joi, 7 octombrie 2010

Daily Snapshot: A Little Lady Meets the First Lady

The White House Your Daily Snapshot for
Thrusday, October 7, 2010

Photo of the Day

Photo of the Day

Lynne Silosky, a niece of Staff Sergeant Robert J. Miller, curtsies with First Lady Michelle Obama during a meeting with Miller’s family in the Oval Office, Oct. 6, 2010. Later, during a ceremony in the East Room of the White House, President Barack Obama awarded Staff Sergeant Miller the Medal of Honor posthumously for his heroic actions in Afghanistan. (Official White House Photo by Pete Souza)

Today's Schedule

All times are Eastern Daylight Time

10:15 AM: The President receives the Presidential Daily Briefing

10:45 AM: The President meets with senior advisors

11:30 AM: The Vice President attends an event for Gubernatorial candidate Tom Barrett

12:05 PM: The President signs the Intel Authorization Bill

12:20 PM: The President signs the Reducing Over Classification Bill

12:30 PM: Briefing by Press Secretary Robert Gibbs

1:30 PM: The President meets with Secretary of the Treasury Geithner

2:30 PM: The President departs the White House en route Bowie, Maryland

3:15 PM: The President delivers remarks at a rally for Governor Martin O’Malley

4:15 PM: The President departs Bowie, Maryland en route Andrews Air Force Base

4:35 PM: The President departs Andrews Air Force Base en route Chicago, Illinois

6:15 PM: The President arrives in Chicago, Illinois

6:15 PM: The Vice President attends an event for Senatorial candidate Robin Carnahan

7:00 PM: The President delivers remarks at a reception for Alexi Giannoulias

7:40 PM: The President attends a dinner for Alexi Giannoulias

9:20 PM: The President departs Chicago, Illinois en route Andrews Air Force Base

10:55 PM: The President arrives at Andrews Air Force Base

11:10 PM: The President arrives at the White House  Indicates Events that will be livestreamed on

In Case You Missed It

Here are some of the top stories from the White House blog

Awarding Staff Sergeant Robert J. Miller the Medal of Honor
The Vice President and the First Lady were also present as the President awarded Robert J. Miller, Staff Sergeant, U.S. Army, the Medal of Honor for conspicuous gallantry.

Honoring Fallen Firefighters, Preparing as Individuals
During Fire Prevention Week, as we remember the sacrifices of our firefighters and first responders, we have a responsibility to make sure our own homes are protected.

DOT Online Map Collects Voices of the Recovery Act; Workers Encouraged to Upload Their Own Video Stories
Secretary of Transportation Ray LaHood introduces the new DOT map of videos from workers across the country talking about what the Recovery Act has done for them.

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