luni, 17 februarie 2014

SES London – Day Three

SES London – Day Three

Link to White Noise

SES London – Day Three

Posted: 17 Feb 2014 02:51 AM PST

Missed the other days of SES? Read about day one here and day two here!


And so to day three of SES London 2014. Day three started with a headache, probably as a result of all of the ‘networking’ I did the night before. Determined to move on with the day regardless, here are my notes from the third and final day at SES…

Assess. Diagnose. Fix: How to Become a Leading SEO Mechanic – Andre Alpar & David Naylor

Key takeaway – You need a human to be looking at your links

Andre Alpar and David Naylor delivered one of the highlights of SES London 2014. Alpar opened proceedings by explaining that your website is like an onion. His analogy was in reference to the layers of content your site has but one plucky tweeter highlighted that it also works because your website can sometimes make you cry as well. Well played indeed.

Back to the point being made. Alpar explained that your web strategy should split content into three ‘layers’:

  1. Content for users and internal linking (noindex / follow)
  2. Content for users, internal linking and SEO (index / follow)
  3. SEO oriented landing pages (index / follow)

The idea behind Alpar’s thinking is that as a website owner, you should identify content that isn’t any use for a search engine to crawl. By taking this approach you can ensure that search engines crawl more of the important content and less of the content that wastes time.

Next up was David Naylor who focused heavily on links and how they can cause trouble. He explained that unless you are checking your links almost every day you could be missing negative links pointing to your site. Naylor also proposed that links need to be checked by a human (ie. you can’t rely on metrics alone). Naylor explained that if a link pointing to your site is not providing at least some traffic to your site on a quarterly basis you probably don’t want it in your link profile. A case strengthened when you consider the user-flow information Google gets from Chrome users and what links they actually click on.

Naylor also had some tips on tools to use including a new tool called Botify which, among other things, can crawl your website and give you in-depth page speed information for the entire site. Naylor described it as the “tool of the future, without doubt”; high praise indeed.

Driving Business Value with a Social and Content Master Plan – Heather Robinson & Bas van den Beld

Key takeaway – Content and social all about timing (not the first time this has come up at SES!)

This session was another that focused on content and its relationship with social. Heather Robinson was first up and like other speakers from the past two days confirmed that timing really is everything.

Robinson used an example from personal experience to highlight this. Explaining how she published a Facebook status which essentially told her friends she was enjoying a cup of tea, Robinson pointed out that the update had become her most ‘liked’. Robinson conceded that the message itself was of no real use to anyone but what did work was the timing. The message was sent at a time of day when her contacts would have been scrolling through their feeds and as such was in the right place at the right time.

Bas van den Beld was next on stage who had the message that good content marketing is good storytelling. Bas explained how a story need not be a long written piece of content but could come in the form of a simple image. Bas’s other key message was that you should stay away from talking about yourself; instead focus your effort on creating content about others.

Growing Your Business With Winning Mobile Strategies – Matt Brown & Ade Oshineye

Key takeaway – Keep the same user experience across different contexts

This was another session that addressed the ever growing importance of mobile when considering your digital strategy. It was kicked off by Matt Brown who tackled the issue of ‘showrooming’. Showrooming is the act of browsing for products in physical shops before consulting your smartphone to find a better price. It is a practice that has presented obvious problems for shop owners and Matt Brown explored various ways to turn the problem into an advantage. Among the solutions Brown suggested was to offer exclusive deals to users who ‘check-into’ a shop on their mobile; a little thin on the ground in terms of true creativity but an important topic none-the-less.

Next up was Ade Oshineye who is a Developer Advocate at Google. Oshineye gave a talk highlighting the joys of a user experience that remains consistent across different devices and contexts. An example he used was with music service Deezer which allows its users to log-into the service on a computer and then ask the website to begin playing music on a different device. The takeaway was that users will begin expecting digital services to remain consistent across all of their devices and within different contexts. In short this means that mobile is important…but you knew that anyway.

Filthy Linking Rich: Driving the Right Traffic to your Site – Kristjan Mar Hauksson & Paul Madden

Key takeaway – Beware risky links!

The final session of SES 2014 was all to do with links. Kristjan Mar Hauksson started things by putting forward his case for the power of ‘earned links’. Hauksson suggested that links need not be actively built but instead should be the bi-product of a genuinley good piece of marketing. Among his examples Hauksson showed the Vovlo advert starring Jean Claude Van Damme doing the ‘epic splits’. Hauksson explained that the campaign had not been created with the aim of building links but despite that fact it had proven very successful at gaining links (see below).

Volvo Links

SES London 2014 was finished off by Paul Madden who described himself as a ‘carbon neutral’ link builder; with recent changes in search he now removes as many links as he builds. Madden spoke from a position of real authority on link building and amongst the advice that was on offer was the need to understand how to spot ‘risky’ links. Madden explained that risky links can be identified in a number of ways including commercial anchor text; he suggested that this could well be something Google looks at when reviewing links.

Madden also suggested that there is the potential for your website to be “guilty by association” if it is connected to bad sites either upstream or downstream. The other key message to come out of the final session at SES London 2014 was the importance of keeping your best content on your own website.

Madden’s talk also contained perhaps the best story from this year’s conference; there is a directory website owner in India who owns hundreds of directory sites. A few years ago his websites would charge $0.50 to add your listing to a directory. Following algorithm changes relating to link quality by Google the website owner now charges $5.00 to remove your website from the directory. A tale that summarises the shape of the industry and highlights just how important it is to approach SEO and link building from a position of care and with an eye for the highest of quality.


A fantastic time was had by all at SES London 2014 and my notebook took a real hit. The general messages coming out of SES this year were that:

  1. Lots of people are thinking of ways to include social in their digital strategies
  2. Mobile is important, either accept it or miss out
  3. Cleaning up bad links is as important (if not more important) as building links
  4. SEO people can stay out late and still turn up and speak at a conference with authority the next day

This concludes my summary write up of SES week in London, but fear not, my notebook is bulging with blog post ideas so watch this space.

The post SES London – Day Three appeared first on White Noise.

TrueView, or not TrueView: That is the question.

Posted: 17 Feb 2014 01:36 AM PST


I am often asked by clients, 'What's the big deal with Video advertising?' Well, given that by the end 2013 22% of the global population already owned a smartphone and 6% had a tablet device (, I'd say it's pretty crucial. Mobile video has grown rapidly in the past few years, but 2014 will be the year that it explodes.

Why? The obvious answer is greater smartphone penetration, supported by the unveiling and current rollout of various 4G networks. Whether it be walking the dog whilst checking your bank account, or writing a blog on the bus on the way to work, we are turning to mobile devices more and more to help us increase efficiency in our already busy lifestyles.

According to Cisco, more consumers in emerging market places are acquiring handsets, bandwidth is improving, and 37% of consumer media consumption already takes place on mobile devices. It’s a trend that looks likely to continue into 2014 and beyond, with Cisco predicting mobile video will increase 8-fold by 2018, accounting for over 70% of total mobile data traffic by the end of their forecasted period.

Due to the increased penetration and usage of smartphones, smartphones are expected to account for 66% of mobile data traffic by 2018, while tablets will exceed 15% of global mobile data traffic by 2016.

So, yes, a pretty big deal.

So what is TrueView exactly?

TrueView is a Video Advertising platform brought to you by Google. TrueView ads give viewers choice and control over which ads they watch and when. This is good news for the client, as they're only charged when a viewer decides that their ad is of interest and actually watches the ad. As such, it’s easy to increase or decrease your budget according to what you want your ad to achieve, primarily engaging people who are interested in your message. As your view count goes up, you know that you are reaching those viewers who are truly engaged.

There are 3 ad formats available for TrueView advertisers, allowing you to choose the format that works best for you: TrueView in-stream, in-slate, in-search and in-display (I will go through each format in greater detail further down this post).

Does TrueView video advertising work?

Some advertisers have achieved up to 4% click-through rates with in-stream TrueView ads. For advertisers who are more performance-oriented, we've seen some campaigns achieve CPAs that are in line with what you might expect from search advertising.

TrueView video advertisements give viewers choice and control over which ads they watch, and when.

In-Search ads, why they work In-Stream ads, why they work In-Display ads, why they work

Due to this ability to skip ads, you are only paying for ads that are of interest to people when they watch the ad. This way you are not wasting budget by advertising to people who are not interested in your message.

You can focus on the people your ad is aimed at via who they are, where they are and what they're interested in – for example, females aged 40-60 in London who enjoy travelling to Europe.

With the increased availability in full-browser mobile phones and widely available YouTube app, 25% of all YouTube views originate from a mobile device.

With TrueView, you can build brand awareness and a loyal following. Your video ads can drive video shares, channel subscriptions and create opportunities to communicate with your customers in a new and more engaging display format.

According to Google, the owners of YouTube, eight out of ten viewers prefer TrueView to other in-stream video ad formats. The company also maintains that because viewers can skip ads or select the ads they want to watch, the advertiser saves money and reaches a more targeted audience.

An online video analysis and news website,, reported that abandonment rate for skip-able pre-roll (In-stream) ads was 18% lower than the rate for ads that don’t offer that option. The site also reported that almost 50% of viewers watch pre-roll ads to the end, even if they have the option to skip the commercial.

With AdWords for video reporting, we're able to evaluate how engaged viewers are with your video ads, where they choose to watch your videos (device, location for example), and when they drop off from watching your content. This will enable us to optimise the target demographics, remove ill-performing videos etc.

So let's take a look at the available video formats and how they may work for you.

As I mentioned earlier in the post, there are three formats available.

Firstly, In-Search video ads format:

This ad format was previously known as the search ads portion of “YouTube Promoted Videos”, this format lets you promote a video next to search results on YouTube.


Your video’s keywords will highlight your video to YouTube viewers who may be interested in your content. This format will include a 640×90 Rectangle or 300×70 Small Rectangle depending on the ad’s position in search results.

Your ads will appear on the YouTube Search results page and you will only be charged when viewers begin watching your video.


Secondly, In-Stream video ads format:

This is the ideal format for video content you would like to promote before short or long form videos on YouTube and the Google Display Network. Your ad can appear on YouTube watch pages and on video published pages that are within the Google Display Network.



Viewers have the option to skip the ad after five seconds, or continue watching.

For ads that are 30 seconds or longer, you’ll be charged when the viewer reaches the 30 second point of the video. For videos shorter than 30 seconds, you’ll be charged when the viewer completes the video. If the viewer decides to skip the ad at the 5 second threshold you will not be charged.


And finally,

In-Display video ads format:

There are two video ad preview unit sizes available in this format. You can choose whether the video plays within the ad unit, or when a viewer clicks the unit to watch the video on its YouTube Watch page.


Use this format to promote a video next to YouTube videos or other website content across the Google Display Network. The appearance of the ad format will vary, depending on which ad sizes and display formats content publishers on the Google Display Network support. For example, YouTube is a key content publisher within the network and these ads will function and appear in the same way across the entire YouTube website.

TrueView in-display videos will only appear on YouTube Videos (Watch pages on YouTube) and Watch pages on video publishers of the Google Display Network. You will only be charged when viewers choose to click to watch your ad.

Ok, so what are the costs of using TrueView?

Many (if not most) business' are often concerned with video advertising, primarily their perception of the cost. So what is the answer? Well, for the clients I work with, I recommend TrueView, as it gives the client the ability to target the audience they want and provides viewers with choice and control over which ads they watch, and when. Therefore controlling the client's ad costs and reducing the chance of a wasted CPV (cost-per-view) bid.

What we know as a Cost Per Click (CPC) in AdWords Text Ads, is known as a CPV bid in TrueView. You enter the highest price that you want to pay for a view during the setup process of the AdWords for video campaign. Your bid is called your maximum CPV bid, or simply “max CPV”. This bid applies at the campaign level, but you can also set a CPV bid per ad format, similar to that of Text Ads at AdGroup level. Your maximum CPV bid is the most that you’ll be charged for a video view, but you won’t always be charged this amount. The final amount that you actually pay for a view is called the actual CPV. The actual CPV is often less than the max CPV because, as with the AdWords Text Ad auctions, you pay no more than what’s needed to rank higher than the advertiser immediately below you.

Display ads traditionally charge you for impressions but with CPV bidding, you won’t be charged for just an impression or a video interaction click on your ad. For example, if you think it’s worth 25p to have someone watch your video, you can set £0.25 as the max CPV. For an in-search or in-display TrueView video ad, you’ll pay a maximum of £0.25 when users begin watching your video. For in-stream, you’ll pay the maximum CPV when the user watches 30 seconds or sees the end of the ad, whichever comes first. You pay nothing if they don’t initiate the video, or drop off from the video before the minimum amount of time passes.

The max CPV that you set helps to determine your ad’s position among other ads on search results pages in the Search Network (including YouTube search results) and Display Network pages (which include YouTube as a publisher). The higher the bid and the more relevant the ad to the viewer, the more chance you have of receiving a click and increased CTR.

In both cases, a higher CPV will improve your ad’s chances of appearing, and increase your ad’s chances of appearing in a higher position compared to other advertisers’ ads.

Can you forecast costs using the TrueView platform?

Yes, forecasted CPV bids are produced when we set the targeting options for the particular video. But, as with all auctions, these are only estimations. More accurate forecasting becomes available once historical data becomes available.

I hope you have found this post useful. What are your experiences with video advertising? I’d love to hear your comments and suggestions.


The post TrueView, or not TrueView: That is the question. appeared first on White Noise.

Seth's Blog : Too stupid to know better?


Too stupid to know better?

Frederick Taylor, father of 'scientific management', testifying before Congress a hundred years ago:

'I can say, without the slightest hesitation, that the science of handling pig-iron is so great that the man who is ... physically able to handle pig-iron and is sufficiently phlegmatic and stupid to choose this for his occupation is rarely able to comprehend the science of handling pig-iron.'

If you treat your employees like mushrooms (keep them in the dark and regularly throw crap on them), it's entirely likely you will get precisely the work you deserve in return.



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duminică, 16 februarie 2014

Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis

Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis

Japanese GDP and Exports Seriously Underperform Expectations

Posted: 16 Feb 2014 05:53 PM PST

The huge string of unexpectedly sour economic data continues to pour in. Add Japan to the spotlight. The BBC reports Japan's Quarterly Growth Disappoints Ahead of Sales Tax Hike.
Japan's economy grew less than expected last year, despite forecasts it would benefit from a jump in spending ahead of a sales tax increase in April.

Gross domestic product rose by 1% on an annualized basis in the three-month period to December, compared to market estimates of a 2.8% expansion.

This was due to weaker private consumption and capital spending, as well as lower export figures.

Mr Abe also pushed through a controversial sales tax increase last year, in an attempt to raise funds to reduce the country's large public debt.

However, Japan's GDP is forecast to shrink in the April-to-June period because of the increase in the consumption tax to 8% from 5%.
The global economy is seriously slowing just as Abe pushed through a massive income tax hike. Yet people still sing the praises of Abenomics.

I fully expect Abe to step up to the plate with further measures to sink the yen in still more futile efforts to boost exports.

For other "unexpected" news, please see ...

The unexpected now hits Japan.  Is Japan having bad weather too?

Mike "Mish" Shedlock

Two-Week Price Inflation in Argentina hits 30%, US Products Lead the Way; Currency Devaluations Hit P&G Earnings

Posted: 16 Feb 2014 08:27 AM PST

Prices of many goods in Argentina soared in the past two weeks. US brands are at the forefront of the action. Via translation from Lanacion, In two weeks, Warehouse Prices Rose 30%, with mayonnaise, cookies, and coffee leading the way. Officially, prices are up 3.3%. In reality, prices are up 30%.

According to official data, the price of food and beverages was up 3.3%. A tour of various supermarkets in the city of Buenos Aires, found escalating inflation is much higher in stock products, perfumery and milk.

Here are some price increases from the article. Please use relative price increases. They use the $ symbol for pesos.
  • Hellmann's mayonnaise in late January was on the shelves at $10.40 is now $13.55.
  • A can of peaches last month cost about $20 and yesterday were above $26.
  • Coffee 500g [about 1.1 pounds] rose 16% from $33.69 to $38.99.
  • Express cookies went from $15.39 to $20.39.
  • Hamburger buns increased from $13.06 to $14.19.
  • Sancor yogurt went from $15.25 to $ 17.99
  • La Serenissima Long life milk went from $10.7 to $11.59.
  • Shampoo went from $15.77 to $19.
  • Colgate Triple Action toothpaste 180 grams [6.3 ounces], went from $15.70 to $19.96. 
  • Two-liter bottles of water rose from $8.25 to $9.43

Currency Devaluations Hit P&G Earnings

Inquiring minds may be wondering how this affects earnings of US multinational corporations.

Forbes explains Venezuela, Argentina Currency Devaluations Hit P&G Expected Sales And Earnings.
Retail investors aren't the only ones suffering from the woes of the emerging markets: Procter & Gamble PG +2.06% is feeling the pain of foreign currencies, too. Due to devaluations in currencies like the Venezuelan bolivar, Argentine peso and Turkish lira, to name a few, the consumer product giant said that it is lowering its outlook for its full-year 2014 sales and earnings.

P&G, which in January announced second quarter earnings results that were already feeling the ill effects of foreign exchange rates, said Tuesday afternoon that it would incur a charge between $230 million and $280 million, or 8 cents to 10 cents per share, a one-time charge resulting from revaluing its Venezuelan balance sheet in the wake of a change in the way the Venezuelan bolivar is valuated. Venezuela uses a de-facto dual-exchange rate system, but policy changes recently enacted by the Venezuelan government are affecting the way that certain imports — i.e, certain P&G products — are exchanged.

Specifically, the policy changes dictate that the state-run currency rate between the bolivare and the dollar is now 11.4 bolivares per one U.S. dollar; P&G, meanwhile, had calculated the value of its foreign transactions using the other, 6.3-bolivare-per-USD rate, thus the near-$300 million charge P&G now expects to incur on its third quarter balance sheet.

In reevaluating its outlook, P&G also took into consideration the recent devaluation of the Argentine peso, Turkish lira, South African rand, Russian ruble, Ukrainian hryvnia and Brazilian real. Of the group, the Argentine peso has proven the biggest problem, declining 20% to 8 pesos per dollar.

All told, P&G's full-year sales growth forecast is 2%, down from a prior range of 3% to 4% for fiscal year 2014. The company also lowered its earnings-per-share growth forecast to 3% to 5%, down from prior guidance of 5% to 7% growth.
Mike "Mish" Shedlock 

Seth's Blog : I'm an elitist


I'm an elitist

(You might be as well).

The market isn't always right. It's merely the market.

Mass appeal is not always better than doing something that matters.

Increasing shareholder value is not the primary purpose of a corporation.

News with a lot of clicks isn't always important news.

Selling out to get popular is selling yourself short.

Lowering the price at the expense of sustainability is a fool's game.

Only producing tools that don't need an instruction manual takes power away from those prepared to learn how to use it. And it's okay to write a book that some people won't finish, or a video that some don't understand.

Giving people what they want isn't always what they want.

Curators create value. We need more curators, and not from the usual places.

Creating and reinforcing cultural standards and institutions that elevate us is more urgent than ever.

We write history about people who were brave enough to lead, not those that figured out how to pander to the crowd.

Elites aren't defined by birth or wealth, they are people with a project, individuals who want to do work they believe in, folks seeking to make an impact. Averaging down everything we do so that it becomes cheap and ubiquitous and palatable to all is a hollow goal.



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sâmbătă, 15 februarie 2014

Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis

Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis

Irony of the Day: Venezuela President Calls for "Protest March Against Fascism"

Posted: 15 Feb 2014 06:33 PM PST

In yet another episode of truth is stranger than fiction, via translation from El Economista, I present "Venezuela President Calls for Protest March Against Fascism"
The president of Venezuela, Nicolas Maduro, has again invited his people to take to the streets Saturday in a march "for peace and against fascism."

Mature blames his opponents for violence in recent demonstrations, in which there were three deaths last Wednesday.

The president stated that violent demonstrations are part of a plan to end its power, similar to what occurred recently in Ukraine.

Maduro is calling for a march of all social policies for peace and against fascism forces. "I call all the people of Caracas to join the protest march against fascism , against violence, against the coup," said the president.

Maduro made ​​the remarks in a meeting with his Cabinet that could be followed on radio and television all Venezuelans. The President took the opportunity to launch an attack on the opposition, accusing it of organizing the violent events that have taken place this week in order to overthrow him.

He said that behind these movements are "the same financiers who live by their imperialist policy to penetrate, control the world."

Maduro said that justice will be done and those responsible will be caught "one by one " and called on the opposition to "take responsibility without blackmail, with courage."

Am I mistaken or did Venezuela president Nicolas Maduro just call for a protest march against himself.

Mike "Mish" Shedlock  

Mistrust Leads to Shocking Union Defeat in Tennessee

Posted: 15 Feb 2014 10:42 AM PST

Efforts by the United Auto Workers to unionize a Tennessee Volkswagen plant failed today in spite of the fact that Volkswagen chose to cooperate closely with the UAW. Volkswagen allowed UAW organizers to campaign inside the factory—a step rarely seen in this or other industries.

Mistrust Sinks Deal

By a vote of 712 to 626 the UAW Suffers Big Loss at Tennessee VW Plant.
The United Auto Workers union suffered a crushing defeat Friday, falling short in an election in which it seemed to have a clear path to organizing workers at Volkswagen AG VOW3.XE +1.10% 's plant in Chattanooga, Tenn.

The setback is a bitter defeat because the union had the cooperation of Volkswagen management and the aid of Germany's powerful IG Metall union, yet it failed to win a majority among the plants 1,550 hourly workers.

"If the union can't win [in Chattanooga], it can't win anywhere," said Steve Silvia, a economics and trade professor at American University who has studied labor unions.

The UAW said that "outside interference" affected the outcome of the vote. "Unfortunately, politically motivated third parties threatened the economic future of this facility and the opportunity for workers to create a successful operating model that that would grow jobs in Tennessee," Gary Casteel, the union official in charge of the VW campaign, said in a statement.

The Chattanooga workers had been courted steadily for nearly two years by both the UAW and the IG Metall union, which pushed Volkswagen management to open talks with the UAW and to refrain from trying to dissuade American workers from union representation.

The election was also extraordinary because Volkswagen choose to cooperate closely with the UAW. Volkswagen allowed UAW organizers to campaign inside the factory—a step rarely seen in this or other industries.

"This is like an alternate universe where everything is turned upside down," said Cliff Hammond, a labor lawyer at Nemeth Law PC in Detroit, who represents management clients but previously worked at the Service Employees International Union. "Usually, companies fight" union drives, he added.

The union's loss adds to a long list of defeats for organized labor in recent years. States like Wisconsin enacted laws that cut the power of public-employee unions, and other states, including Michigan, home of the UAW, adopted right-to-work laws that allow workers to opt out of union membership if they choose.

The vote was held amid public campaigning against the union by Republican politicians, including Gov. Bill Haslam, and conservative activist groups. Conservative political groups, including one backed by antitax activist Grover Norquist, put up anti-union billboards around Chattanooga. A small but determined group of workers who oppose the UAW also worked to tilt their colleagues against the union, an effort that ultimately proved successful.

"I'm thrilled for the employees and thrilled for the community," Tennessee Republican Sen. Bob Corker said in a telephone interview, adding that he's "sincerely overwhelmed" by the result.

"This vote was essentially gift-wrapped for the union by Volkswagen," Mr. Hammond, the labor lawyer, said.

The chief executive of the plant, Frank Fischer, said in a statement that Volkswagen will continue to search for a method of establishing a works council.

The works council concept also proved a winner for some Chattanooga workers. Jonathan Walden, 39 years old, earns about $19.50 an hour—about $4 an hour more than starting workers at GM, Ford and Chrysler—but he voted for the union because he wants a works council. "I don't know why more companies don't do this," said Mr. Walden, who works in the paint shop.

But more workers were persuaded to vote against the union by the UAW's past of bitter battles with management, costly labor contracts and complex work rules. "If the union comes in, we'll have a divided work force," said Cheryl Hawkins, 44, an assembly line worker with three sons. "It will ruin what we have."

Other UAW opponents said they dislike the union's support of politicians who back causes like abortion rights and gun control that rub against the conservative bent of Southern states like Tennessee. Still others objected to paying dues to a union from Detroit that is aligned with Volkswagen competitors like GM and Ford.

"I just don't trust them," said Danielle Brunner, 23, who has worked at the plant for nearly three years and makes about $20 an hour—about $5 an hour more than new hires at GM, Ford and Chrysler plants.

The no-UAW vote raises questions on how the union proceeds now in separate efforts to organize other foreign-owned plants in the South, and whether international cooperation can provide any additional leverage for labor unions.
Interference Both Ways

Outside interference did not sink the vote. Were it not for inside interference there would not even have been a vote.

Ultimately, the vote failed because of mistrust of unions. That mistrust is certainly well-placed.

I can certainly understand why the company and employees would want a work council. Cooperation from employees can make all kinds of improvements. But why do you need a union to have a work council?

Mike "Mish" Shedlock 

Calling on Congress to Raise the Minimum Wage



Weekly Address: Calling on Congress to Raise the Minimum Wage

This week, President Obama took action to lift more workers' wages by requiring that federal contractors pay their employees a fair wage of at least $10.10 an hour. In this week's address, he highlights that executive action and calls on Congress to pass a bill to raise the federal minimum wage for all workers.

Click here to watch this week's Weekly Address.

Watch: President Obama's Weekly Address


  Top Stories

Bonjour, President Hollande

On Tuesday, President Obama, Vice President Biden, and the First Lady welcomed French President François Hollande to the White House -- the first state visit by a French president in nearly 20 years.

Image and tweet of President Obama welcoming President Hollande of France.


The President Uses His Pen, Raises the Wage

Instead of continuing to wait for Congress to take action, President Obama is doing what he can to help raise working Americans' wages.

Tweet and image: Join the rest of the country. Say yes. Give America a raise. -President Obama

In his 2014 State of the Union address, President Obama announced his intention to move forward using his own authority and raise the minimum wage for workers on new and replacement Federal service contracts to $10.10 an hour. On Wednesday, the President used his pen and signed an Executive Order making this vision a reality.


Step into the Kitchen

On Monday, Chefs Cris Comerford and Bill Yosses took over the White House Instagram account to take you into the kitchen ahead of Tuesday's state dinner in honor of French President Hollande.

Instagram image: Sugar roses and fleur-de-lis, the official flowers of the United States and France.

For behind-the-scenes video from the kitchen and the official menu for the French State Dinner, keep reading.


"That's a Tasty Chip"

You know that feeling when you really appreciate a good snack? Turns out, the President does, too.

Video player: West Wing Week preview

As you can see in this week's West Wing Peek, while touring the Michigan Biotechnology Institute last Friday, President Obama viewed examples of a highly innovative potato breeding project, aimed at increasing nutritional value and disease resistance. That meant: potato chips!


ACA Valentines

What better way to celebrate Valentine's Day than making sure your friends, family, and loved ones are covered?

Tweet: ACA Valentines


West Wing Week 2/14/14

As always, to see even more of this week's events, watch this week's episode of West Wing Week.

Video player: West Wing Week



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Seth's Blog : Modesty and hubris


Modesty and hubris

When you're seeking to succeed with your art, it's helpful to see how those before you have done it. And so the conference was invented. The ones where recently successful internet entrepreneurs tell their stories are particularly popular right now, but you can certainly find designers, novelists and others that are generous enough to talk about how they succeeded.

Some speakers at these events are brimming with false modesty. "I'm incredibly successful and happy, it happened really fast and I have no idea what I'm doing." The appeal here is the same that works for the lottery. Someone has to win, it might as well be you, it's easy, buy a ticket.

Some speakers, on the other hand, bring false hubris to the table. "This is incredibly difficult, I worked harder than you can imagine, and only a perfect storm of effort and connections that were created directly by me led to this moment."

The truth, of course, is a combination of both. "I worked really hard, back against the wall, thinking I was going to fail, almost did, and I got lucky." And that's like hearing that there's a lottery and the tickets are very expensive.

But it's true.



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