joi, 3 aprilie 2014

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The White House Thursday, April 03, 2014

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As President Obama focuses on the importance of raising the minimum wage, check out this infographic that shows how it will impact women. See it and share it (along with all of our best content) on

Raising the minimum wage will help women succeed. Click here to see the full infographic.Go to


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What the President Said in Michigan Yesterday

Here's what's going on at the White House today.


What the President Said in Michigan Yesterday

Yesterday, President Obama traveled to the University of Michigan -- where he highlighted a local deli that rewards hard work with decent wages, and spoke in Ann Arbor on the importance of raising the national minimum wage:

Nobody who works full-time should be raising their family in poverty, right? If you're working, if you're responsible, you should be able to pay the rent, pay the bills. But... all across the country, you can work full-time on the minimum wage and still be in poverty.

Click here to see more from President Obama's trip to Ann Arbor.

The President stops at Michigan sandwich shop Zingerman's before delivering remarks on raising the national minimum wage.

President Barack Obama and Rep. Gary Peters, D-Mich. stop for lunch at Zingerman's Delicatessen in Ann Arbor, Mich., April 2, 2014. (Official White House Photo by Chuck Kennedy)


  Top Stories

The President Delivers a Statement About the Shooting at Fort Hood

Last night, the President delivered remarks about the ongoing situation in Fort Hood: "I would just hope that everybody across the country is keeping the families and the community at Fort Hood in our thoughts and in our prayers."


Add Your Name: America Deserves a Raise

Yesterday, Secretary of Labor Tom Perez sent a message to the White House email list on why we need to raise the minimum wage. If you agree with Secretary Perez, add your name, and share why you think we need to raise the wage.


President Obama: "7.1 Million Americans"

The President sent a message to the White House email list yesterday afternoon following his remarks in the Rose Garden, announcing that over 7.1 million Americans have now signed up for private insurance through the new Health Insurance Marketplaces.


  Today's Schedule

All times are Eastern Time (ET)

10:30 AM: The President and Vice President receive the Presidential Daily Briefing

12:00 PM: Press Briefing by Press Secretary Jay Carney

12:35 PM: The President and Vice President meet for lunch

3:20 PM: The President and First Lady welcome the 2014 U.S. Olympic and Paralympic teams to the White House WATCH LIVE

4:00 PM: The President holds a bill signing

6:00 PM: The President and Vice President meet with the bipartisan, bicameral Congressional Leadership


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Seth's Blog : Kanri Yakyu


Kanri Yakyu

Literally, "controlled baseball."

If you're playing this way, it's by the numbers. The manager tells you precisely what to do, and you do it. There are algorithms for when to bunt, for when to throw a ball. And there is no room for surprise. It is ground out (not a pun), controlled and predictable.

Kanri yakyu will often get you into the playoffs. It rarely means you're going to win the big games, though.

The secret is being able to play this way when you need to, but being brave enough to leap when it's least expected. Just like your career.



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miercuri, 2 aprilie 2014

Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis

Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis

Supreme Court Removes Campaign Caps; Worst Congress Money Can Bribe; Expect More Divisive Politics

Posted: 02 Apr 2014 10:30 AM PDT

In 2010, the Supreme Court ruled that corporations are people and in 2012 upheld that ruling. Those actions unleashed a flood of corporation and union-sponsored fundraising activities.

Today the Supreme Court Voided Caps on Total Campaign Giving by individuals.
A divided U.S. Supreme Court struck down decades-old limits on the total money donors can give to federal candidates and parties, issuing its biggest campaign-finance ruling since the 2010 Citizens United decision.

Voting 5-4 along ideological lines, the court today said the caps violated the speech rights of Shaun McCutcheon, an Alabama Republican official seeking to give candidates, parties and political committees more than the $123,200 maximum.

The court stopped short of undercutting a 1976 ruling that allows caps on contributions to individual candidates. For instance, donors will still be limited to giving $2,600 to a federal candidate for each election.

The loosening of campaign-finance restrictions has become a hallmark of the court under Roberts. The Citizens United ruling helped fuel an explosion of campaign spending, with spending from candidates, parties and outside groups topping $6 billion in 2012. Today's ruling may affect November's congressional elections, as Republicans seek to take control of the Senate.

Though today's ruling isn't likely to approach the effect of Citizens United, it will give more freedom to wealthy donors looking to use their money to make a political impact.

'Eviscerates' Laws

Taken together with Citizens United, the decision "eviscerates our nation's campaign-finance laws, leaving a remnant incapable of dealing with the grave problems of democratic legitimacy that those laws were intended to resolve," Justice Stephen Breyer wrote in dissent.

Justices Samuel Alito, Anthony Kennedy, Clarence Thomas and Antonin Scalia joined Roberts in the majority, with Thomas saying in a separate opinion that he would have gone further and overturned the 1976 ruling. Justices Elena Kagan, Ruth Bader Ginsburg and Sonia Sotomayor dissented alongside Breyer.

The aggregate limits included a cap of $48,600 to federal candidates and $74,600 to political parties and political action committees during each two-year election cycle.

Those restrictions, which date to 1974, were designed to supplement better-known restraints known as base limits. Under those, donors can contribute a maximum of $2,600 to particular candidates per election, $5,000 per year to individual PACs and $32,400 per year to each national party committee. The limits are indexed for inflation and increase every election cycle.
Citizens United

The 2010 Citizens United ruling allowed unlimited corporate and union spending. The latest case focused on contributions, rather than spending. It raises questions about a landmark 1976 ruling, Buckley v. Valeo, which said the government had broad latitude to limit contributions to guard against corruption.

The Obama administration defended the aggregate caps, which the Supreme Court in Buckley said prevent "evasion" of the base limits. A three-judge panel used similar reasoning to uphold the caps last year.

The administration said that, without the caps, donors might be able to give large sums to a variety of candidates and political committees, anticipating that the money would be spent in support of a single favored candidate. Breyer said a wealthy donor could give $3.6 million to his political party and its candidates over a two-year election cycle.

Roberts dismissed that concern. "Experience suggests that the vast majority of contributions made in excess of the aggregate limits are likely to be retained and spent by their recipients rather than rerouted to candidates," he wrote.
Expect More Divisive Politics

These rulings will result in more extreme candidates on both sides of the aisle, essentially the worst candidates money can buy.

Unions and union advocates will promote extreme-left candidates while the war-mongers and the religious wrong will promote their brand of politics.

Expect "litmus" tests from each party when doling out campaign funds. Those in the middle will find  fewer and fewer candidates to chose from.

Mike "Mish" Shedlock  

Can a Fish Out of the Water Please Everyone at the Same Time?

Posted: 02 Apr 2014 09:55 AM PDT

After annoying the socialists with the appointment of right-winger Manuel Valls as his new prime minister, French president Francois Hollande went the other way by expanding the role of extreme left-winger and state interventionist Arnaud Montebourg.

Please consider Hollande boosts left in cabinet reshuffle.
President François Hollande has promoted prominent leftists in his revamped Socialist government days after appointing rightwinger Manuel Valls as his new prime minister.

In a move clearly aimed at appeasing unease in Socialist ranks about Mr Valls, Mr Hollande balanced the choice of his close friend Michel Sapin as finance minister with an enhanced role for controversial leftwinger Arnaud Montebourg.

Mr Sapin, a moderate who was briefly finance minister in the early 1990s, takes over from Pierre Moscovici with the task of steering France's wayward public finances under the close scrutiny of Brussels, Berlin and the country's other eurozone partners.

But the traditional role of the finance minister as overlord of the economy has been broken up, with Mr Montebourg, a strong state interventionist and fierce critic of Berlin-backed austerity policies, given charge of the wider economy, industry and digital development.

Mr Montebourg's promotion underscores Mr Hollande's concern to keep the leftwing of the Socialist party on board following the appointment of Mr Valls in the wake of a heavy defeat for the government in local elections last month. But it threatens to sow confusion over Mr Hollande's recent commitment to pro-business policies.

Mr Sapin, labour minister for the past two years, will have the tough task of persuading Brussels to give Paris more time to achieve its budget deficit targets as Mr Hollande shifts the emphasis of policy to growth and jobs generation following the election defeat.

Jeroen Dijsselbloem, who heads the eurogroup of eurozone finance ministers, underscored the pressure on Paris by saying on Wednesday that "time was running out" for France to meet its budget deficit targets.
Hollande acts like a fish out of water, first flopping this way, then that, with no apparent strategy other than a desperate search for water.

Don't expect this strategy to please anyone, especially Brussels and Germany.

Mike "Mish" Shedlock