vineri, 10 septembrie 2010

"The America I Believe In"

The White House Economy and Jobs Agenda
Friday, September 10, 2010

The Week In Economy and Jobs

On Wednesday, President Obama traveled to Cleveland, Ohio and laid out a set of targeted proposals to help our economy continue on a path to recovery.  He spoke about the need to strengthen our recovery in both the short and long terms by investing in America’s roads, bridges and runways, by helping small businesses grow and hire, and by giving certainty to businesses through a permanent incentive to innovate and create good jobs in America in the Research and Experimentation Tax Credit.

On Monday, President Obama traveled to Wisconsin to speak at the Milwaukee Laborfest where he announced a new plan for rebuilding and modernizing America’s roads, rails and runways for the long term.


Helping Businesses Invest to Strengthen Our Recovery
September 9, 2010
Commerce Secretary Gary Locke looks at the President's proposal to allow companies to fully deduct qualified capital investments through the end of 2011, and represents the largest temporary investment incentive in American history.

Fighting Foreclosures and Strengthening Neighborhoods
September 8, 2010
HUD Secretary Shaun Donovan writes about the Neighborhood Stabilization Program.

President Obama on the Economy in Cleveland: "The America I Believe In"
The President laid out a stark contrast between policies that help the economy work for the middle class, and the policies that allowed special interests to run amok -- and to run our economy into a ditch.

Boehner's Budget Gimmicks: Another Attempt to Hold Middle Class Tax Cuts Hostage
September 8, 2010
Deputy Communications Director Jen Psaki looks at how Republicans are trying to mask the cost of their tax cuts for the wealthiest Americans as they threaten to block middle class tax cuts to get their way.

Rebuilding Our Economy to Work for Middle Class Americans Again
September 8, 2010
Communications Director Dan Pfeiffer lays out the stakes on the economy ahead of the President's remarks in Cleveland.

President Proposes New Jobs, Renewed Infrastructure
September 7, 2010
Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood looks at the President's new proposals on infrastructure along with what the Administration has already accomplished.

President Obama on Labor Day: The Fight for America's Workers Continues
September 6, 2010
President Obama attends the Milwaukee Laborfest and announces a new plan for rebuilding and modernizing America’s roads, rails and runways for the long term.

The Right Comparison Between Recoveries
September 6, 2010
The Wall Street Journal ran a graph claiming, “The private sector is adding jobs … but the recovery is slower than in past cycles.”   In fact, even though it is not fast enough, the rate of job growth is actually faster now than was the case at comparable points of the past two recoveries.

Let's Stop Torturing Facts and Start Working Together
September 6, 2010
Jared Bernstein looks at the latest misleading attack on the Recovery Act and calls for cooperation on further measures to boost the economy.

Weekly Address: Honoring the American Worker
September 3, 2010
The President talks about his fight to make America work for the middle class and make sure hard work is rewarded -- rather than greed and recklessness.

Next Week on the Economy...
September 3, 2010
Communications Director Dan Pfeiffer gives a preview of the President's speech next week in Ohio.

Labor Day 2010: "The State of the American Worker"
September 3, 2010
This Labor Day, Secretary Hilda Solis discusses how the Labor Department is working to get America back to work and celebrates the contributions that working men and women have made to the strength and prosperity of the country.

President Obama on August Jobs Numbers: "Positive News" But "Not Nearly Good Enough"
September 3, 2010
The President talks about the most recent jobs numbers, what they mean, and what needs to be done.

Small Business Jobs Bill: No 'Itty Bitty' Thing
September 3, 2010
SBA Administrator Karen Mills talks about the real small business owners she's met out on the road who might dispute Republican dismissals of the small business help they've been blocking.

The Employment Situation in August
September 3, 2010
Private sector employment increased by 67,000 in August and the unemployment rate rose to 9.6%.

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