marți, 28 ianuarie 2014

TONIGHT! The State of the Union

Here's What's Happening Here at the White House

TONIGHT! The State of the Union

President Obama gives his fifth State of the Union address tonight. Get the smartest take -- watch our enhanced version, with the graphics and charts you need to get the most out of President Obama's plan for 2014.

Tune in to at 9 p.m. ET, and forward to a friend.

Make sure you're watching tonight at 9 p.m. ET on



  Top Stories

The Most Accessible and Interactive SOTU Yet

For the 2014 State of the Union, the White House is rolling out a series of new online features designed to improve accessibility and interactivity. We're making an effort to give you a look inside the State of the Union process -- however you want to engage.


A Day in the Life: Inside the State of the Union with Dan Pfeiffer

After months of meetings, piles of memos and dozens of drafts, it's gameday -- and Senior Advisor Dan Pfeiffer is taking over the White House Instagram to give you a look inside the West Wing, as the President gets ready for his fifth State of the Union.


A Day in the Life: Inside the State of the Union with Jay Carney

Yesterday, ahead of President Obama's State of the Union address, Press Secretary Jay Carney took over the White House Instagram to take you behind the scenes (and the podium).


  Today's Schedule

All times are Eastern Time (ET)

7:30 AM: The Vice President and Secretary of State John Kerry meet for breakfast

10:00 AM: The President and Vice President receive the Presidential Daily Briefing

9:00 PM: The President delivers the State of the Union Address; the Vice President, The First Lady, and Dr. Biden attend WATCH LIVE

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