miercuri, 2 februarie 2011

SEOmoz Daily SEO Blog

SEOmoz Daily SEO Blog

Corporate SEO - Link Building by Letter

Posted: 01 Feb 2011 01:01 PM PST

Posted by David Burgess

There are countless ways of contacting people in search for a link, and in a time when social networking has become the norm - surely there is no place still for the humble written letter? 

What follows in this post is a heart-warming tale from my world in Corporate SEO, of differing approaches taken and lessons learned. In short, a barrage of online charm, bravado and pleading that just couldn’t cut the mustard, which was finally put to the sword by a single sheet of 40gsm headed paper. 

For any self-respecting SEO Consultant, there is no worse feeling than unearthing a true gem of a link opportunity for your client whilst at the same time being utterly powerless to make it happen. This is the archetypal itch you can’t scratch. When acting as an SEO for large corporations however, your skin thickens very quickly as the landscape becomes littered with unclaimed, but untouchable pots of SEO gold. 

Getting SEO changes actioned at large corporation can take years. Even the smallest on-site change can end up joining a year-long development queue, whilst a recommendation to tweak a server configuration can be flat-out refused. This is while your competitors gradually creep closer, magnifying the pain of every missed opportunity ten-fold.

If you really care and your skin hasn't thickened to the point of complete insensitivity, that true link gem becomes a line in the sand. The site of a battle so important, so valuable, that you must endure the fight until the bitter end. You WILL be victorious.

Unearthing the gem 

Some of the most valuable data for SEOs resides behind the ‘Download all errors on this site’ link in Google Webmaster Tools. The analysis of this data is never pain free, and will become all the more arduous when your client has a suite of domains or sub-domains. It's a hard slog you will get very familiar with when working in corporate circles.

Download all errors on this site 

Many of our larger clients have their flagship sites built on clunky old platforms which are very hard to manoeuvre, even when you have a willing dev team. Most new marketing and PR advances that require a web presence get outsourced to external agencies who prefer, rightly, to bypass the pain and risk of modifying the main website and to work on virginal sub-domains or even new domains entirely. The TV campaign rocks, and the micro-site looks great, but it leaves us, the SEO Consultants, with palms firmly planted on our foreheads.

The Link Opportunity

The links in this case were on an industry specific, product review site, for the sake of this article we'll call it 'www.product-reviewer.com'. It possesses a homepage PR6, 50k+ external links and rather more importantly, 100% high relevance to our client. It was also ranked as a Top 10 website for our client's industry by Hitwise in June 2010.

You can see from the Open Site Explorer image below, that the top pages on the review site had a commanding domain and page authority:

SEOMoz URL authority

All posts on product-reviewer.com featured tags, including links to 3rd party sites. Whenever certain topics were mentioned, our client was mentioned as one of the retailers and given a 'dofollow' brand anchor link. All-in-all our client had over 5,000 links on unique, highly relevant, much-tweeted about and popular posts on this industry bible. SEO heaven right? Wrong!

The Problem

The URL stored in the product-reviewer.com CMS did not resolve. The site had linked to http://www.store.domain.com/ which did not resolve, instead of the correct store URL in the form of http://store.domain.com/ or the homepage of http://www.domain.com/. (I hear your sighs).

 Server Not Found - The URL being linked to doesn't resolve

The Line Is Drawn, Let Battle Commence - 9 August 2010 14:25:22

At the earliest opportunity I emailed my client, with a glint in my eye, to inform them of this discovery. With a 40 page site audit sitting firmly at the back of their development queue (and looking like it was going nowhere fast), this was a much-coveted gem. An opportunity for a 'win' that couldn’t be ignored.

The email was duly sent: 

Email sent to client about the gem link

26th August 2010 

There was no sign of progress, so based on the fact that this was such a gem of a link - I’d settle for second best. Let’s 301 the non-resolving URL, to the homepage of the client's sub-domain. Not ideal, as some value could be lost through the 301 and we don’t want to focus attention on a sub-domain, but, better than nothing. As a result, we raised 'Work Request WR 4521'. (At the time of writing, this still remains in the queue!) 

3rd November 2010

OK, so two days before bonfire night and it’s still all quiet on the western front and awesome value is still flowing to a page that doesn’t resolve. So, to try an alternative mode of contact, I tracked down the editors of the review site on Twitter, LinkedIn and Facebook, then forwarded their details to my client who leapt into action. Emails were pinged, introductions fired and tweets tweeted. Still nothing. My client even reached into the back of his drawer, found his fountain pen and wrote them a letter. Remember them??

Time goes on...

2011, The Year of the Postman

Having arrived back from the festive period with a slightly tight waistband, but with a renewed zeal for battle, I ran through the SEO’s standard, pre-flight checks of rankings, competitors rankings, traffic, conversions, ORM, Tweets and emails for our clients. Then, in a quiet moment I prepared myself for more disappointment as I checked the links on my bête noir.

To my utter amazement, and after cautionary double, treble and quadruple takes, I could see that the review links were now pointing towards the Promised Land. Beautiful links to our client's homepage, all 5000+ of them. Queue a rather excitable email to my client. Now we had even more than the Ashes win to celebrate (that's a Cricket mention to the Americans amongst you!).


And his response, which explained the source of our joy:

Links gained, Ashes won

In addition to my euphoria at the links being changed and the value finally flowing, was the knowledge that on every subsequent post our client would get another 100% relevant, brand anchor link to add to their backlink profile, along with a decent chance of some good traffic to boot.

Would you believe it? I certainly wouldn’t have done, but it would appear that in 2011, the link building future is bright, and the future is paper!!

Some of the most important lessons for me were as follows

  • A trained and knowledgeable client who you’ve nurtured and instilled with the importance of these highly relevant relationship-links, is a devilishly powerful weapon.
  • Silence does not mean "no" when it comes to link building. It means "get the kettle on" (or buy a Starbucks) and start thinking about another method of approach.
  • There are no hard and fast rules to link development, other than being polite and persistent in chasing those gem links. The creative cat will always get the cream.
  • Dust off the fountain pen, rip open a new ream of headed paper and get writing!! 

As a footnote, since these links have been changed, the client in question has risen back to #1 for their main keyword - one of the most competitive keywords in the UK. A great start to 2011!

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Winning the Future Through Clean Energy Innovation

The White House Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Energy and Environment Agenda

In his State of the Union Address, President Obama emphasized the importance of investing in clean energy innovation. The President introduced a number of ambitious, but achievable proposals that will transform America’s energy future through innovation including generating 80 percent of our energy from clean energy sources by 2035, putting one million advanced technology vehicles on the road by 2015, and investing over $8 billion in research, development and deployment of clean energy programs.   

In case you missed it, be sure to check out the President State of the Union Address at WhiteHouse.gov/SOTU.

Over the past few weeks, agencies from around the Administration have been outlining the ways in which they are already helping to win the clean energy future.  Check out their blog posts below.


Keeping America Competitive: Innovation and Clean Energy
Heather Zichal, Deputy Assistant to the President for Energy and Climate Change, outlines the President's plans to win the future by building a clean energy economy here at home.

Meeting the President's Challenge on Clean Energy at the ARPA-E Summit
The 2011 Advanced Research Projects Agency-Energy Summit will showcase technologies and innovations that are helping America meet the President's challenge to win the future through clean energy.

Standing Up Renewable Energy on America’s Lands and Oceans
Secretary Gary Locke discusses ways the Department of Commerce is supporting entrepreneurs all across America who are developing clean energy and energy-efficient technologies like installing wind turbines and solar panels, developing improved batteries for hybrid cars and putting the pieces of the next generation electricity grid together.

Winning the Future, Proterra Style
Secretary of Transportation Ray LaHood discusses his visit to Proterra, Inc., in Greenville, S.C. Proterra is using Federal Transit Administration grants to produce fast-charge batteries, and creating clean energy jobs in Greenville.

Our Plan to Put One Million Advanced Technology Vehicles on America’s Roads
Vice President Joe Biden traveled to Greenfield, IN to visit a manufacturer of advanced batteries who can help the country meet President Obama's goal to put one million advanced technology vehicles on the road.

Greening The Department of Veteran Affairs: A Year in Review
The Department of Veterans Affairs making great strides toward operating more energy efficient facilities, using more renewable energy, “greening” our vehicle fleets, and achieving other milestones on the path to creating a sustainable agency.

USDA Accomplishments in Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency
The Department of Agriculture is working to build a green energy economy. By producing renewable energy – especially biofuels – America’s farmers, ranchers and rural communities have the potential to help ensure our nation’s energy, environmental, and economic security

Discover and Deliver: The Big Picture on Energy
The Department of Energy has awarded more than $32 billion to promote clean energy and put Americans to work. It has also laid the groundwork to support clean energy technologies.

Moving the Navy and Marine Corps Off Fossil Fuels
Secretary of the Navy Ray Mabus discusses five ambitious goals to reduce fossil fuel consumption in the Navy and Marine Corps and increase the use of alternative energy to at least 50% of their energy requirements no later than 2020.

Open for Comments: National Ocean Policy Strategic Action Plans
As part of President Obama’s commitment to move toward the first comprehensive national policy for our oceans, the National Ocean Council (NOC) is responsible for developing strategic action plans to achieve nine priority objectives that address some of the most pressing challenges facing the ocean, our coasts, and the Great Lakes.

Department of Transportation Investments in American Innovation
Secretary of Transportation Ray LaHood discusses the Department of Transportation's efforts toward greater sustainability and a cleaner environment.

Leading by Example: The Federal Government's Sustainable Future
With a portfolio including 350 million square feet of public buildings, 200,000 federal vehicles, and a flow of goods and services throughout government totaling $95 billion, the General Services Administration is moving the federal government towards a more sustainable future.

A Commitment to Responsibility – HUD’s Work to Build a Clean Energy Economy and a Stronger Environment
Secretary of the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), Shaun Donovan, shares some of HUD's major accomplishments in advancing clean energy and a stronger environment.

Standing Up Renewable Energy on America’s Lands and Oceans
By helping stand up responsible large-scale renewable energy projects on America’s public lands and oceans, the Department of the Interior is helping to fulfill President Obama’s vision for a new energy future.

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Transition in Egypt

The White House Your Daily Snapshot for
Wednesday, Feb. 2,  2011

President Obama on the Transition in Egypt

The President speaks on the situation in Egypt and says the orderly transition "must be meaningful, must be peaceful, and must begin now."

Watch the video.


In Case You Missed It

Here are some of the top stories from the White House blog.

West Wing Week: "Dispatches from Sudan"
Travel alongside the President's Special Envoy to Sudan, General Scott Gration, and witness the historic referendum in South Sudan.

Race to the Top Commencement Challenge: Winning the Future by Out-Educating the World
President Obama kicks off the 2011 Race to the Top Commencement Challenge! Watch the video and find out how your school can apply.

The Next Generation of Teachers
Education Secretary Arne Duncan writes about his trip to Morehouse College in Atlanta, and his shared belief with the President that education is the civil rights issue of our generation.

Today's Schedule

All times are Eastern Standard Time (EST).

9:30 AM: The President and the Vice President receive the Presidential Daily Briefing

10:00 AM: The President and the Vice President receive the Economic Daily Briefing

11:00 AM: The President meets with senior advisors

11:35 AM: The President signs the New START Treaty

 1:00 PM: Briefing by Press Secretary Robert Gibbs WhiteHouse.gov/live

2:05 PM: The President meets with Senator McCain

3:45 PM: The President and the Vice President meet with Secretary of State Clinton

4:45 PM: The President meets with Senator Bingaman

6:30 PM: The Vice President and Dr. Biden host a dinner for new senators 

WhiteHouse.gov/live  Indicates events that will be live streamed on WhiteHouse.gov/live.

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Salespeople: the free SEO tool every agency has

Posted: 02 Feb 2011 03:30 AM PST

I have been working as a full time SEO Exec for just about a year now and a few things have become apparent in that time, most notably that SEOs love tools and are always on the lookout for that elusive competitive advantage to give them a ranking edge. So it strikes me as odd that every agency already has access to a free tool that will (amongst other things) get them high quality links, improve their keyword research, increase their PPC CTRs and conversion rates and keep their clients happy and informed. But they very rarely use it to its full potential.

So what is this free SEO tool? It's your sales people. OK, so 'free' and 'tool' may have been used somewhat loosely, but bear with me.

How salespeople can help your SEO

The vast majority of SEOs are pretty awesome at what they do, and there are plenty of link building tactics where quite frankly it helps to be a computer geek, but one of the best ways to get great quality links is simply by asking, and this is where a lot of SEOs can come unstuck. I'm pretty sure you will see where I'm going with this already… but rather than sitting there trying to craft the perfect email, or spending hours talking on the phone uncomfortably, get your salesperson to do it and free up your time to do what you're best at. I can pretty much guarantee that they will have a much better success rate and will do it a hell of a lot faster. And as an added bonus, they may just pick up a new client from it:  after all, these sites need SEO too.

So once they are done with a few link requests, how about some keyword research? If you've exhausted all the obvious keywords and are prospecting for some longer tail gold, why not ask the people who sell all day to help you? Your salespeople will spend hours every day either consciously or unconsciously perfecting the language they use and studying the language clients use as well – put this to good use.  This applies doubly if you have access to your clients' sales teams. Get them to sell to you; listen to the language and terms they use, and ask them what terms the customers use. You never know they may provide a term that you'd never even think is related but that will send conversions through the roof for little or no SEO effort.

Tip – Most larger companies will have sales scripts that their team work from and will record calls for "training and quality purposes", so why not ask if you can have a look/listen.

How salespeople can help your PPC
Q1. How often do you sit and look at your CTR and conversion rates and wish they could be higher? Most days?

Q2. How often have you asked the professional salesperson in the office for their input? Never?

This is the most obvious area where even a little sales experience can go a long way. Your salespeople will have spent their working life approaching people, having to summarise your services in a few words to spark someone's interest enough to get them the opportunity to explain more.  Is it me or does that not sound similar to what a PPC ad is trying to achieve? Use their experience and expertise and get them to write some of your PPC ad text, or at the very least get them to brainstorm some call to action phrases for you.

Tip – Every salesperson in the world at some point will have done an elevator pitch. Get them to do one for the client's site and then chop it down to hit the character limit.

How salespeople can help your account management

I think it's fair to say that if you work in SEO long enough, you will invariably come across a client you explain an SEO concept to and you know full well that they have no idea what you've just told them. The problem is that if a client doesn't understand a concept, they are pretty unlikely to be fully supportive of it. The next time it happens, make a note of it, go and explain it how you would normally to one of your salespeople and then get them to explain it to you as if you were the client. Salespeople make a living from taking advanced concepts they probably won't know the technicalities of and selling them to people who may never have heard of them.

Tip – If you're having a real problem getting past your contact to speak to the member of the development team you really need to do some work for you, ask your salesperson to have a go – getting past "gatekeepers" should be second nature.

© SEOptimise – Download our free business guide to blogging whitepaper and sign-up for the SEOptimise monthly newsletter. Salespeople: the free SEO tool every agency has

Related posts:

  1. Client’s Guide to SEO: How to Approach SEO Agencies
  2. Keyword Temperature and Other Exotic Metrics
  3. Account Executive

Seth's Blog : Unreasonable

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It's unreasonable to get out of bed on a snow day, when school has been cancelled, and turn the downtime into six hours of work on an extra credit physics lab.

It's unreasonable to launch a technology product that jumps the development curve by nine months, bringing the next generation out much earlier than more reasonable competitors.

It's unreasonable for a trucking company to answer the phone on the first ring.

It's unreasonable to start a new company without the reassurance venture money can bring.

It's unreasonable to expect a doctor's office to have a pleasant and helpful front desk staff.

It's unreasonable to walk away from a good gig in today's economy, even if you want to do something brave and original.

It's unreasonable for teachers to expect that we can enable disadvantaged inner city kids to do well in high school.

It's unreasonable to treat your colleagues and competitors with respect given the pressure you're under.

It's unreasonable to expect that anyone but a great woman, someone with both drive and advantages, could do anything important in a world where the deck is stacked against ordinary folks.

It's unreasonable to devote years of your life making a product that most people will never appreciate.

Fortunately, the world is filled with unreasonable people. Unfortunately, you need to compete with them.

[Have one to add? Please do. Would love to see it.]

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