marți, 20 martie 2012

Damn Cool Pics

Damn Cool Pics

People You Tend To Find At The Gym

Posted: 20 Mar 2012 03:56 PM PDT

We covered all types of people one might bump into at the gym. It is impossible to avoid these types of persons when going to a gym for some workout.

Via: 9Gag

The Logic of Online Lovin’: Does Online Dating Work? [infographic]

Posted: 20 Mar 2012 01:38 PM PDT

We've all seen the commercials showing happy couples who met via one of the many online dating sites. Perhaps you've even met your sweetie on one of these sites. With approximately 1,500 active dating sites in the U.S. and every site espousing their special formulas for matching people with their soulmates, it seems like it would be easy to find that special someone online.

But does online dating really make it easier to meet that one-and-only soulmate? Or is finding that special someone just a matter of being in the right place at the right time—and not necessarily online?

Click on Image to Enlarge.

Via: mbaprograms

How Sitelinks Are Quietly Costing You Conversions

How Sitelinks Are Quietly Costing You Conversions

How Sitelinks Are Quietly Costing You Conversions

Posted: 19 Mar 2012 01:52 PM PDT

Posted by psharp

“It’s official, Google is broken and my career is over. Time to hide under my desk.”

A bit extreme? Yes. But, if you saw what I saw a month ago, your reaction would’ve been exactly the same. Let me explain.

It was 5:55 pm and I was getting ready to go home after a good day’s work at Practice Fusion. “Let’s just do a quick Google search for Practice Fusion so I can give myself a high five before I head home.” That’s when the panic started.

Here’s what my non-personalized search for Practice Fusion pulled up in position #1:

Do you see what I see?! Ranking #1 for the term Practice Fusion isn’t our high-converting, very helpful homepage….it’s our rarely looked at, poor converting Executive Team page! OMG to the extreme! Plus, where the heck did our Google+ page go?

First thought: “Breathe. Crawl out from under desk.”

Second thought: “Maybe this has something to do with the fact that Google knows I’m in San Francisco.”

“Let’s change that to ‘United States’ and see what happens.”

Aww, that’s more like it. Seeing these results is like being reunited with a best friend, or some really good hot chocolate – it’s warm and soothes the soul. is back on top, and our Google+ profile is showing up. Nice.

Then I tried changing my city to Oakland, Palo Alto, Mountain View, and New York. Every time I got my good results. Why the heck was the location of San Francisco giving me such a hard time?

“Are you responsible for this Lou Seal?!”

“Okay. Good.”

Still in a bit of disbelief I wandered over to Google Analytics to check a few things. First, I wanted to see where natural search visitors to our Executive Team page were coming from. Were most of them from San Francisco?

Short answer: yup.

Next, I wanted to see if the natural search visitors to the Executive Team page were coming in from the Practice Fusion keyword. It turns out that ALL visitors to the Executive Team page came in by searching for Practice Fusion.

Clearly, something is happening. Or, as Martin Lawrence would say…

Normally I’m all for Google local results, but this just seems wrong. Why would someone in San Francisco want to see our Executive Team page over our home page? It seems like a really bad user experience, especially since the Executive Team page has less authority (by far) than our home page.

Executive Page

Home Page

Why was Google doing this? Was it something I said?

Apparently, Google thinks that the Executive Team page will be a good result for people in San Francisco. But, why do they think this? The answer to this question is the same as the answer to “How many licks does it take to get to the center of a Tootsie Roll pop?”

“The world may never know.”

However, after a lot of research, here’s my best guess. And, believe me, it’s a bit surprising.

Under certain conditions, Google will swap a sitelink for the main search result.

Yup, I said it.

Here’s how I tested it.

On February 7th I went into the “Sitelinks” section of Google Webmaster Tools and demoted the Executive Team page as a sitelink for our homepage URL. I was working a hunch.

After a few weeks went by, I looked at the results.

Visits to the Executive Team Page from San Francisco

As you can see, about a week and a half after demoting the Executive Team page from sitelinks, it no longer shows up as the first result (even if you’re in San Francisco) and the visits to that page go to zero.

This must mean that Google feels comfortable bumping a sitelink up to the main search result!

But why bump up the Executive Team Page? It’s only a guess, but it looks like it’s because of the sites linking to that page. Of the external sites with links pointing to the Executive Team page, 60% of them have “San Francisco” at least once on the page. Of the sites linking to our home page, only 29% of them mention “San Francisco”. Perhaps this is influencing Google.


  • Under certain conditions, Google will bump a sitelink up to the main search result. Potentially, and sneakily, costing you conversions.
  • One of those conditions might be the content of the sites linking to you and the location of the person searching.


Look in analytics to find the landing pages for your branded searches. If they’re not going to your home page, it might have something to do with your sitelinks. Check it out, you might just save yourself some conversions.

Sign up for The Moz Top 10, a semimonthly mailer updating you on the top ten hottest pieces of SEO news, tips, and rad links uncovered by the Moz team. Think of it as your exclusive digest of stuff you don't have time to hunt down but want to read!

What Do 20.4 Million Women Have in Common?

The White House Your Daily Snapshot for
Tuesday, March 20, 2012

What Do 20.4 Million Women Have in Common?

President Obama’s health care law requires that new health insurance plans cover preventive services with no co-pay or deductible. In the last 18 months, a new provision of the Affordable Care Act has done just that for approximately 20.4 million women with private health insurance.

Read more about how the Affordable Care Act protects women and their health care.

By the Numbers 20.4

In Case You Missed It

Here are some of the top stories from the White House blog:

On Nowruz, President Obama Speaks to the Iranian People
Today is a holiday that reminds us of the rich culture of the Iranian people, and the extraordinary contributions that they have made to human history. Yet even as holidays like this underscore the connections that we share as human beings, the Government of Iran is going to great lengths to isolate the Iranian people by cutting them off from the outside world.

Using Technology to Help Homeless Veterans
More than 67,000 veterans spent one night homeless, living in emergency shelters, transitional housing units or on the streets  in 2011, according to last year's "point in time" count conducted by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development in coordination with the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA).

First Question 3/19/12: Jay Carney Answers Your Questions on Energy and the Affordable Care Act
White House Press Secretary Jay Carney responds to questions submitted by citizens through Twitter and Google+ on gas prices, tax breaks for oil companies and the Supreme Court and the Affordable Care Act. Check out the video.

Today's Schedule

All times are Eastern Standard Time (EST).

8:30 AM: The Vice President hosts a St. Patrick’s Day breakfast in honor of Irish Prime Minister Enda Kenny

9:15 AM: The President receives the Presidential Daily Briefing

10:10 AM: The President meets with Irish Prime Minister Enda Kenny; the Vice President also attends

11:15 AM: Briefing by Press Secretary Jay Carney

12:00 PM: The President, the Vice President and Irish Prime Minister Enda Kenny attend a St. Patrick’s Day lunch

4:30 PM: the President and the Vice President meet with Defense Secretary Leon Panetta

7:00 PM: The President and the First Lady host a St. Patrick’s Day reception; the Vice President also attends Indicates that the event will be live-streamed on

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