miercuri, 16 februarie 2011

Raven SEO Tools Review – Getting Started With Keywords Graywolf's SEO Blog

Raven SEO Tools Review – Getting Started With Keywords Graywolf's SEO Blog

Raven SEO Tools Review – Getting Started With Keywords

Posted: 15 Feb 2011 07:44 AM PST

Post image for Raven SEO Tools Review – Getting Started With Keywords

I’ve been spending some quality time with Raven Tools, and I thought I’d turn it into a tutorial series to help you get more out of using the tools as well.

I’m going to assume you’re starting from scratch here; if you’re not, just skip the steps as needed. The first thing you need to do is set up a profile. A profile allows you to keep “related” sites together. For example if you had 3 travel sites and 3 gadget sites, I would set up two profiles–one for travel & one for gadgets. If you have client work and your own sites, you can divide it that way as well. Just think of it as a big drawer in a virtual filing cabinet. For this tutorial, I’m going to be using one profile for this website. After you have named the profile, it asks you to enter the domain and choose which search engines you want to track rankings on

Raven Tools Website Setup

For this tutorial I’m going to do things manually, but you can feel free to use setup wizard if you like. Once that’s done, I like to hook in Google analytics. You do that under the analytics tab. If you are logged into Google Analytics, the account will show (sorry about the redaction); if not, it will promptyou to log in. Then you will choose which site from that Google profile it should use.

Raven Screen Analytics Setup

If everything worked, you should see your analytics data which looks something like this:

Screen Analytics Data

f your website has been running for a while, there will likely be some keyword data. You can access it by pressing the “keyword” link at the top of the page. In the lower part of the page you will see keywords you already rank for. If you would like to track your position for one of the words, click the “add” button on the right.

Raven Keyword Analytics Import

It’s likely you’ll want to track more than one word, but (to keep things simple) I’ll just be using [seo blog] for now.  Once I’ve added all the words from my analytics, I want to find some new keywords. I’m lazy … err efficient … so I like to start by looking at what others in my space are doing. For the purpose of this tutorial I’m going to look at Sugarrae.com. So Head on over to Research > Keyword Analyzer and put in the domain you want to scan.

research tab

In a minute or so you’ll see the results, which look something like this:

Keyword Analysis

You’ll notice symbols next to the words. Raven tries to tell you what it thinks those words are. [Advil] for example is a product. [Christine Churchill] is a person. It thinks [internet marketing] is a company (hey it’s not always right), and it thinks [affiliate sales] is a keyword. If I wanted to start tracking my rankings for any of those words, I would just use the “add” link on the right.

Next you’ll want to try the SEM Rush Keyword Tool, which is located under Research > SEM Rush. SEM Rush is a paid keyword tool that’s included with your Raven subscription. What’s nice here is it gives you a a lot of extra data like what the CPC is for adwords (this helps you identify high value or high conversion keywords), traffic volume, number of results, and so on. You can add the words to your tracking report with the “add” link on the right.

SEM Rush Keywords

Next up is the Wordtracker Tool, which is another paid SEO keyword tool included in your Raven subscription. Access this tool by going to  Research > Wordtracker in the menu. This works a little differently than the the tools we have looked at so far. It asks you to put in one or more words then gives you back a list of suggested or related keywords. Again you can add them to the tracking with the “add” link on the right.

Wordtracker Raven Tools

Last is the Google Adwords Keyword tool located under Research > Adwords Research. It works the same way the Wordtracker tool does, using one or more seed terms to build a list of similar or related keyword suggestions. It gives you prior months’ volume, last month’s volume, and competition. Again add keywords to your tracking list with the “add” text on the right.

Raven Adwords Keywords

Next you want to head over to the Ranking > Competitors tab and enter in any competing websites. I put those websites in for example purposes only. Let’s not start any Gray hates Rae/Aaron/Rand rumors okay …

Raven Competition

Let’s do one last check of all of the keywords we have decided to track using the Rankings > Keyword tab.

Raven Master Keyword Tracker

Now it’s time to look at where we rank for our keywords and compare ourselves to the competition. You can change competitors using the drop down on the right.

Keyword Ranking

Raven Competition Keyword

The last thing you’ll want to do is add the analytics, keyword, and rank tracking to your dashboard.

Raven Dashboard

There’s a lot more you can do with Raven Tools, which I’ll take a look at in future posts.

To be clear I am a current paying customer of Raven SEO Tools. If you sign up from my link I will get a commission. However I feel that this is a tool that can help you be more productive and make more money, which is why I’m comfortable recommending it. Feel free to try Raven Tools for 30 days for free. You don’t even need a credit card to sign up …

tla starter kit

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  1. Text Link Ads - New customers can get $100 in free text links.
  2. BOTW.org - Get a premier listing in the internet's oldest directory.
  3. Ezilon.com Regional Directory - Check to see if your website is listed!
  4. Directory Journal - Get permanent deep links in a search engine friendly directory
  5. Glass Whiteboards - For a professional durable white board with no ghosting, streaking or marker stains, see my Glass Whiteboard Review
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  7. Link Building- Backlink Build offers 45 PR5+ Backlinks for $295
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  9. Scribe SEO Review find out how to better optimize your wordpress posts.
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This post originally came from Michael Gray who is an SEO Consultant. Be sure not to miss the Thesis Wordpress Theme review.

Raven SEO Tools Review – Getting Started With Keywords

Race to the Top Commencement Challenge

The White House Your Daily Snapshot for
Wednesday, Feb. 16,  2011

Race to the Top Commencement Challenge

The Race to the Top Commencement Challenge is back and we’re asking public high school students from across the country to tell us how their school is preparing them for college and a career. In return, we'll make sure one high school has a graduation they'll never forget – including a commencement address by President Obama himself.

The deadline for applications is February 25, 2011. Learn more and apply today.

Photo of the Day

President Barack Obama meets with former President George H. W. Bush in the Oval Office, Feb. 15, 2011. (Official White House Photo by Pete Souza)

In Case You Missed It

Here are some of the top stories from the White House blog.

President Obama on Deficits and Corporate Tax Reform
President Obama holds a news conference on the 2012 budget and explains how the federal government, like American families, must live within its means while still investing in the future.

Investing in Our Future
President Obama sends an email to the White House email list about his FY2012 Budget proposal and some of the tough choices we must make so that we can afford to invest in our future.

Video: Travels with the First Lady
Watch as the First Lady travels to Alpharetta, Georgia, to celebrate the first anniversary of her Let's Move! initiative.

Today's Schedule

All times are Eastern Standard Time (EST).

9:30 AM: The President and the Vice President receive the Presidential Daily Briefing

10:00 AM: The President meets with senior advisors

12:30 PM: Press Briefing with Press Secretary Jay Carney WhiteHouse.gov/live

1:15 PM: The Vice President meets with Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski of Macedonia

1:45 PM: The President meets with Secretary of State Clinton

2:20 PM: The President and the Vice President meet with the Senate Democratic Leadership

4:45 PM: The President delivers remarks on the America’s Great Outdoors initiative WhiteHouse.gov/live

6:30 PM: The Vice President and Dr. Jill Biden host a dinner for new senators

WhiteHouse.gov/live  Indicates events that will be live streamed on White House.com/Live.

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30 Efficient Web Tools that Save Time and Make Money for Power Users

Posted: 15 Feb 2011 06:19 AM PST


Web tools are useful when they don’t require a significant time investment to master them or use them. The best tools out there save time and make money at the same time. They don’t even have to deal with time and money like time management or micropayment tools do. They just have to make sure you reach your goals as fast as possible and that you finish the tasks you work on as quickly as possible.

Business tools in particular have to be time saving in order to make time for the actual business matters.

There are tools out there, such as Facebook, which require more time investment than others, and the ROI remains fuzzy. ​Today I want to focus on the kind of tools that are the exact opposite:  efficient. Check out the list of 30 efficient Web tools that save time and make money for power users below:

Social Media Tools

  • CoTweet makes Twitter actually conversational and searchable. It saves all your past conversations.
  • Sendible is similar to an email marketing tool but for social media. Send messages via numerous channels in an organised way.
  • Get Satisfaction is for gathering user feedback directly when you want it, instead of perusing the whole Web to find it.
  • SM2 is an analytics tool for social media that collects all kinds of data on the keywords you want it to track, so you don’t have to search Facebook, Twitter, blogs and forums.
  • Trunk.ly collects your links from Delicious, Twitter and Facebook automatically so that don’t have to back them up or search for them. Trunk.ly does both.
  • Amplify is like Ping.fm or Friendfeed in that it combines all your networks in one place, plus you get a WordPress blog there automatically​.​
  • ShopTab is a tool for creating a shop tab in Facebook without much fuss. Some agencies charge thousands of dollars or let you pay per click; not here.​

Search and SEO Tools

  • Yahoo! Search Clues is a keyword research tool that not only shows you how often your keyword gets looked after, but also who looks for it. In a way, it combines several Google and Bing tools in one place.​
  • blekko is a spam-free search engine. Although it may take a while to get used to it, once you know how to use it and you’ve customised it to fit your needs, it’s better than Google.​
  • Screaming Frog SEO Spider allows you to crawl the Web like a search engine​. You check your site for broken links and much more.
  • Global Market Finder is a new keyword research tool by Google, finding potential markets for you abroad. No need to do it manually anymore.
  • Reinvigorate is not only a well-designed, real-time analytics tool; it also offers heat maps for the most competitive prices out there.
  • Domainr is a very ​simple and fast domain search engine giving you a quick overview of all kinds of domains, even the most exotic ones.

Music Tools

  • SoundCloud – Your Sound, At The Heart is a one stop shop for all your audio and musical needs​. Whether you’re an artist, a journalist or a user wanting to download free music, Soundcloud is for you​.
  • stereomood allows you to play music matching your current mood. So no need to tediously add artist names or listen a one size fits all genre radio. ​
  • Hitlantis uses an advanced visualization to help you find new music from independent artists you might like quickly​.

Web Design & Development Tools

  • Optimizely – A/B testing is really obligatory if you want to make sure that your visitors really use your site to buy and not to bounce. Opimizely is an easy-to-use WYSIWIG editor to create A/B tests.​
  • Sumo Paint is like PhotoShop but it’s online and you don’t even have to regsiter. Just drop in and create your graphics.​
  • Clue is user testing in such a simple way that any text describing it would take longer than to test it.
  • Surreal CMS is probably the best way to add ​a simple-to-use CMS with advanced functionality to your custom build microsite.​

Money-Making Tools

  • Pay with a Tweet is an alternative way to pay. You pay with your social capital on Twitter, aka a tweet.​
  • Ven is a new global internet currency which should simplify transnational transaction significantly if you ask me.​
  • Flattr is a micropayment tool you use to pay those writers you actually want to support, with just the click of a button.​
  • Kapipal is a very simple crowdfunding tool does not take money and works with PayPal.​
  • The Invoice Machine creates professional-looking invoices on the fly.
  • Twippr allows you to send money using Twitter. As simple as that.
  • OnePageCRM is a modern web-based CRM tool​ that takes away the fuss from Customer Relationship​ Management. It’s free while in Beta.​

Time-Saving Tools

  • Geckoboard combines all your important business data in one place and updates it in real time.​
  • Mite is a simple yet powerful time and project management tool at a very competitive price.
  • TeuxDeux is the first online ‘to do’ list that I actually use without getting annoyed and losing time.

These web tools are for power users who gain their power by getting things done efficiently. You can waste time and money all day on the Web, but you can use tools to save time and make money as well. Try these and tell me what you think! How did you use them? I have tested most of them and use some of them regularly.

Most of the tools are both easy to use and free or affordable so that you don’t have to invest much more time and money than you get out of them.

*Image by Menage a Moi.

© SEOptimise – Download our free business guide to blogging whitepaper and sign-up for the SEOptimise monthly newsletter. 30 Efficient Web Tools that Save Time and Make Money for Power Users

Related posts:

  1. Study: Twitter Users 3 Times More Active than Average Social Media Users
  2. How to Use Google Webmaster Tools for SEO Inspiration
  3. Interviews with UK’s First Facebook Users

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