marți, 28 ianuarie 2014

Damn Cool Pics

Damn Cool Pics

Porcupine Falls from a Lamp Post onto Woman

Posted: 28 Jan 2014 03:49 PM PST

Sandra Nabucco from Rio de Janeiro, was walking her dog when a porcupine fell from a lamp post onto her head. 52-year-old taken to hospital and 272 needles were removed from her head. Housewife is now on antibiotics following painful incident.

Only in Canada

Posted: 28 Jan 2014 03:39 PM PST

Strange Passengers

Posted: 28 Jan 2014 09:06 AM PST

Strange passengers on the flight from Casablanca to Abu Dhabi.

Before I go on:



Hello everyone,

Before too long, I'll be heading to the Capitol to report on the state of our union -- and talk about the year ahead.

It's one of the most important traditions of the American democracy, and it happens tonight.

Let me know you'll be watching.

President Barack Obama


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TONIGHT! The State of the Union

Here's What's Happening Here at the White House

TONIGHT! The State of the Union

President Obama gives his fifth State of the Union address tonight. Get the smartest take -- watch our enhanced version, with the graphics and charts you need to get the most out of President Obama's plan for 2014.

Tune in to at 9 p.m. ET, and forward to a friend.

Make sure you're watching tonight at 9 p.m. ET on



  Top Stories

The Most Accessible and Interactive SOTU Yet

For the 2014 State of the Union, the White House is rolling out a series of new online features designed to improve accessibility and interactivity. We're making an effort to give you a look inside the State of the Union process -- however you want to engage.


A Day in the Life: Inside the State of the Union with Dan Pfeiffer

After months of meetings, piles of memos and dozens of drafts, it's gameday -- and Senior Advisor Dan Pfeiffer is taking over the White House Instagram to give you a look inside the West Wing, as the President gets ready for his fifth State of the Union.


A Day in the Life: Inside the State of the Union with Jay Carney

Yesterday, ahead of President Obama's State of the Union address, Press Secretary Jay Carney took over the White House Instagram to take you behind the scenes (and the podium).


  Today's Schedule

All times are Eastern Time (ET)

7:30 AM: The Vice President and Secretary of State John Kerry meet for breakfast

10:00 AM: The President and Vice President receive the Presidential Daily Briefing

9:00 PM: The President delivers the State of the Union Address; the Vice President, The First Lady, and Dr. Biden attend WATCH LIVE

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Top Strategies, Salaries and Tools Revealed: Industry Survey Results 2014

Top Strategies, Salaries and Tools Revealed: Industry Survey Results 2014

Top Strategies, Salaries and Tools Revealed: Industry Survey Results 2014

Posted: 27 Jan 2014 03:12 PM PST

Posted by Cyrus-Shepard

Late last year we set out to discover the top tools, tactics, and trends of the online marketing world. With the help of our partners, over 3700 participated in this year's Industry Survey.

Today, Moz is proud to present the results.

Read the Industry Survey 2014 Results

Shifting demographics and salaries

This year's data was analyzed by Dr. Pete Meyers, Moz's Resident Marketing Scientist.

One area we've tracked for several years is the demographic makeup of professionals working in the online marketing industry. Among the shifts the survey has revealed is a rise in the number of women working in the field.

This year's respondents were 28.3% female, up from 20.7% in 2010, although theses numbers indicate we still have a long way to go.

The survey also examines salaries, as indicated by the graphic below showing the median salary by role of respondents around the world. The full data set (see below) contains even more granular information.

Median Salary by Role

Tools and strategies in 2014

In the age of (not provided), Google's Hummingbird update and changing practices in the world of link building and content marketing, the survey tracts both shifting tactics and tools inbound marketers most use to perform their jobs.

This year, we particularly wanted to know how marketers dealt with (not provided) keywords, as we've seen it's prevalence expand to over 75% worldwide.

How do marketers deal with (not provided)?

This represents only a small sampling of the data analyzed by Dr. Pete. Check out the complete results for more insight.

Bonus: Build your own content with the full data download

Moz is making all the data collected public under a Creative Commons license. This means you are free to use it for research, creating visual assets, or even producing your own content from the raw data, as long as you follow the requirements of the Creative Commons license.

We only published a portion of the data for this year's Industry Survey results, so the possibilities of what you can do with the remaining full data set are endless.

Get the full data download here.

Thanks to our partners and contributors

We firmly believe in collecting this data for the benefit of the entire industry, and this effort wouldn't be possible without the help of our partners. A few of the companies that deserve special recognition:

Also a big thanks to Moz team members Dr. Pete, Derric Wise and Devin Ellis who produced the content, and finally Jackie Immel who worked tirelessly for months to bring the whole project together.

Read the Industry Survey 2014 Results

Sign up for The Moz Top 10, a semimonthly mailer updating you on the top ten hottest pieces of SEO news, tips, and rad links uncovered by the Moz team. Think of it as your exclusive digest of stuff you don't have time to hunt down but want to read!




Tonight, Barack will deliver his fifth State of the Union address.

You might think that this speech was born out of a pile of papers or a long series of meetings. But actually, the real motivations -- and the real substance -- behind tonight's speech come from those quiet moments late at night, when Barack is at his desk reading your letters.

He reads at least 10 a day, from folks all across the country. You write him to say thank you, or to weigh in on a policy issue. You tell him about your families, and what's going on in your lives. And he listens.

These letters turn into real action. I've seen it happen: He'll write in the margins "This is who we're fighting for," and then he'll pass them on to his senior staff.

Take a look at this video -- you'll see what I mean. Then make sure to let him know you'll be watching tonight.

Barack is always up late before big speeches like this one.

And all day today, I know that he'll be making changes to the speech right up until the last hour.

It's not only because he wants to get that final draft just right. It's because he cares deeply about your stories and your hopes and dreams. That's what keeps him going every single day.

We hope you'll be watching:


First Lady Michelle Obama

P.S. -- I'm honored to be watching tonight's speech with some incredible Americans from across the country. Meet them here, and make sure you tune in at 9 p.m. ET.


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