miercuri, 14 martie 2012

Damn Cool Pics

Damn Cool Pics

Funny and Clever Street Art from OaKoAk

Posted: 14 Mar 2012 06:41 PM PDT

Playful and cute, the art of French street artist, OaKoAk can be found randomly in the streets. With a highly aware set of eyes he takes otherwise boring objects like hand rails, street signs and potholes and creates a narrative around them to make funny and interesting works of art. They are simple statements done very well.

For More.

Hill Of Crosses in Lithuania

Posted: 14 Mar 2012 02:46 PM PDT

The Hill of Crosses is a site of pilgrimage in northern Lithuania just outside the city of Siauliai. Standing upon a small hill are an estimated 100,000 crosses, crucifixes and rosaries that represent Christian devotion and a memorial to Lithuanian national identity.

The city of Siauliai was founded in 1236 and occupied by Teutonic Knights during the 14th century. The tradition of placing crosses dates from this period and probably first arose as a symbol of Lithuanian defiance of foreign invaders. Since the medieval period, the Hill of Crosses has represented the peaceful resistance of Lithuanian Catholicism to oppression. In 1795 Siauliai was incorporated into Russia but was returned to Lithuania in 1918. Many crosses were erected upon the hill after the peasant uprising of 1831-63. By 1895, there were at least 150 large crosses, in 1914 there were 200, and by 1940 there were 400 large crosses surrounded by thousands of smaller ones.

On September 7, 1993, Pope John Paul II visited the Hill of Crosses, declaring it a place for hope, peace, love and sacrifice.

Cool as a Carrot - Women's Body Shapes [Infographic]

Posted: 14 Mar 2012 01:37 PM PDT

Our latest survey, involving hundreds of participants, has revealed some fascinating facts about body shapes and the way we see ourselves. In this infographic theres a charming look at women's body shapes, including a brand new one - the carrot!

Click on Image to Enlarge.

Via: vitalitylive

Cute Baby Cheetah Kitten Mewing

Posted: 13 Mar 2012 08:59 PM PDT

When this video was recorded, Nala was cared for by a foster family in Namibia after her mother was killed by a car. She's a squeaky toy!

Via: Neatorama

A Visual Guide to Rich Snippets

A Visual Guide to Rich Snippets

A Visual Guide to Rich Snippets

Posted: 13 Mar 2012 01:57 PM PDT

Posted by snarayanasamy

Rich snippets -- we see them everywhere in the SERPs, with some verticals having a higher abundance of them than others. For the average searcher, these rich snippets help show them what they're searching for is within reach on a particular site.

A few benefits of rich snippets include:

1) Drawing a user's attention to your relevant result.

2) Providing instant information as related to their query.

3) Increasing click-through rates and lessen the amount of bounces due to not searchers not finding the content they were looking for.

For companies leveraging content strategies, there's an especially large benefit of having mark up for authors being displayed in the SERPs with the emergence of AuthorRank. For instance, a "know" based query (informational search) that displays an author with a photo, name, and a link other articles they've written creates a feeling of trust and authority. It can also encourage them to click-through and read other articles they're written, essentially making that author a new resource. 

As another example, "do" based queries, such as going to a concert or event, can end up displaying results from ticket sites that have a quick and instant snippet breakdown to help them in the purchasing process. 

In order to consolidate and decode some of the information you need to sift through when learning about rich snippets, we've created this visual guide to walk through the basics, fundamental types, implementation, and benefits of utilizing them.   

Enjoy! Some food for thought: How do you see rich snippets evolving in the future?

Rich Snippets Guide

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Watch Live: UK Arrival Ceremony

The White House Your Daily Snapshot for
Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Watch Live: UK Arrival Ceremony

Outside the White House, the Union Jack is flying alongside the flags of the United States and the District of Columbia on street lamps down Pennsylvania Avenue.

This morning, President Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama will welcome Prime Minister David Cameron and his wife, Samantha Cameron, to the White House with a formal arrival ceremony at 9 am EDT and a State Dinner to follow this evening.

Watch the arrival ceremony on WhiteHouse.gov/Live starting at 9 a.m. EST. WhiteHouse.gov/live

Check out a slideshow of notable British visitors to the White House since World War II.

In Case You Missed It

Here are some of the top stories from the White House blog:

From the Archives: Notable British Visitors to the White House Since World War II
A slideshow from the White House Historical Society looks back at some of the special meetings between U.S. Presidents and U.K. leaders over the past decades

The U.S. Will Bring a New Trade Case Against China
President Obama is taking additional steps to ensure that American products are competing on a level playing field with the rest of the world.

An Announcement From FEMA and AmeriCorps
The Federal Emergency Management Agency and the Corporation for National and Community Service announce a new partnership designed to strengthen the nation's ability to respond to and recover from disasters.

Today's Schedule

All times are Eastern Standard Time (EST).

9:00 AM: The President, the Vice President, the First Lady, and Dr. Biden welcome Prime Minister Cameron and Mrs. Cameron to the White House WhiteHouse.gov/live

10:00 AM: The President holds a bilateral meeting with Prime Minister Cameron

10:35 AM: The President holds an expanded bilateral meeting with Prime Minister Cameron and Official U.S. and Official U.K. Delegations; the Vice President also attends

12:05 PM: The President and Prime Minister Cameron hold a joint press conference WhiteHouse.gov/live

7:00 PM: The President and the First Lady welcome Prime Minister Cameron and Mrs. Cameron WhiteHouse.gov/live

7:30 PM: The President and the First Lady take official photo with Prime Minister Cameron and Mrs. Cameron Grand Staircase

8:30 PM: The President and the First Lady attend the State Dinner with Prime Minister Cameron and Mrs. Cameron; The President and Prime Minister Cameron will each deliver a toast; the Vice President and Dr. Biden also attend

9:40 PM: The President and the First Lady attend the State Dinner Reception with Prime Minister Cameron and Mrs. Cameron

WhiteHouse.gov/live Indicates that the event will be live-streamed on WhiteHouse.gov/Live

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