miercuri, 20 octombrie 2010

Damn Cool Pics

Damn Cool Pics

Lance Burton – Sleight Of Hand Magic

Posted: 20 Oct 2010 07:32 AM PDT

Lance Burton performs what is possibly the most beautiful slight of hand magic routine ever performed for the camera. A masterful act.

Home Zoo

Posted: 20 Oct 2010 06:55 AM PDT

To say that this girl loves animals is to say nothing at all. There is a real zoo in her apartment with more than 100 dangerous and not very dangerous animals!

Source: flickr

Custom 90 Terabyte Storage Project

Posted: 20 Oct 2010 06:35 AM PDT

The author of this 90 terabyte storage project needed extra space for his collection of movies that he downloaded from the net. Take a look.

Celebrities Before and After Breast Implants

Posted: 20 Oct 2010 06:23 AM PDT

Hollywood is famously known for all their beautiful, bustatious women, many of whom have paid a pretty penny to have breast implants—here is a list of celebrity breast implants.

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Celebrities Before and After Boob Jobs

Victoria Beckham

Tila Tequila

Hilary Duff

Kate Hudson

Kellie Pickler

Kelly Rowland


Paris Hilton


Tara Reid

Tokyo's Cat Cafes

Posted: 20 Oct 2010 02:40 AM PDT

In Japan, cat cafes have become very popular since 2004 when the first cat café was opened in Osaka. There you can sit with friends, drink coffee or tea and at the same time you will be surrounded by 20-30 cats.

For a modest fee of between $5 and $8 Japanese animal lovers can enjoy their usual coffee surrounded by dozens of playful cats. Spending an hour in the company of cats can work wonders on the human mind, and when you're as stressed as Japanese business-men, even more so. Many of them can't fit a household pet into their busy schedules, so they opt for a relaxing one-hour break in the company of purring felines.

There are rules to follow in such cafes: first, you need to remove your shoes and put on slippers. Then, when you enter the cafe, one of the employee will sprays your hands with disinfectant. It is forbidden to take photos with flash, to grab tails and to wake sleeping kittens.

It helps a lot to bring some treats with you to lure cats come around you, but when the treat is gone, they will be too.

Sleep Box Lets You Sleep At Airports

Posted: 20 Oct 2010 02:33 AM PDT

Offering solace to weary travelers, the Russian architects at Arch Group have designed the Sleep Box concept for use in airports, where privacy is seldom found. Along with wifi connectivity, the interiors feature space for laptops, luggage and mobile devices. To maintain a sanitary environment, the beds use a system that changes the sheets automatically.

Where Children Sleep

Posted: 20 Oct 2010 02:05 AM PDT

Do you know where kids sleep? You have a chance to find this out because James Mollison has published a book of photos of children's bedrooms from all over the world. He hopes that this project can encourage kids to think about inequality.

Kaya, 4, lives with her parents in a small apartment in Tokyo, Japan.

Jasmine ('Jazzy'), 4, lives in a big house in Kentucky, USA.

Home for this boy and his family is a mattress in a field on the outskirts of Rome, Italy.

Dong, 9, lives in Yunnan province in south-west China.

Indira, 7, lives with her parents, brother and sister near Kathmandu in Nepal.

Roathy, 8, lives on the outskirts of Phnom Penh, Cambodia.

Thais, 11, lives with her parents and sister on the third floor of a block of flats in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

Nantio, 15, is a member of the Rendille tribe in northern Kenya.

Douha, 10, lives with her parents and 11 siblings in a Palestinian refugee camp in Hebron, in the West Bank.

Tzvika, 9, lives in an apartment block in Beitar Illit, an Israeli settlement in the West Bank.

Lamine, 12, lives in Senegal.

Joey, 11, lives in Kentucky, USA.

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