miercuri, 20 octombrie 2010

Seth's Blog : The shipit journal is back in stock...

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The shipit journal is back in stock...

For those following along, I've been discovering that creating and shipping a physical product can be lumpy.

I printed more copies than I thought would sell, but they sold out in 2 days. I then printed another batch the same size, which also sold out in two days. So this time, I printed 20,000 more workbooks and they're in the warehouse, ready to ship. (Currently there are sets of workbooks at two different prices, but they're the same, so grab the cheap ones while they last).

If this batch sells out, you'll be able to place an order and we can reprint and ship them as soon as they're ready. And I'll stop bothering you. Sorry.

I'm told that selling out is a good problem to have, but I'd rather have the right amount. Thanks for your patience. I think we're getting less lumpy now.

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Michael Gray - Graywolf's SEO Blog

Michael Gray - Graywolf's SEO Blog

Thesis Tutorial: How to Conditionally Change Content

Posted: 20 Oct 2010 07:30 AM PDT

Post image for Thesis Tutorial: How to Conditionally Change Content

In yesterday’s post, we spoke about why you would want to change your content based on traffic intent. In today’s post, I’m going to give you a basic framework about how to do it. This post is written as a Thesis Tutorial, because working with Thesis is just easier (see my Thesis review), but you can easily adapt the code to any website or theme.

OK. Like all Thesis customizations, we’re going to need to open up the custom_functions.php file. In this example, we are going to offer different social buttons based on where the user came from. If they came from a social site, we’ll show the interactive buttons with counts/votes. If they came from anyplace else, we’re going to show static graphic icon buttons.

For the website I’m using I put the buttons under the author byline, so my code will go in that function (if you are going to copy and paste, wait until the end for the final code so you get all the semicolons and parentheses).

//this is author byline
function uauthor_byline()

I’m going to make sure the buttons only appear on single pages so I’ll need the following bit of code:

if (is_single())

Ok now we get to the programming. We’ll need two variables and one array. The variables will hold the referring URL and a flag that tells whether that condition is true, and the array will hold the list of sites we are checking against.

$CUsocial = false; // this is the flag for social traffic
$CUref = $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']; //this is the referring URL
$CUsocialar = array('reddit', 'stumbleupon', 'digg', 'twitter', 'facebook', 'delicious'); // this is an array of social sites

So what we want to do next is take the list of social sites and see if any of them are in the referer. If they are, we set the flag to true.

//check all the social sites
$i=0;while ($i<=count($CUsocialar)){
if(stristr($CUref, $CUsocialar[$i])) {
$CUsocial = true;

Now, if you’re a stickler, you could make the case that, if Twitter was in the filename and not the domain, we could get a false positive, and you would be correct. I just don’t think that’s going to happen often enough to be a real concern. OK so now we know whether the referring site is any of the social websites we want to trap for. If it is, the $CUsocial variable will be ‘true’ so we’ll need this bit of code:

if ($CUsocial){
//code for active social websites goes here
//code for default condition goes here

The code above has a placeholder for the buttons you can get from places like digg, stumbleupon and facebook. Since there are so many tutorials and instructions from the original websites, I just left placeholders. Here’s the full code:

function uauthor_byline() {
if (is_single()){
$CUsocial = false; // this is the flag for social traffic
$CUref = $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']; //this is the referring URL
$CUsocialar = array('reddit', 'stumbleupon', 'digg', 'twitter', 'facebook', 'delicious'); // this is an array of social sites
//check all the social sites
$i=0;while ($i<=count($CUsocialar)){ if(stristr($CUref, $CUsocialar[$i])) { $CUsocial = true; } $i++; }
if ($CUsocial){
//code for active social websites goes here
//code for default condition goes here

The following is just a starting point and can be re-used and expanded upon. For example, if you want to trap for search engines, here’s the extra code you would need:

$CUsearch = false; //this is the flag for search traffic
$CUsearchar = array('google', 'yahoo', 'bing'); //this is an array of search sites

//check all the search sites
$i=0;while ($i<=count($CUsocialar)){
if(stristr($CUref, $CUsearchar[$i])) {
$CUsearch = true;

But you can use the code all over the site content, header, sidebar, etc. You can combine it with date based triggers, or there are many, many different possibilities, if you spend time playing with the code.
Creative Commons License photo credit: The U.S. Army

This post originally came from Michael Gray who is an SEO Consultant. Be sure not to miss the Thesis WordPress Theme review.

Thesis Tutorial: How to Conditionally Change Content

tla starter kit

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Daily Snapshot: Got Questions About Cyber Security?

The White House Your Daily Snapshot for
Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Today at 1:30 p.m.: Open for Questions on Cyber Security

As part of National Cyber Security Awareness Month, Howard Schmidt, Cybersecurity Coordinator and Special Assistant to the President, will be answering your questions about Awareness Month, the “Stop.Think.Connect” initiative to encourage safety online and the things that people and businesses can do to protect themselves in a live video chat today at 1:30 p.m. EDT. Watch and submit your questions.

Photo of the Day

 Photo of the Day

President Barack Obama talks with Javier Garcia of Brownsville, Tex., in the Green Room of the White House before the two of them entered the East Room for the signing ceremony of the Executive Order for the White House Initiative on Educational Excellence for Hispanic Americans Oct. 19, 2010. Javier introduced the President at the event. (Official White House Photo by Pete Souza)

Today's Schedule

All times are Eastern Daylight Time

9:30 AM: The President receives the Presidential Daily Briefing

10:30 AM: The President meets with Secretary of State Clinton

11:00 AM: First Lady Michelle Obama presents the PCAH's Coming Up Taller Award WhiteHouse.gov/live

11:10 AM: The President meets with his national security team for his monthly meeting on Afghanistan and Pakistan

1:30 PM: The Vice President delivers remarks at a rally for Senator Harry Reid

1:30 PM: Open for Questions: Cyber Security WhiteHouse.gov/live

3:10 PM: The President departs the White House en route Andrews Air Force Base

3:25 PM: The President departs Andrews Air Force Base en route Portland, Oregon

4:15 PM: First Lady Michelle Obama speaks at the White House Kitchen Garden Fall Harvest WhiteHouse.gov/live  (audio only)

8:40 PM: The President arrives in Portland, Oregon

9:45 PM: The President delivers remarks at a rally

11:45 PM: The President departs Portland, Oregon en route Seattle, Washington

12:30 AM: The President arrives in Seattle, Washington

WhiteHouse.gov/live  Indicates Events that will be livestreamed on WhiteHouse.gov/live.

In Case You Missed It

Here are some of the top stories from the White House blog

President Obama Signs Executive Order On Education and Hispanics
President Obama signs an Executive Order to renew and enhance the White House Initiative on Educational Excellence for Hispanics.

Adrienne Explains How College Students Are Benefiting from the Affordable Care Act
Adrienne Lowe, like many college students, was wondering how she was going to get health care after she graduates from college. Because of the Affordable Care Act, she now has the option of remaining on her parents’ health insurance plan.

White House White Board: CEA Chair Austan Goolsbee Explains the Jobs Trends
In the second edition of White House White Board, Austan Goolsbee, Chairman of the Council of Economic Advisers, looks back at the President’s record on the economy through the perspective of the last three years in private sector employment.

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SES Chigaco 2010 – What is the future of search marketing?

Posted: 19 Oct 2010 08:01 AM PDT

The SES Chicago conference starts today and ahead of this they’ve launched another great video – this follows on from previous popular videos we posted here for the SES London and SES Chigaco events last year.

Great stuff again from Jonathan Allen, Bob Tripathi and the SES guys and if you’re at the conference make sure you catch Jonathan’s talk about transforming approach to video – if you’re not you’ll have to keep an eye on the SES tweetwall like the rest of us!

© SEOptimise – Download our free business guide to blogging whitepaper and sign-up for the SEOptimise monthly newsletter. SES Chigaco 2010 – What is the future of search marketing?

Related posts:

  1. Hear SEOptimise Speak at SMX Advanced London 2010
  2. 30 Resources on Google, Search & SEO Changes in 2010
  3. 15% Discount Code for SMX Advanced London 2010

Seth's Blog : Deliberately uninformed, relentlessly so [a rant]

[You're getting this note because you subscribed to Seth Godin's blog.]

Deliberately uninformed, relentlessly so [a rant]

Many people in the United States purchase one or fewer books every year.

Many of those people have seen every single episode of American Idol. There is clearly a correlation here.

Access to knowledge, for the first time in history, is largely unimpeded for the middle class. Without effort or expense, it's possible to become informed if you choose. For less than your cable TV bill, you can buy and read an important book every week. Share the buying with six friends and it costs far less than coffee.

Or you can watch TV.

The thing is, watching TV has its benefits. It excuses you from the responsibility of having an informed opinion about things that matter. It gives you shallow opinions or false 'facts' that you can easily parrot to others that watch what you watch. It rarely unsettles our carefully self-induced calm and isolation from the world.

I got a note from someone the other day, in which she made it clear that she doesn't read non-fiction books or blogs related to her industry. And she seemed proud of this.

I was roped into an argument with someone who was sure that ear candling was a useful treatment. Had he read any medical articles on the topic? No. But he knew. Or said he did.

You see a lot of ostensibly smart people in airports, and it always surprises me how few of them use this downtime to actually become more informed. It's clearly a deliberate act--in our infoculture, it takes work not to expose yourself to interesting ideas, facts, news and points of view. Hal Varian at Google reports that the average person online spends seventy seconds a day reading online news. Ouch.

Not all books are correct or useful. Not all accepted science is correct. The conventional wisdom might just be wrong. But ignoring all of it because the truth is now fashionably situational and in the eye of the beholder is a lame alternative.

I know this rant is nothing new. In fact, people have been complaining about widespread willful ignorance since Brutus or Caesar or whoever invented the salad... the difference now is this: more people than ever are creators. More people than ever go to work to use their minds, not just their hands. And more people than ever have a platform to share their point of view. I think that raises the bar for our understanding of how the world works.

Let's assert for the moment that you get paid to create, manipulate or spread ideas. That you don't get paid to lift bricks or hammer steel. If you're in the idea business, what's going to improve your career, get you a better job, more respect or a happier day? Forgive me for suggesting (to those not curious enough to read this blog and others) that it might be reading blogs, books or even watching TED talks.

As for the deliberately uninformed, we can ignore them or we can reach out to them and hopefully start a pattern of people thinking for themselves...

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