luni, 18 octombrie 2010

Seth's Blog : You're famous

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You're famous

What makes a celebrity special? She was just an ordinary person a month or a year ago, but now, suddenly, your heart goes flitter-flutter when you meet her, or you want an autograph.

One way to consider fame is that it increases the options for the person at the same time the number of demands go up. In other words, celebrity makes the celebrity's attention more valuable.

It's exciting to shake hands or get an autograph from a famous person, then, because the celebrity has something others want, you're getting a slice of attention from someone who has other options. But she didn't exercise those options--she chose you.

By this definition, you're famous. Compared to just a few years ago, more people know you, you have more options and your attention is far more precious than it ever was.

Not just you, of course. Your customers too. They're famous now.

Time to start treating them that way.

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duminică, 17 octombrie 2010

Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis

Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis

Bitter Feud at ECB over Monetary Policy; BOE to Expand Stimulus; Japan's Great Deflation; Will the US Follow?

Posted: 17 Oct 2010 10:05 PM PDT

Although there is a huge debate amongst Fed members regarding US monetary policy, especially the merits of Quantitative Easing, that debate can easily be described as relatively friendly discussion.

Things are quite different in the EU where there is a bitter feud between ECB president Jean-Claude Trichet and Trichet's rumored replacement, Bundesbank President Axel Weber.

Trichet Chastises Weber Regarding Who is the President

In a public display of animosity, Trichet has let Weber know who is in charge. Please consider ECB's Trichet Rejects Weber's Call to End Bond Purchase Program
European Central Bank President Jean-Claude Trichet rejected Bundesbank President Axel Weber's call to end the bond purchase program that has provided a lifeline for European governments and banks trying to shore up their finances.

"This is not the position of the Governing Council, with an overwhelming majority," Trichet said when asked to respond to Weber's Oct. 13 call for an end to the program, according to the a transcript of an interview published yesterday in Italian newspaper La Stampa.

Weber, who also sits on the ECB's 22-member decision-making council, said the risk of "exiting too late" from the emergency measures was greater than pulling out too soon.

"Trichet is sending a clear signal to Weber," said Carsten Brzeski, an economist at ING Group NV in Brussels. "The majority seems to favor a safety belt option for the moment and isn't comfortable with sending conflicting signals to the markets."

Trichet also backed the possibility of extending in some form the European Union's temporary financial backstop for financially stressed nations. "This non-standard measure, like all other such measures, was designed to help restore a more normal functioning of our monetary policy transmission mechanism," Trichet said, according to the la Stampa interview.

Trichet also said that as ECB president he is the only one who speaks on behalf of the Governing Council. Weber, who opposed the bond purchases since their inception in May, is regarded by economists as a frontrunner to succeed Trichet when his non-renewable eight-year term expires in just over a year.

"There is only one single currency; there is one Governing Council, only one monetary policy decision, and one president, who is also the porte-parole of the Governing Council," he told La Stampa.

"Trichet's comments highlight that he is not pleased with the ongoing public criticism of some council members regarding the securities market program," said Juergen Michels, chief euro-area economist at Citigroup Inc. in London. "Trichet's comments highlight that the program will continue."
Trichet a Monetarist Pussycat

It is interesting to see Trichet continuing as the dove just as Bernanke is at the Fed. Trichet had an undeserved reputation as a central bank hawk.

The reality is quite different as discussed earlier this year in Trichet, a Monetarist Pussycat at Heart, Throws ECB Rulebook Out the Window

Currency Implications

Unlike Bernanke, Trichet is due to step down October 2011.

Weber had widely been viewed as the leading candidate to replace Trichet. I wonder if that is still the case after this open feud.

Implications regarding the valuation of the US dollar vs. the Euro are at stake.

CEBR says Bank of England Will Expand Stimulus

According to the Centre for Economics and Business Research, the Bank of England will join the Fed's currency debasement strategy. Please consider BOE Will Expand Stimulus by 100 Billion Pounds, CEBR Predicts
The Bank of England will expand its stimulus program by 100 billion pounds ($160 billion) to aid the economic recovery, the Centre for Economics and Business Research said.

The central bank will also keep its benchmark interest rate at a record low of 0.5 percent until at least "late" 2012, the London-based group said in an e-mailed statement yesterday. The bank kept its stimulus plan at 200 billion pounds this month.

Britain faces the largest public spending cuts since World War II as the government tackles the record budget deficit. The British Chambers of Commerce earlier this month backed a call by policy maker Adam Posen for the central bank to expand its bond stimulus plan as recent data indicate the recovery has slowed.

"We expect the authorities to push the monetary policy levers hard in the opposite direction to the fiscal policy levers," the CEBR said in the statement.

The CEBR's forecast for economic growth in the first three months of 2011 is 0.1 percent, which implies there is almost a 50 percent chance the economy will contract during the quarter, according to the report.
Japan's Great Deflation

The New York Times reports Japan Goes From Dynamic to Disheartened. Here is a somewhat lengthy snip, but the article is a full 3 pages long.
Few nations in recent history have seen such a striking reversal of economic fortune as Japan.

But the bubbles popped in the late 1980s and early 1990s, and Japan fell into a slow but relentless decline that neither enormous budget deficits nor a flood of easy money has reversed. For nearly a generation now, the nation has been trapped in low growth and a corrosive downward spiral of prices, known as deflation, in the process shriveling from an economic Godzilla to little more than an afterthought in the global economy.

The downsizing of Japan's ambitions can be seen on the streets of Tokyo, where concrete "microhouses" have become popular among younger Japanese who cannot afford even the famously cramped housing of their parents, or lack the job security to take out a traditional multidecade loan.

These matchbox-size homes stand on plots of land barely large enough to park a sport utility vehicle, yet have three stories of closet-size bedrooms, suitcase-size closets and a tiny kitchen that properly belongs on a submarine.

In 1991, economists were predicting that Japan would overtake the United States as the world's largest economy by 2010. In fact, Japan's economy remains the same size it was then: a gross domestic product of $5.7 trillion at current exchange rates. During the same period, the United States economy doubled in size to $14.7 trillion, and this year China overtook Japan to become the world's No. 2 economy.

But perhaps the most noticeable impact here has been Japan's crisis of confidence. Just two decades ago, this was a vibrant nation filled with energy and ambition, proud to the point of arrogance and eager to create a new economic order in Asia based on the yen. Today, those high-flying ambitions have been shelved, replaced by weariness and fear of the future, and an almost stifling air of resignation. Japan seems to have pulled into a shell, content to accept its slow fade from the global stage.

As living standards in this still wealthy nation slowly erode, a new frugality is apparent among a generation of young Japanese, who have known nothing but economic stagnation and deflation. They refuse to buy big-ticket items like cars or televisions, and fewer choose to study abroad in America.

"A new common sense appears, in which consumers see it as irrational or even foolish to buy or borrow," said Kazuhisa Takemura, a professor at Waseda University in Tokyo who has studied the psychology of deflation.
Demographic Pendulum in Motion

"We're not Japan," said Robert E. Hall, a professor of economics at Stanford. "In America, the bet is still that we will somehow find ways to get people spending and investing again."

Robert Hall, like most others, does not understand the deflationary impacts of the entire gamut of changing socioeconomic trends and attitudes.

After 20+ years of deflation fighting tactics, Japan has nothing to show for its deflation fighting efforts but massive public debt.

To be sure, one can point out that US demographics are more favorable than Japan's. However, US consumers have a much bigger and much more deflationary pile of leveraged debt on their balance sheets than do most Japanese families.

Inflation Targeting Madness

Not only has Japan's two decades of failure shown the futility of fighting consumer attitudes, common sense alone would suggest that it is futile to fight changing social trends with monetary policy.

Unfortunately that has not stopped the Fed with reckless proposals on top of reckless proposals.

Please see Inflation Targeting Proposal an Exercise in Blazing Stupidity; Fed Fools Itself for further discussion.

Will the US Follow?

As I stated in June of 2008, we are now on the back side of peak consumption and Peak Credit.

Regardless of what Bernanke of the Fed does, the demographic pendulum is in motion. There is no going back. Once attitudes hit extreme then reverse, there is nothing the Fed or anyone else can do about it.

Thus, the question is not whether the US will follow the footsteps of Japan, the question is whether the US or Japan blows up first from misguided central banks fighting a battle that cannot be won.

Mike "Mish" Shedlock
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Reluctant Breadwinners, Downsized Housing; Demographic Pendulum in Motion

Posted: 17 Oct 2010 10:32 AM PDT

Because of losses in construction and manufacturing, unemployment has taken its toll on more men than women. Please consider More Wives Head for Work
Angela Patterson is working as an insurance agent in New York while her husband looks for construction jobs in North Carolina. Diana Gomez had been staying home to care for an ill daughter. When her husband lost his job, she became an administrative assistant in a dentist's office. Michelle, a social worker and mother of three young children in Baltimore, who asked that her last name not be used, switched from part-time to full-time work when her husband was laid off last year. She kept to that schedule after he found work earlier this year—at two-thirds his former salary.

They are the reluctant breadwinners: Women who wanted to stay home until their income suddenly became critical to the well-being of their families. In some cases they are increasing their hours to keep the bills paid. Others are taking up employment for the first time as their husbands struggle to find work. With the anemic recovery keeping the job outlook uncertain, the accelerated gender shift is likely to stick, creating new challenges for U.S. families.

In a study published this September in the journal Family Relations, researchers Marybeth J. Mattingly and Kristin E. Smith of the University of New Hampshire found that wives were more likely to enter the job market or increase their hours when their husbands were out of work between May 2007 and May 2008 than when their husbands were out of work amid prosperity four years earlier. These women were also three times more likely to enter the labor force than women whose husbands were working and 51 percent more likely to increase their hours. Smith says difficult times may push women to take jobs they wouldn't consider when the economy is strong. "They have to work," she says. "As families lose their primary breadwinner, they're making ends meet with a lower-earning spouse."

By now, the impact of the recession on the American male is well chronicled: Men accounted for more than 71 percent of the job losses as sectors like manufacturing and construction were crushed. Even when job losses spread to traditionally female-friendly areas like retail and education, women continued to fare better. The latest unemployment figures stand at 9.8 percent for men 20 or over and 8 percent for their female counterparts, with women making up 47 percent of the total labor force.

The recession has accelerated a trend that first became apparent years ago—wives entering the workforce to boost family earnings. The difference now is that what might have been viewed as optional income has become critical. As Manpower (MAN) Chief Executive Officer Jeffrey A. Joerres points out, "the reality is that Joe is not finding a job anytime soon."
Daily Femme Chimes In

Ashleigh, writing for The Daily Femme takes issue with the story in her commentary Are we "reluctant breadwinners"?
Am I the only one who feels like this is a decidedly outdated sentiment? Sure, there are plenty of women who would prefer to stay home and care for their families, and far be it from me to judge them. But the assertion that women going back to work will create "new challenges" seems a little stale. Women have been working outside the home for some time now, and any challenge (real or imagined) that this creates is certainly not new.

The Bloomberg article has a very "'50s" feel to it, alluding that many women are essentially being forced to work outside the home because they have no choice and that this spells disaster for American families. But it at least outlines one of the biggest issues of gender inequality in today's workforce: men continue to be paid more. The Bureau of Labor Statistics reports women's median weekly earnings were 83 percent of men's in the second quarter of 2010. This gap persists despite the fact that women earn 60 percent of all bachelor's and master's degrees. The gap also reflects the fact that many of the sectors that attract women generally pay less than the sectors traditionally dominated by men.

This article has some legitimate information, but really the only question I had after reading it was, "why is this news?". Why should it be deemed breaking information that women are working to support their families?
Changing Social Trends The Real Story

While admittedly the BusinessWeek story does have that "50's feel", Ashleigh misses the point. The point is families are being disrupted by changing social trends, whether the story has a "50's feel" or not.

Here are some more examples of pertinent changing social trends.

Student Debt

Tens of thousands of students graduate from college each year without a job, deep in debt, and many of them are doubling up households or moving back home. This disrupts family formation with impacts on housing and demand for goods and services.

Boomers did not graduate from college deep in debt. Tuition was $250 a semester when I started at the University of Illinois, and about $400 a semester the final semester.

Walmart Greeters

Take a look at the average age and sex of the greeters at Walmart. Are those people, mostly women, in those jobs because they want to, or because they have to?

Jobs are so few that grandparents compete against their kids and grandkids for those jobs!

If you were an employer, who would you hire to fill those positions: someone in their 30's or 40's raising a family in need of expensive health care coverage, or someone past retirement age on Medicare?

That women dominate such jobs offers one of the reasons women make less. Another reason is some women have disrupted their careers to raise families.

How many women engineers are there compared to men? Geologists? Physicians? Social Workers? Construction workers? Comparing degrees is not a valid way of determining whether or not women are underpaid relative to men.

Deflationary Impact of Trends

As boomers head towards retirement, and students deep in debt cannot find jobs that will allow them to quickly pay down that debt, all kinds of unfavorable demographic trends are playing out.

Importantly, the downsizing of boomer lifestyles will put pressure on high end housing for a long time.

Trends in Housing

I was in North Carolina these past two week, staying in a beach house owned by a person on my blog who posts under the name "Black Swan". Thanks Swan!

Swan developed and sold many properties on Topsail Island. I met another developer on the Island, and both of them are downsizing the sizes of the units they are building and intending to build. While not "breaking news", it certainly is another piece of the puzzle.

Smaller homes means less lumber, less granite, less drywall, less bathrooms, less furniture, less everything.

Needs of Downsizing Boomers

Aging boomers will be dependent on their children to look after them, yet the children do not really want their parents moving back in.

Taking those factors into consideration, "Black Swan" has plans to put two smaller homes on one parcel, say a 1200-1500 square foot home as well as separate 500 square foot home on the same lot.

Demographic Pendulum in Motion

Few understand the deflationary impacts of the entire gamut of trends that is playing out, or the stress these trends place on families.

It is futile to fight changing social trends, but that has not stopped the Fed with reckless proposals on top of reckless proposals. Please see Inflation Targeting Proposal an Exercise in Blazing Stupidity; Fed Fools Itself for more details.

As I stated in June of 2008, we are now on the back side of peak consumption and Peak Credit. Regardless of what Bernanke of the Fed does, the demographic pendulum is in motion. There is no going back.

Mike "Mish" Shedlock
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Smoking Gun: New Evidence of How Wall Street Shafted Pension Funds by Misrepresenting Mortgages; Rep Miller Calls for Full Audit of Fannie Mae

Posted: 16 Oct 2010 11:55 PM PDT

Josh Rosner, who heads the research firm Graham Fisher, presents new proof that banks knew they were selling bad loans. The following video is as discussion between Rosner and Elliot Spitzer about the smoking gun and what to do about it. It's well worth a listen.

Partial Transcript of "Inside Job"
SPITZER: What I would be doing right now would be to drop a subpoena on every investment bank saying, I want to track this information, these documents came from Clayton, the due diligence firm, see where in the company they went, who saw them, who knew about them, who had a conversation about them, and what did they do? And somebody who saw these documents, and as Josh said, saw that there was 29 percent noncompliance and still pushed these mortgages into the security, boom, charge them right there -- failure to apply the rigorous standards. Charge them, recover all the money. And this time, I would hope the ax comes done, no bailout, we claim every...

ROSNER: Eliot raised an interesting question: What if the trading desk saw the due diligence documents, knew that 29 percent didn't meet the underwriting standards, knew that those were sold as securities to investors and then with that knowledge traded against that by going short these securities.

SPITZER: Let me explain what you're saying, because this is such a huge point. At the hearings and in this movie, there is an outtake of Lloyd Blankfein saying, we traded against the very documents and very mortgages that we sold to the entire investment community, meaning we shorted them, we were betting on them going down, not up. If they did that when they had knowledge from these documents that they we're now talking about, that in fact they were going to blow up because 29 percent or more were not compliant, that is trading on inside information, could create critical liability. So again, the critical issue is who saw these documents, when, what did they do with that information? This is a swamp, a cesspool and somebody should be dropping 1,000 subpoenas right now on this.

ROSNER: And by the way, this information has been sort of floating around in the ether, in the public ether, in the law enforcement ether, for the past three years and there's been...

SPITZER: Why is the SEC not jumped all over this to see if these mortgages were safe and secure...

ROSNER: True. Very good question.

SPITZER: You know, I'm just flabbergasted when, you know, you called me a while back and you had seen about these things and we began to talk. This is, it seemed to me, the Holy Grail that explains and is the blueprint for unmasking how absolutely venal the behavior was inside these investment banks.

Dylan Ratigan Show

Democratic congressman Brad Miller calls for an audit of all the loans at Fannie and Freddie to see if they were conforming to the standards necessary to get government backing.

Partial Transcript
MILLER: There are $trillion of mortgage backed securities out there that are very much in doubt. The pension funds have been pushing for some time now to get information about whether the securitizer, the big banks that bought the mortgages and put them in pools, and sold the mortgage backed securities, whether the securitizer should have to buy back the mortgages for not meeting the contractual requirements.

If those banks have to buy back that stuff it's a big liability.

RATIGAN: Let's not kid ourselves, it's lights out.

MILLER: I've pushed the Obama administration to ... find out exactly what mortgages are in those pools that Fannie and Freddie on the securities for and figure out if they have the requirements. And if they don't, to push and make the banks buy them back so that we [taxpayers] don't get stuck. ... If you do not pursue the legal rights, it's another back door subsidy, back door bailout. If we have legal righst to reduce taxpayer exposure, we need to pursue it.

I pushed secretary Geithner, I pushed the Obama administration, and I plan to keep pushing.
Miller also said another TARP will not happen, "not in this lifetime", and if banks have to take back enough mortgages the resolution authority will have to deal with it.

I would sure like to see it come to that, but it won't.

Mike "Mish" Shedlock
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Seth's Blog : Hacking education

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Hacking education

"You teach kids how to succeed when they successfully foil the educational system."

Arlo Guthrie

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SERPd Review – The New Search Marketing Social News Community

Posted: 15 Oct 2010 01:33 AM PDT

Many of us in the SEO industry bemoaned the decision of Sphinn, the only social news community for search marketers, to remove the voting option. This way a community turned to a completely editorial site. That may be not as bad for for the Sphinn team, instead of fighting spammers and voting rings they can focus on seeking out valuable stories now. On the other hand it has been a huge blow to the

global SEO village: Where can we convene virtually? On the manifold forums, Twitter or Facebook?

This opportunity was quickly seized by some of the most active Sphinn users and prolific social networkers. They created a new social news community for us out of scratch. It’s called SERPd and it seems to work well from the start from the user perspective.

I’ve been using SERPd for a few weeks now and I really like it. It’s not perfect but it offers plenty of useful options and features to enhance your industry news reading experience.

The SERPD team still struggles with some minor design issues and bugs but overall they made many things right already. Let me review these features:

Number of views

SERPd displays the number of views a submission gets. This number does not equal the number of visitors or pageviews you get on your site though. It’s most probably the number of views an item gets on itself. Despite this shortcoming this number is very helpful to determine true popularity. You can easily distinguish between artificially voted up links or those that barely made the frontpage at the last minute and the truly successful postings many people click.

Facebook, Twitter and StumbleUpon integration

SERPd also includes Facebook “likes”, a Twitter button (no number of retweets) and StumbleUpon views of the source page. This way the site is not an island but very much part of a larger social media ecosystem. You can spread the news on those other sites most people take part already. UR Shortener

Another welcome feature is the SERPd owned URL shortener – clicking on the “Tweet This!” button will result in the shortening of the URL. Clicking on the short URL will lead to the submission page on SERPd.

Upcoming and latest posts

Right now there you can see upcoming posts (those almost popular or with most votes) and latest posts (those just submitted) in the frontpage sidebar. This is quite helpful to gain a quick overview of the news.

Latest activity

Almost every action gets displayed on the FP as well, be it a vote, a comment or submission, called “bookmark” here. There still seems to be some kind of confusion here between social news and social bookmarking we’re used to from Delicious. SERPd, like Digg, doesn’t make sense as a social bookmarking service. You can’t organize or search your own bookmarks using tags for instance. SERPd is clearly a niche social news site. The latest activity on the frontpage sidebar allows you to follow a short stream of what other people did on SERPd. This helps a lot as the popular items don’t change much by now.

Follow and get followed

You can follow people on SERPd and get followers as well. You can also see the latest activity of the people you follow and your followers too. Unlike on Facebook, Twitter or the new Digg you don’t see a stream of activity but the latest action of each user you follow (or  follows you). This way you need to take a close look to see what’s new. Also the people you have followed most recently get shown o the first page then. To see your older friends you need more clicks. While following works better than on Sphinn where it didn’t make much sense at all to me at least it’s not as advanced as I’m used to these days. Hopefully SERPd will expand this concept.

Frontpage and popular stories

There is a great way to determine current and historically popular submissions by ”day, week, month, year, all time” using the according links on top. On the other hand the frontpage has the typical drawback of all social news sites: It’s not always the best content that gets popular but the content most people know about, approve of or understand.


The categories reflect a traditional spectrum of internet marketing disciplines, ranging from blogging, SEO, SEM, PPC to social media, searching and copywriting. You won’t find some of the modern disciplines like local SEO, mobile SEO, video SEO or viral marketing though.


The site title of SERPd says “Search Engine Marketing & SEO News”. This does not sound very inclusive. Only SEM/SEO news? What about internet marketing as a whole? Blogging and copywriting has been added later and the broader “social media” is there as well but it seems that most people who are not part of the SEO industry will not feel like taking part. Sphinn at least started with the broader scope of internet marketing as a whole and ended up quite limited to search marketing. The SEO niche might turn too small to gain enough momentum for SERPd.

Will SERPd stand the test of time?

Frontpage based social news sites like Digg, Mixx or Propeller all struggle while the stream based mode of social networking and non-hierarchical link sharing sites (Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr) has proven the more popular way of socializing on the Web recently. This is also one of the most important reasons why Sphinn failed.

The frontpage metaphor leads per definition to abuse. You can’t abuse Twitter or Facebook as easily as there is no central hub for the popular links. So you get only popular with your friends and followers not due to a frontpage.

The frontpage as such has been adopted from print. Today we know that there is no real frontpage on the Web. All pages of a site are landing pages and the homepage is just meant to organize information.

Said that and given the issues Sphinn had to deal with SERPd works quite well as of now. It needs more active users to stay afloat though. Right now I’m one of the most active ones just by checking it out two or three times a day. So you have the opportunity to become a valuable user people listen to without too much effort.

© SEOptimise – Download our free business guide to blogging whitepaper and sign-up for the SEOptimise monthly newsletter. SERPd Review – The New Search Marketing Social News Community

Related posts:

  1. What is Twitter? It’s Social News Networking
  2. Stop Chasing Traffic – Practice Human Powered SEO
  3. New Digg Review: Is Digg V4 the Next Twitter?

Seth's Blog : Merchants of dissatisfaction

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Merchants of dissatisfaction

Many marketers are able to sell their wares by making us dissatisfied with what we already have.

It's not that far from, "This will make you happy!" to "You're unhappy/ugly/lonely/using obsolete technology, better buy this which will help fix the problem."

In fact, if you chart consumer happiness against advertising spend, I bet you'd find a juicy relationship. If the ads exist to make us unhappy (unless we buy the product, of course), then why is it surprising that we're less happy after we encounter enough ads? Just as the goal of cable news is to make us nervous so we'll tune in for more.

Why we stand for this is a mystery to me. Photo ht.


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sâmbătă, 16 octombrie 2010

Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis

Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis

Global Trade Sags; Striking Workers Shut Down Fuel Pipeline to Paris; US Backs Off Currency Manipulation Charges

Posted: 16 Oct 2010 12:22 PM PDT

With most eyes fixed on Quantitative Easing let's take a look at some global macro events.

World Trade Sags Yet Again

In yet another sign of the slowing global economy, World Trade, Once Rising, Is Starting to Sag Again
THE rapid recovery in world trade after the financial crisis appears to have slowed this spring and summer, raising new concerns about the global economy. Exports of many countries have stabilized at levels well under the peaks reached before the crisis sent world trade into a tailspin.

The accompanying charts show the dollar volume of monthly exports reported by 16 major countries since world trade peaked in July 2008.

The latest American figure is 10 percent below the peak. That compares with figures showing falls of 20 percent or more in most of Europe.
For some interesting currency and trade charts that accompany the above article, please see World Exports Level Off.

Striking Workers Shut Down Fuel Pipeline to Paris

Reuters reports Fuel to Paris reduced as French protests escalate
Striking French oil refinery workers shut down a fuel pipeline supplying Paris and its airports on Friday and airport workers grounded some flights as protests mounted to derail an unpopular pension reform.

France's airport operator played down worries of fuel shortages, but strikes at all of the country's 12 refineries and fuel depot blockades prompted motorists to stock up on petrol.

Truck drivers also were set to join the fray as momentum built for a day of street rallies on Saturday.

The widening protests have become the biggest challenge facing President Nicolas Sarkozy, who is struggling with low popularity ratings as he tries to appease financial markets by stemming a ballooning pension shortfall.

"This movement is deeply anchored in the country," CGT union leader Bernard Thibault told LCI television. "The government is betting on this movement deteriorating, even breaking down. I think we have the means to disappoint them."

"We're filling up at petrol stations to save the fuel we have in depots as much as possible," said one trucker in Paris's southern suburb of Rungis. "But if this carries on, we won't be able to last too long either. We'll have to go fishing."

Polls show two-thirds of people oppose Sarkozy's plan to raise the minimum retirement age to 62 from 60 and change the age at which people can retire on a full pension to 67 from 65.

The government has been at loggerheads with unions for months over the issue and five rounds of strike action since the summer have disrupted public transport and air travel.
French Political Refugee Chimes In

My friend Bruno, a French political refugee has a few insights I would like to share. Bruno writes ...
Hi Mish,

As a former French, now being a political refugee in Thailand, I would like to put things into context.

First, the retirement age is not automatically 60 in France. Only someone who has contributed to a pension plan for 40 years, or more precisely 160 quarters, can retire at the age of 60. Otherwise, the official retirement age is 65.

However, considering that French people have one of the longest life expectancy in the world, it is not rare to see a father and his son both retired, one age 85 or so, and the other between 60 and 65.

Thus, it is not surprising that the pension funds are broke. Until now, the government has been paying for the difference, thanks to a 8% annual budget deficit. But this won't last and the day of reckoning is getting closer and closer.

As far as demonstrators are concerned, All of them belong to public companies: train (SNCF), metro (RATP), air traffic controllers, teachers and so on.

On top of that, they all benefit from special retirement conditions, which they are very afraid to lose. Most of them are entitled to retire between 50 and 55, depending on how terrible their working conditions are!

This too must be factored in, when figuring retirement age.

As for getting rid of these people, don't even think about it! They would not hesitate to destroy the country. The government is afraid of them.
The "PATCO" Solution

Bruno's reply was to comments I made on Tuesday in French Unions On Strike Against Pension Reform, Disrupt Rail, Air Traffic
The correct government response to this mess is to do what Reagan did to the PATCO workers, fire all the public union employees on strike and terminate their benefits.

Moreover, the French government should take this opportunity handed to them on a silver platter and go one step further to make a much needed change and dissolve all public unions. The same should happen in the US.

This would end the nonsense quickly and effectively. As in the US, there would be lines miles long to take those jobs at much lower wage and benefit levels.
Free Lunch Mentality Runs Deep

Bruno thinks the unions would destroy the country if Sarkozy tried what Reagan did. If so, France will be destroyed one way or another because this spending is not sustainable.

U.S. Backs Off Currency Dispute

In what may be pre-election jitters, or perhaps a sign that cooler heads are prevailing, U.S. backs off in currency dispute with China
The Obama administration backed away on Friday from a showdown with Beijing over the value of China's currency that would have caused new frictions between the world's only superpower and its largest creditor.

The Treasury Department delayed a much-anticipated decision on whether to label China as a currency manipulator until after the U.S. congressional elections on November 2 and a Group of 20 leaders summit in South Korea on November 11.

China left little doubt about the rancor that would ensue if it is branded as a currency manipulator -- a largely symbolic move by the United States that would mandate more consultations with Beijing but no immediate penalties.

"The Chinese yuan should not be a scapegoat for the United States' domestic economic problems," Commerce Ministry spokesman Yao Jian said on Friday.
Search for Scapegoats

Regarding scapegoats, I said the same thing on Thursday in Geithner's Search for Scapegoats Avoids the Harsh Truth No One Wants to Hear

Labeling China a currency manipulator would be a big mistake, but it is quite possible after the elections.

The open issue is whether or not Obama would sign such a measure.

Mike "Mish" Shedlock
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32% of Homeowners Expect Home Prices to Drop Next Year, Highest Short-Term Pessimism Ever; Recognition Phase Underway

Posted: 16 Oct 2010 09:34 AM PDT

Rasmussen Reports recently released an interesting survey that shows Homeowners Are More Pessimistic Than Ever About the Short-Term Housing Market
A new Rasmussen Reports survey finds that 32% expect the value of their home to decrease over the next year, the highest finding since Rasmussen Reports began asking the question regularly in December 2008.

Just 21% believe the value of their home will go up over the next year.

Looking longer term, people are feeling a bit better. Fifty-two percent (52%) of homeowners say the value of their home will increase over the next five years, the highest level of optimism measured since May.

For the second month in a row, only 55% of homeowners say their home is worth more than their mortgage. A third (33%), however, report that the mortgage is bigger than the home value.

Over half of Americans know someone who has lost their home because they could not pay their mortgage, but just 20% believe that when banks foreclose on a home, it's generally due to unfair lending practices.
Recognition Phase

Some will look at the survey results and see a contrarian indicator. I rather doubt it. I do not think we bottom until homeowners sour on long-term optimism.

Given current conditions, housing inventory, shadow inventory, another jobless "recovery", and changing social attitudes from younger generations, home prices will likely stay depressed for a while.

So instead of the survey being a contrarian indicator, I view these attitudes as part of the recognition phase. Consumers are starting to realize the economic headwinds and what that will do to housing prices in the short-term, even if they have not yet figured out the long-term demographic mess.

Time and Price is the Only Legitimate Cure

The most encouraging sign in the report is that "a majority of Americans continue to oppose any government intervention in the housing market."

The only legitimate cure for what ails housing is price and time. Prices need to fall to the point there is genuine demand. When that happens, the bottom will be in, although appreciation off that bottom will be quite slow.

In the meantime, the Fed's misguided attempt to prop up prices, in conjunction with all the interference by Congress, just stretches out the bottoming timeline.

Mike "Mish" Shedlock
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