luni, 12 decembrie 2011

Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis

Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis

Cameron Attempts to Snatch Defeat from Jaws of Victory; Euro Project Intellectually, Morally, Democratically Bankrupt

Posted: 12 Dec 2011 08:52 PM PST

It is disgusting to see UK Prime Minister David Cameron all but throw away the victory he achieved when he vetoed the Merkozy treaty.

Please consider these sniveling, apologetic snips from the New York Times article Cameron Says His Veto on Europe Treaty Protects Britain
Mr. Cameron, a Conservative, seemed at pains to offer soothing words to those afraid that he had so alienated his European allies that Britain was bound to leave the European Union altogether.

"Britain remains a full member of the E.U., and the events of the last week do nothing to change that," Mr. Cameron said. "Our membership of the E.U. is vital to our national interest. We are a trading nation, and we need the single market for trade, investment and jobs."

Olli Rehn, the European commissioner for economic and monetary affairs, said Britain could hardly wall off its financial industry, the bustling City of London. "I regret very much that the United Kingdom was not willing to join the new fiscal compact, as much for the sake of Europe and its crisis response as for the sake of British citizens and their perspectives," Mr. Rehn said. "We want a strong and constructive Britain in Europe, and we want Britain to be at the center of Europe, and not on the sidelines. If this move was intended to prevent bankers and financial corporations in the City from being regulated, that is not going to happen."

Mr. Rehn also offered a reminder that Britain had approved "the six-pack of new rules tightening fiscal and economic surveillance" that goes into force on Tuesday. "The U.K.'s excessive deficit and debt will be the subject of surveillance like other member states," he said, "even if the enforcement mechanism mostly applies to the euro area member states."

Mr. Cameron faced a few gentle questions about whether to hold a national referendum on Britain's membership in the European Union, something the anti-Europe faction dearly wants, he batted them briskly away.
Threats From Rehn

Clearly Olli Rehn will stop at nothing to get what he wants, and by sucking up to the EU, Cameron practically admits he is willing to sell the UK down the river next time, for a few useless promises.

UK not to Blame

Telegraph writer Boris Johnson nails it with We're right about the euro - that's why Europe is angry
I know some people are unsettled to see all these powerful Europeans getting so very, very cross. Angela Merkel has said that we weren't even negotiating properly. Nicolas Sarkozy can hardly bring himself to mention Britain by name and has been filmed apparently refusing to shake David Cameron's hand. Across the Continent, the papers are full of wrathful headlines about the general arrogance and stupidity of the Englanders/Anglais/Inglesi. I watched some poor Lib Dem Euro MP who seemed about to explode with disgust at the UK's handling of the recent summit.

And there must be many people in this country who find themselves a bit spooked by the vitriol of the criticism. For some days, the BBC has been telling us in sepulchral tones that we are "isolated" and "marginalised" – as if a decision had been taken to abandon us in our misty island like a bunch of woad-painted savages.

Now look. It wasn't the Anglo-Saxon bankers who caused the trouble in the eurozone, Sarkozy mon ami. It was the utter failure of the eurozone countries – starting with France, incidentally – to observe the Maastricht rules. It was the refusal of the Greeks to control their spending or to reform their social security systems. In Greece and Italy, the democratic leaders have been effectively deposed in the hope of appeasing the markets and saving the euro; and what makes the leaders of the eurozone countries even more furious is that it doesn't seem to be working.

They blame David Cameron for "vetoing" a new EU treaty, when really he has done no such thing. It is perfectly open to the other EU countries now to go ahead and form their own new fiscal rules. If they want, they can decide to create an economic government of Europe. They may decide that now is the time – even though electorates are already feeling alienated from the political process – to hand sensitive decisions on tax and spending to unelected bureaucrats. It strikes me that this would be an amazingly dangerous thing to do, since the peoples of this Supra National And Fiscal Union (Snafu) would rapidly discover that they could no longer remove their government from office. I doubt very much that it would work, since there seems no particular reason why national governments should respect a collection of new "binding" rules any more than they respected the "binding" rules of Maastricht – not unless there is some secret proposal to enforce them by violence with a Euro-army.

But even if the Snafu has little prospect of success, there is no reason for David Cameron to commit this country to a project that is intellectually, morally and democratically bankrupt.
Intellectually, Morally and Democratically Bankrupt

Indeed the Euro project is exactly as Boris Johnson describes. And that is precisely why Cameron should have gone on the offensive and put membership in the EU to popular vote instead of making sniveling, apologetic statements to appease Merkel and Sarkozy,  both of whom will be gone after the next set of elections.

Mike "Mish" Shedlock
Click Here To Scroll Thru My Recent Post List

Hussman as Short-Term Bearish as He Gets; What About the Long-Term Picture? Three Key Points

Posted: 12 Dec 2011 11:31 AM PST

I cannot recall a time when fund manager John Hussman as short-term bearish as he is now.

The title of his recent article says it all: Hard-Negative
With the exception of extreme market conditions (see Warning- Examine All Risk Exposures , and Extreme Conditions and Typical Outcomes ), I try not to wave my arms around about near-term market risks, but I think it's important to cut straight to the chase here. The present market environment warrants unusual concern, in my view. Based on a wide variety of evidence and its typical market implications over an ensemble of dozens of subsets of historical data, the expected return/risk profile of the stock market has shifted to hard-negative. This places us in a tightly defensive position. This isn't really a forecast in the sense that shifts in the evidence even over a period of a few weeks could move us to adjust our investment stance, but here and now we observe conditions that have often produced abrupt crash-like plunges. This combination of evidence includes elevated valuations, overbullish sentiment, market internals best characterized as a "whipsaw trap" on the basis of typical follow-through, heightened credit strains, and clear evidence (on reliable forward-looking indicators) of oncoming recession, among other factors.
Long-Term Too Bullish?

It's important to note that Hussman is not making a prediction. Rather it's Hussman's assessment that the risk-reward setup at the present time merits extreme caution. I share that view.

It's the next few paragraphs where I wonder if Hussman is actually over-bullish.
On a valuation front, we estimate that the S&P 500 is likely to achieve an average total return over the coming decade of about 4.8% annually. This is certainly better than the projected returns that we have observed over much of the past decade, but then, the past decade has produced virtually no total return for equity investors at all.

click on chart for sharper image

We estimate that the S&P 500 would have to trade at about the 800 level in order to achieve 10-year prospective returns of 10% annually. Importantly, even a magical "fix" out of Europe would do nothing to change that algebra.
Is 60 Years Long Enough?

I am wondering if 60 years is long enough. We have had huge PE expansion-contraction cycles in both directions in the past 60 years but there has not been...

  1. Consumer Deleveraging Cycle
  2. Negative Demographic Shock

Might it be the case the US stock market follows something more like the Nikkei? Certainly, even if it is not that extreme.

Negative Returns for a Decade?

Let's revisit a table I posted in Negative Annualized Stock Market Returns for the Next 10 Years or Longer? It's Far More Likely Than You Think, on February 7, 2011.

Annualized Rates of Return with Starting PE 21 or Greater
Year PE AR 1 AR 10AR 20
1901 22.7 9 4 3
1902 22.0 -12 4 3
1928 21.3 33 -2 2
1929 27.6 -16 -4 0
1930 21.5 -30 -3 1
1964 22.6 7 1 4
1965 23.3 -3 0 5
1966 21.3 8 2 6
1967 21.6 7 1 7
1968 21.5 0 1 6
1995 22.7 21 7 ?
1997 31.0 19 4 ?
1998 36.0 18 1 ?
1999 42.1 4 -1 ?
2000 41.7 -17 ? ?
2001 32.1 -16 ? ?
2002 25.9 -2 ? ?
2003 24.1 17 ? ?
2004 26.4 7 ? ?
2005 26.0 9 ? ?
2006 26.0 13 ? ?
2007 26.8 -16 ? ?
2010 23.0 ? ? ?

Variance over Time

  • The first year rate-of-return ranges from -30 to +33.
  • The annualized rate-of-return for the first decade ranges from -4 to +7.
  • The median rate-of-return for the first decade is +1.

That median rate of return going forward will be influenced in an unknown but likely negative fashion from the current starting point and high PE valuations for the years that have yet to be determined.

Annualized Rates-of-Return Starting PE Less Than 13

The following table shows annualized rates-of-return for the current year, the 10th year, and the 20th year for each year in which the PE started at 13 or lower.

Annualized Rates of Return with Starting PE 13 or Less
Year PE AR 1 AR 10AR 20
1913 11.9 -3 4 4
1914 11.1 7 5 5
1915 11.5 18 7 5
1916 12.0 -3 7 6
1917 8.8 -7 10 6
1918 6.4 20 14 7
1919 6.5 -5 15 5
1920 5.3 -11 13 5
1921 5.4 26 10 5
1922 7.5 6 1 3
1923 7.9 9 4 5
1924 8.4 26 4 5
1925 10.1 16 2 4
1926 11.7 24 5 4
1932 8.1 32 5 9
1933 11.1 13 5 8
1934 12.2 9 5 8
1942 9.2 34 13 11
1943 11.0 10 10 10
1944 11.3 21 11 10
1947 11.2 5 12 10
1948 10.7 2 12 10
1949 9.9 24 5 4
1950 11.2 24 15 10
1951 12.0 23 12 9
1953 12.0 21 10 9
1974 10.9 5 8 9
1975 10.2 19 9 10
1976 11.5 -2 10 10
1977 10.4 0 12 11
1978 9.4 9 11 12
1979 8.9 16 12 12
1980 8.8 10 10 12
1981 8.5 -5 11 10
1982 7.3 33 12 9
1983 9.6 1 10 8
1984 9.4 17 10 9
1985 10.7 25 10 8

Variance over Time

  • The first year rate-of-return ranges from -11 to +34.
  • The annualized rate-of-return for the first decade ranges from +4 to +15.
  • The median rate-of-return for the first decade is +10.

Three Key Points
  1. Starting valuation matters
  2. Starting valuation is bad
  3. The median rate-of-return for the first decade with these starting valuations is +1

Mike "Mish" Shedlock
Click Here To Scroll Thru My Recent Post List

Will Sarkozy Survive the First Round in French Elections? Regardless, Sarkozy's Replacement Will Be Worse; Socialist challenger François Hollande Would Renegotiate EU Deal; Bickering Before Ink is Dry

Posted: 12 Dec 2011 09:47 AM PST

French elections are done in two rounds. The top two candidates by popular vote square off in round two. Things do not look good for French president Nicolas Sarkozy, especially for round two. However, he may not make it that far.

Le Parisian has the results of the latest French Election Polls.

Round 1

François Hollande 31.5%;
Nicolas Sarkozy 26%;
Marine Le Pen 13.5%;
Francois Bayrou 13%

Round 2

François Hollande 57%
Nicolas Sarkozy 43%

The gap between Hollande and Sarkozy in the first round is deceptively close. The reality is Sarkozy would lose handily if it came down to those candidates. Euroskeptic Marine Le Pen has fallen quite a bit but the first round race may change significantly as a result of recent political developments.

Reader Andrea writes ...
Hello Mish

Over then last days a few significant things happened for the French presidential elections.

Bayrou declared himself officially a candidate: Bayrou is the center of the political landscape and after his declaration and the media coverage he had, the polls showed quite a strong increase of his possible score. Now we have to see if it will hold, increase or if it is just a temporary effect of this media coverage.

He surged six points in the latest poll. in the last elections he got more than 18% of the first round vote.

The most interesting piece of news is that former prime minister Dominique de Villepin has declared this weekend he will be candidate.

De Villepin is from the right-wing side and he was member of Sarkozy's party until a few months ago. He left to create his own party and actually the relations between the 2 have always been very bad. The announcement was quite surprising because it seemed that de Villepin had abandoned the idea to be candidate.

This could be another issue for Sarkozy because for sure almost any vote de Villepin will get will be a vote that otherwise would have gone to Sarkozy, and could be a danger for his position at the first round.

For the moment there are no polls made after the announcement and his media coverage. So let's see what will be the impact of this in a few days. In my opinion there are increasing odds to see a situation with several candidates of the centre-right part political parties having a very close position and therefore an uncertain first round result.

Sarkozy may be bumped off in round one as a result.
Sarkozy's Replacement Will Be Worse

The unfortunate irony is that as bad as Sarkozy is, Hollande would be worse. Please consider Socialist challenger François Hollande would renegotiate EU deal
François Hollande, who is the Socialist Party candidate for next year's presidential elections in France and currently leading in opinion polls, says if he were elected he would re-negotiate last week's EU fiscal pact.

François Hollande said he would renegotiate the pact to add what he said was missing from the deal. "I'd see to it that we add…ECB intervention, Eurobonds and a financial bail-out fund to respond to what is today the pressure of the markets"

All of these measures were explicitly opposed by Germany in the run-up to last week's deal.

Hollande's Socialists have accused Sarkozy of capitulating to German pressure, while he has accused them of undermining French policy by criticizing the deficit reduction plan.
Got that?

Hollande wants

  1. ECB intervention
  2. Eurobonds
  3. Financial Bail-Out Fund

Bickering Before Ink is Dry

The ink is not even dry yet and already the likely next president of France vows to renegotiate the terms in a manner unacceptable to Germany, Finland, the Netherlands.

Round one of the presidential election is April 22. Round two is May 6. Given the situation in Finland, there may not be a deal even on paper (and certainly not signed), by the time Sarkozy is booted. Then the process can start all over again with another summit. After Merkel is booted, the process can again start fresh.

Mike "Mish" Shedlock
Click Here To Scroll Thru My Recent Post List

Hell Will Freeze Over Before Finland Signs Treaty; Europe's Blithering Idiots Make UK the Lone Winner

Posted: 12 Dec 2011 01:32 AM PST

Reader Janne from Finland claims "hell will freeze over" before Finland signs the Merkozy deal as it is structured right now. Janne also claims Finland will "loan" money to the IMF and it will not be in the budget.

From Janne ....
Hello Mish

My collection and translation of news shows this new treaty is in serious trouble.

Finance minister Jutta Urpilainen (social democrats/SDP) says Finland has only two options after the EU-summit: Either unanimity is required in ESM decisions as agreed before or Finland will drop out of ESM.

She does NOT see any other options based on the statement by Finnish Parliaments Constitutional Committee.

Loan Not Gift

Prime Minister Jyrki Katainen says that Finnish contribution to strengthening the IMF is 3.8 billion euros and this money will be a loan from the Bank of Finland to IMF so this will NOT be part of the Finnish budget.

Timo Soini,leader of the main opposition party The Finns party(PerusSuomalaiset) is very worried about the decisions made in Brussels and thinks particularly bad is the plan to remove unanimity and move to majority decisions regarding ESM.

85% Rule Against Finnish Constitution

Soini says that majority decisions in ESM are against the Finnish Constitution as confirmed recently by Finnish Parliaments Constitutional Committee. There was a clear mandate from Finnish Parliament that majority decisions in ESM are against Finnish Constitution and this EU-agreement should have never been agreed to.

If this goes through Finland will become responsible for others debts in way where we can NOT influence it or stop it. Soini thinks especially worrying is that large euro-countries may themselves withdraw from responsibility.

Germany, France and Italy can each stop the use of ESM if they so choose. This is unbelievable when smaller countries right to decide has been taken away.

Soini thinks much discussed and fiercely demanded investor responsibility(PSI) in ESM is completely watered down.

These instruments are created to remove investor responsibility and make taxpayers pay profits to gamblers.

Finland Expects Private Sector Involvement

Limiting so-called private-sector involvement to the terms accepted in International Monetary Fund bailouts was part of a package agreed upon in Brussels early today as leaders met to forge tighter economic bonds to stem the crisis according to Bloomberg and other news sources.

Reporting is different in Finland where Prime Minister Katainen said Finland got what it wanted when it comes to investor responsibility and that Private Sector Involvement will be fulfilled.

Treaty Footnotes:

"subject to confirmation by Finnish Parliament"
Finland had its own views through the EU statement . Though not the text itself, but in a footnote.

Footnotes can be found in the morning released a 7-page statement at the bottom of page 6. Here in the EU countries declare that the emergency fund EVM can act by qualified majority, 85 per cent.

A footnote states that this condition is dependent on the Finnish Parliament's approval.

Prime Minister Jyrki Katainen said earlier on Friday that Finland was the only country that opposed the proposal by qualified majority. The Constitution of Finland on Thursday, the committee said that the proposal of a qualified majority is Finnish unconstitutional.
No Support for Passage

Center-party(Keskusta) who is also in opposition joins The Finns Party(Perussuomalaiset) in opposing majority decisions in ESM as does government party Christian Democrats:

Center party parliament group leader Kimmo Tiilikainen promises NO support at all to the idea that Finland would approve majority decisions in ESM and withdraw from insisting unanimity. Katainen and Urpilainen can clean up their own mess. Center party will NOT relinquish Finnish sovereignty and Finnish decision making to countries who have repeatedly violated EU-agreements.

Christian Democrat leader and interior minister Päivi Räsänen says that Finland should NOT give up unanimity requirement in ESM.
Hell Will Freeze Over Before Finland Signs Treaty 

The above snips are Janne's translations (except for one Google Translation in blockquotes, indented a second time) of stories as they appear in Finland. Janne also has some personal comments and a prediction as follows. ...
This deal is a total swindle by bankers: NO more investor responsibility, NO more Private Sector Involvement(PSI). Taxpayers will pay the profits to bankers and speculators. Democracy and Sovereignty crushed.

This deal compounds the problems by piling more debt on the fiscally irresponsible and the fiscally prudent ensuring total destruction in all countries of europe in a few years under crushing debt and continual malinvestment and destruction of competetiveness.

Taxpayers will pay the future bill IF the markets believe this newest set of fairytales and wishful thinking from the incompetent and anti-democratic EU-leadership duo Merkozy and Brussels bureaucrats.


The Finnish Parliament will NOT confirm this agreement signed by Jyrki Katainen and this should have been crystal clear to the Merkozy duo before the summit because grand committee of Finnish Parliament stated this clearly in advance.

ESM is dead in the water and once again thanks to the arrogant crushers of democracy and destroyers of sovereignty Merkel and Sarkozy absolutely NOTHING has been solved.

It would require 133 seats(2/3 of parliament) to approve recent EU-agreement where unanimous decision making has been removed from ESM. Since The Finns party led by Timo Soini and Center Party are both opposed this will NOT happen.

Further the Social Democrats (In Finnish government with Coalition party and a bunch of smaller parties) have also said through Finance minister Jutta Urpilainen that they will NOT support majority decisions in ESM and one smaller party Christian Democrats also said the same recently. Practically only real supporter is Mr. Katainen who is the most euro enthusiastic politician in Finland.

So hell will freeze over before current EU-agreement which removes unanimity from ESM goes through Finnish Parliament.
Europe's Blithering Idiots

Ambrose Evans-Pritchard has some choice (and accurate) words in a scathing attack on Europe's blithering idiots and their flim-flam treaty
As Sir Mervyn King said last week, the disaster was caused by current account imbalances (Spain's deficit, and Germany's surplus), and by capital flows setting off private sector credit booms.

The Treaty proposals evade the core issue.

Did France and Germany really have to cause this rift by throwing in an assault on the City that has precious little do with the EMU crisis? Yes, I suppose they did.

Given that Merkozy cannot bring themselves to accept that Europe's debacle stems from the euro itself, from a 30pc currency misalignment between from North and South, and from an over-leveraged €23 trillion banking bubble that German, French, Dutch, Belgian regulators allowed to happen… given that, yes, I suppose they have to find a scapegoat.

They have to whip up a witchhunt against somebody, so why not Anglo-Saxon bankers? Nasty reflexes are at work. German and French politicians in particular should be very careful about inciting populist hatred against a group that makes such easy prey. We have been there before.

The Europols have not begun to work out a viable solution to their deformed and unworkable currency union, and perhaps no such solution exists. The system will lurch from crisis to crisis until it blows up in acrimony.

Does France, for that matter, really want to be locked into a clammy embrace with an ever stronger Germany? The whole purpose of monetary union for Paris was to tie down a reunited Germany with silken cords. France now finds its own hands tied because of EMU, reduced to a humiliating side-kick.

But the vain and hysterical little man now in the Elysée will soon be gone. A leader will emerge once more with a "certaine idée de la France".

As for Britain, let us seize the moment of liberation, and enjoy it.
Escape the Euro Prison!

I cannot possibly agree more with Pritchard's statement "Seize the moment of liberation, and enjoy it." Indeed Pritchard should be grateful for the arrogance of Merkozy.

Cameron's Pledge to "Fight from Within" is entirely wrong.

In a highly entertaining video interview with Nigel Farage has exactly the right idea: Escape Euro Prison!

Unmitigated Gall and Arrogance

Imagine knowing full well that Finland cannot go along with and also knowing full well that voters stand no chance of passing it either.

Instead of working with Finland, Merkozy had the gall and arrogance to to relegate Finland to a footnote in the treaty.

So yes, this "flim-flam" treaty proposal will blow up in acrimony, probably before March, or it will be further weakened at the insistence of 1 vs. 16.

Regardless, the Euro ship is headed down, torpedoed by arrogance of two leaders whose only concern is their own political legacy. Sarkozy and Merkel can bask in the limelight of false hope for now, but both will be gone in the next elections.

History will not be kind to Merkozy, nor to Jean-Claude Trichet, nor any of the other Eurofools who think politics trumps economic reality.

Mike "Mish" Shedlock
Click Here To Scroll Thru My Recent Post List

Damn Cool Pics

Damn Cool Pics

IT Geek Christmas Tree

Posted: 12 Dec 2011 03:38 PM PST

Adam from the University of the Sciences in Philadelphia just sent in this picture of their awesome christmas tree. A Christmas tree made of RAM chips that would make the ultimate geek gift.

Source: geeksaresexy

China vs. America in Education [infographic]

Posted: 12 Dec 2011 03:27 PM PST

If you're thinking of going abroad for your university education, then consider being one of the 14,000 American students studying in China after seeing the 'America, Meet China' infographic. Created by, the illustrated chart pits the two countries against each other to measure which offers the best schooling, from early childhood to undergraduate levels.

Source: onlineuniversityrankings

Tool to Analyze Backlinks for International SEO

Tool to Analyze Backlinks for International SEO

Tool to Analyze Backlinks for International SEO

Posted: 11 Dec 2011 12:41 PM PST

Posted by Tom Anthony

Hi folks. A quick post today to introduce a new tool which may be of interest to those of you working on any international sites or sites that cater to more than one country/demographic. It's a tool that allows you to automatically download a list of backlinks to any URL, broken down not only by TLD/subdomain but also by the language the page is written in.

Earlier this year many of you went to SEOmoz's MozCon conference in Seattle. For those that missed it: one of the presentations there was given by Hannah Smith, one of my Distilled buddies; Hannah spoke about International SEO and how not to suck at it! If you want to read more you can see checkout her slide deck, or read the accompanying blog post she wrote (or even buy the Mozcon videos and watch it!).

As part of her research Hannah and I collaborated on a tool to look at the languages of domains that linked to a given page. What I am presenting today is a spin off of that, which you can use yourselves to investigate which languages are used in pages that link to a given URL. More on the tool below, but first...

Why do I care? Links are yummy in any language!

You are right! Links are yummy in any language! However, it has long been regarded that, especially for non-English sites, links in the same language are an important relevancy indicator (something Hannah dug into in her presentation). Whilst Hannah's research didn't find a strong correlation to collaborate this fact, our instincts do tell us it is important and beyond that: it just makes good sense for brand awareness, referred traffic and future proofing your SEO.

However, there is another use for tools like this one: competitor research. The tool allows you to download and categorise links for not only your own site, but any page you fancy. If you are struggling to get links from a particular language, why not check out your competitor's links and filter for those written in Spanish, French, German or any of a variety of other languages. Now you can target those sources of international links more easily.

How the tool works.

The tool pulls in the top 1000 pages (by PA) linking to the specified URL and allows you to download them. It analyses each domain and identifies the TLD, including most country specific domains, as well as the sub-domain (so you can filter out for links from URLs like or However, most usefully perhaps, the tool attempts to identify the language of the page.

The language identification works on code taken from Google's Chrome browser (used to drive the "Would you like to translate this page?" feature) and recognises quite reliably several dozen languages. Thanks to Mike McCandless for ripping the code into a separate project, and to Lars Strojny for the PHP bindings. In this case it runs on the title element of a page and so isn't perfect because titles are often short and/or include branding, but I found it to be pretty reliable and the effort of scraping the page certainly isn't worth the effort.

How to use the tool.

All you need is your SEOmoz API details (this is totally free, you just need a free Moz account), and then you can go to the tool:

International SEO Backlink Analysis Tool

Once you open the tool you come to a pretty self-explanatory page:

There are only 3 fields you need to fill in, which are your SEOmoz Access ID and Secret Key and the URL of the page you wish to analyse. (Sidenote for those who care: Do not be concerned about entering your SEOmoz Secret Key; it isn't transmitted over the network but is used to generate an authentication hash for the API. If you want the code I made for this, see here).

Once you click the analyse button, if everything went according to plan then you'll receive a download of a CSV file with your results. Open it up in your preferred spreadsheet and take a look. Here is a snippet of the results for, the German news site:

Here I sorted first my TLD (2nd column) and then by language (4th/5th columns); the 3rd column shows the subdomain. This example shows that even without an indicator from the TLD or subdomain, the languages can be often identified from the title element.

Wrap Up

This tool is quite specialised, and isn't something you are going to need often. However, I do think it is one of those things that is handy to have around for the moments you do want it. Be it as something for a quick check on new clients, as competitor analysis, or just as your regular reporting. In the future I might extend it to do more, so if you have feedback/suggestions I'd love to hear in the comments.

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Watch Live: President Obama and Iraqi Prime Minister Maliki

The White House Your Daily Snapshot for
Monday, Dec. 12, 2011

Watch Live: President Obama and Iraqi Prime Minister Maliki

Today, President Obama meets with Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki of Iraq. Following the bilateral meeting, the President and Prime Minister Maliki will hold a joint press conference at 11:35 a.m. EST.

Watch the press conference at 11:35 a.m. EST on

Photo of the Day

Photo of the Day

President Barack Obama performs the coin toss before the annual Army vs. Navy football game at FedEx Field, Landover, Md. December 10, 2011. (Official White House Photo by Pete Souza)

In Case You Missed It

Here are some of the top stories from the White House blog:

Holiday #WHTweetup: Shine, Give, Share...Tweet
Twitter followers from all around the country visited the White House for a special holiday tweetup.

Weekly Address: Ensuring a Fair Shot for the Middle Class
President Obama calls on Congress to do what's right for the American people by extending the payroll tax cut and confirming Richard Cordray to lead a new consumer-watchdog agency that will protect families from dishonest business practices.

By the Numbers: 1 in 5
The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau will help protect the one in five Americans over the age of 65 who fall victim to financial scams.

Today's Schedule

All times are Eastern Standard Time (EST).

9:45 AM: The President and the Vice President hold an expanded bilateral meeting with Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki of Iraq

10:15 AM: The President holds a bilateral meeting with Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki

11:35 AM: The President and Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki hold a joint press conference

12:45 PM: The President, the Vice President and Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki attend a wreath laying ceremony

4:30 PM: The President meets with Secretary of State Clinton Indicates that the event will be live-streamed on

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Seth's Blog : The most important page on the web is the page you build yourself

The most important page on the web is the page you build yourself

The internet is an engine of connection. It has been from the start (email, chat, forums, blogs, social media...)

One reason that so many of the most popular sites online are those that permit people to express and expose their ideas is that those are the pages we care most about. We go back to see how people responded, how the traffic is, what we can do to improve the page.

Lifestyle media isn't a fad. It's what human beings have been doing forever, with a brief, recent interruption for a hundred years of professional media along the way. That interruption is fading away, and lifestyle media is resurging. People publish. Instead of denigrating user-generated content (what an obscure way to describe human stories), marketers need to understand that this is what we care about.

We shouldn't be surprised when someone chooses to publish their photos, their words, their art or their opinions. We should be surprised when they don't.


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duminică, 11 decembrie 2011

Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis

Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis

Nigel Farage: Escape Euro Prison!

Posted: 11 Dec 2011 06:22 PM PST

When it comes to humor from politicians (in a good sense), Nigel Farage is right at the top of the list.

His opening line had me laughing out loud.

Link if YouTube video does not play: Escape Euro Prison!

Partial Transcript

RT: Britain has no to tighter controls leaving Euro countries to sort themselves out and the UK is being pushed further aside.

Farage: Well let's hope so ... Cameron said can we have some small concessions. Sarkozy told him to take a running jump. On the face of it I should be cheering David Cameron and say isn't it marvelous, the British prime minister has finally stood up and said something. ... But we are still members of the union, wae are still bound by all its legislation, and yet what's perfectly clear is henceforth we will have no influence whatsoever. And actually what I am getting from journalists all over Europe is Britain is now despised. So I think what will happen now, bank in the United Kingdom is we are about to launch into a very big national debate about whether we should be members of this union at all.

RT: If these countries are going to push on, can the 17 Euro nations solve this by themselves?

Farage: Listen. The word "solve" implies there is some easy solution. There isn't. The Euro is a misconstruction. Countries like Greece and Portugal should never have joined it in the first place.

RT: Are you saying this could lead to a split in the union?

Farage: I think what we saw, in the early hours of this morning was the biggest split in the European Union in fifty years. The UK has been a member of this thing since 1973 and we are a big economy, we're an important country, and whether David Cameron knows it or not, what he did last night was the first step towards the exit door.

RT: How easy would it be for those countries to convince their populations about facing tighter controls? What would the people think about all of this?

Farage: Believe you me. If we were to put this Euro package to the electorate of Greece, of Portugal, of Ireland, of Italy, of Spain, they would all say no. .... These electorates find themselves trapped inside an economic prison that is called the Euro. Their democracy has been stripped from them. My fear is the kind of civil disobedience and civil disorder that you have already sen on the streets of Greece will multiply. ... If you are stuck in a bad marriage, the best thing to do is end the marriage and start again. I see no hope at all for the Greek economy, stuck inside this economic prison that is called the Euro.


Farage is 100% correct. If the UK is being push aside (and it is), Cameron should embrace being shoved aside and let Merkozy fend for themselves.

Thus, Cameron needs to put UK membership in the EU up for public vote, smashing the ball straight down Sarkozy's throat.

Mike "Mish" Shedlock
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It's So Secret, Even the Fed Does Not Know Who It's Lending To

Posted: 11 Dec 2011 04:13 PM PST

Some might think the Fed would care where dollar swaps to Europe go. However, if the Fed cares, it doesn't know.

Bloomberg reports No One Telling Who Took $586 Billion in Swaps With Fed Condoning Anonymity.
For all the transparency forced on the Federal Reserve by Congress and the courts, one of the central bank's emergency-lending programs remains so secretive that names of borrowers may be hidden from the Fed itself.

As part of a currency-swap plan active from 2007 to 2010 and revived to fight the European debt crisis, the Fed lends dollars to other central banks, which auction them to local commercial banks. Lending peaked at $586 billion in December 2008. While the transactions with other central banks are all disclosed, the Fed doesn't track where the dollars ultimately end up, and European officials don't share borrowers' identities outside the continent.

The lack of openness may leave the U.S. government and public in the dark on the beneficiaries and potential risks from one of the Fed's largest crisis-loan programs. The European Central Bank's three-month dollar lending through the swap lines surged last week to $50.7 billion from $400 million after the Nov. 30 announcement that the Fed, in concert with the ECB and four other central banks, lowered the interest rate by a half percentage point.

"Increased transparency is warranted here," given the size of the Fed's aid and current pressures on European banks, said Representative Randy Neugebauer, a Texas Republican who heads the House Financial Services Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations.

Whether the U.S. should make disclosure of the recipients a condition of the swap lines is "probably a discussion we need to have," possibly in a hearing that includes Fed Chairman Ben S. Bernanke, Neugebauer said.

Michelle Smith, a Fed spokeswoman, said there is "no formal reporting channel" for the identities of borrowers from other central banks, which are the Fed's only counterparties on the swap lines and assume any credit risk.

"U.S. taxpayers have never lost a penny" on the program, she said.
Might I point out that US taxpayers never lost a cent on Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac either, until of course they lost $200 billion and counting.

Fundamental Problem
Joseph Stiglitz, a Nobel Prize-winning economist who led President Bill Clinton's Council of Economic Advisers, said the "fundamental problem" is that capital markets need information to work properly, yet the Fed is saying, "we believe in capital-market discipline without information."

"It would be very useful to see" those names, said Stiglitz, a professor at Columbia University in New York. With the dollar auctions of foreign central banks shielded from disclosure, "what we have now is a very partial picture."
If banks are in such dire straits that they would be at risk if everyone knew they were using the discount window, then they are also in such dire straits the Fed ought not be lending to them in the first place.

Actually, the problem is more fundamental. There should not be a Fed at all. Banks might then think twice about being so freaking leveraged.

Mike "Mish" Shedlock
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Cameron Pledges to "Fight from Within"; Two-Thirds of Voters Agree with Refusal to Sign Treaty, Nearly 50% Want to Leave EU; Better to Let Them "Do Their Own Thing" says Cameron

Posted: 11 Dec 2011 07:47 AM PST

The political rift between the UK Prime Minister David Cameron (Conservative) and the Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg (Liberal Democrat) widened into a public feud over Cameron's refusal to sign the Merkozy accord.

The Deputy Prime Minister says U.K. Coalition Breakup Over EU Would Cause Economic 'Disaster'
U.K. Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg said a breakup of the coalition government would spell "economic disaster" for Britain while saying he was "bitterly disappointed" by last week's European Union summit.

Prime Minister David Cameron's refusal to back a 27-nation pact to tighten budget rules may leave the U.K. "isolated and marginalized within the European Union," Clegg told the British Broadcasting Corp.'s "Marr" program today. Still, he said "it would be even more damaging for us as a country if the coalition government was now to fall apart. It would create economic disaster."

By refusing the join the planned fiscal accord, Cameron strengthened that wing of his Conservative party who want Britain to leave the EU. He also caused the biggest rift with his coalition partners since both parties campaigned on opposite sides of a May referendum on overhauling Britain's voting system.

A poll by Survation for the Mail on Sunday today showed that almost two-thirds of voters said Cameron was right to back out of the EU accord, while 48 percent said Britain should leave the EU altogether. A poll by ComRes, carried out just before the summit for the Independent on Sunday, showed 52 percent of Britons say the euro crisis is an ideal opportunity for the U.K. to leave the EU.

Clegg said that Cameron had been placed in a "difficult position" at the Dec. 8 to Dec. 9 EU meeting because he faced "intransigence" from France and Germany. Nevertheless, he added that the government should now "fight, fight and fight again" for Britain's interests within the EU.

Not Good Enough

Cameron told reporters following the all-night talks that "what was on offer just wasn't good enough for Britain. It's better to allow those countries to do their own thing on their own."

Paddy Ashdown, a former Liberal Democrat leader, today criticized the move, saying Cameron's decision "doesn't make it easier" to get the U.K. through the economic crisis. "Cameron has acted as the leader of the Conservative Party and not the prime minister of Great Britain," he told Sky News.
Simple Math

Let me point out some simple math to Paddy Ashdown: Two-thirds of voters approve of Cameron's decision not to sell the UK down the river. Thus Cameron not only acted as Conservative leader, but rather for all of the UK.

Moreover, I might point out, Cameron should go one step further and call for a referendum to leave the EU. Let the voters decide.

Better to Let Them "Do Their Own Thing"

Here is a fitting tribute to Cameron's statement "what was on offer just wasn't good enough for Britain. It's better to allow those countries to do their own thing on their own."

Link if video does not play: "It's Your Thing" by The Isley Brothers

Fight, Fight, Fight Again Within the EU

Rah, Rah, Sis Coom Bah, Cameron wants to "Fight from Within!" Yeah that's the spirit. Episode number Five from the British Sitcom Yes Minister explains why.

Episode Five: The Writing on the Wall

Sir Humphrey: Minister, Britain has had the same foreign policy objective for at least the last five hundred years: to create a disunited Europe. In that cause we have fought with the Dutch against the Spanish, with the Germans against the French, with the French and Italians against the Germans, and with the French against the Germans and Italians. Divide and rule, you see. Why should we change now, when it's worked so well?

Hacker: That's all ancient history, surely?

Sir Humphrey: Yes, and current policy. We had to break the whole thing [the EEC] up, so we had to get inside. We tried to break it up from the outside, but that wouldn't work. Now that we're inside we can make a complete pig's breakfast of the whole thing: set the Germans against the French, the French against the Italians, the Italians against the Dutch. The Foreign Office is terribly pleased; it's just like old times.

Hacker: But surely we're all committed to the European ideal? 
Sir Humphrey: [chuckles] Really, Minister. 

Hacker: If not, why are we pushing for an increase in the membership?
Sir Humphrey: Well, for the same reason. It's just like the United Nations, in fact; the more members it has, the more arguments it can stir up, the more futile and impotent it becomes.

Hacker: What appalling cynicism.
Sir Humphrey: Yes... We call it diplomacy, Minister.

Mike "Mish" Shedlock
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