million jobs and devastated vast parts of our nation’s industrial heartland. Since GM and Chrysler Group emerged from bankruptcy in June 2009, the auto industry has added 115,000 jobs – the fastest pace of job growth in the auto industry since 1998. 

Read more

Photo of the Day 

In Case You Missed It

Here are some of the top stories from the White House blog.

Winning the Future for LGBT Americans
Kicking off Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender (LGBT) Pride Month, the Office of Public Engagement has launched a new webpage, Winning the Future: President Obama and LGBT Americans.

Equal Access to Transportation: A Right for All Americans
Department of Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood describes the administration's efforts to make transportation more accessible for everyone. Along with making transportation more accessible, the DOT has stepped up enforcement to ensure every American's right to access transportation.

June 1: Official Start of the Hurricane Season
It’s June 1, which means it is the official start of Hurricane season. You can do your part by making sure you and your loved ones are prepared by having an emergency plan and kit. Talk with your friends and neighbors and encourage them to do the same. And you can also take steps to get prepared for a hurricane at your workplace, so talk with your human resources manager about steps you can take.

Today's Schedule 

All times are Eastern Daylight Time (EDT).

10:10 AM: The President receives the Presidential Daily Briefing

12:00 PM: The President meets with senior advisors

12:30 PM: Press Briefing by Press Secretary Jay Carney

2:30 PM: The President meets with the House Democratic Caucus

7:20 PM: The President delivers remarks at the Pritzker Architecture Prize Event; the First Lady also attends.  Indicates events that will be live streamed on

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