joi, 7 octombrie 2010

Solar Panels on the White House and in the California Desert

The White House Energy and Climate Agenda
Thursday, October 7, 2010

The Week in Energy and Climate

This week, Council on Environmental Quality Chair Nancy Sutley and Secretary of Energy Steven Chu announced plans to install solar panels and a solar water heater on the roof of the White House residence. Later that same day, Secretary of the Interior Ken Salazar approved the first large-scale solar energy plants on public lands.  

In his Weekly Address on Saturday, President Obama announced that a company called BrightSource will break ground this month on a new, revolutionary type of solar power plant, thanks in part to clean energy incentives launched by the Administration.  The solar power plant will be the largest of its kind in the world, and it will put about 1,000 people to work and power up to 140,000 homes.

In case you missed it, October is National Energy Awareness Month.  Be sure to check out our calendar of energy events happening throughout the Administration in October.  


The First Large-Scale Solar Energy Plants on Public Lands
October 5, 2010

Secretary of the Interior Ken Salazar announces a big step on our nation’s path to a clean energy future with the approval of the first large-scale solar energy plants ever to be built on public lands.

Commitment to Lead: Solar on the White House
October 5, 2010
At the first annual GreenGov Symposium, Secretary of Energy Steven Chu and White House Council on Environmental Quality Chair Nancy Sutley announce plans to install solar panels on the roof of the White House Residence.

The Paris Motor Show
October 4, 2010
David Sandalow, Assistant Secretary of Energy for Policy and International Affairs, looks at the future of electric cars -- and America's role in it -- at the Paris auto show.

Weekly Address: Solar Power & a Clean Energy Economy
October 2, 2010
The President points to a revolutionary new solar plant that will employ 1,000 people and power 140,000 homes. The plant is possible because of the President’s investments in the clean energy economy, which Congressional Republicans want to eliminate.

Kicking Off National Energy Awareness Month
October 1, 2010
The Obama Administration kicks off National Energy Awareness Month with a calendar of clean energy events and activities from around the Administration.

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