miercuri, 17 noiembrie 2010

Tell Us What You Think

The White House Wednesday Nov. 17,  2010

Do You have 5 Minutes to Help Us Out?

As a subscriber to the White House email list, we want to know what you think about our emails and the White House online program in general, so we put together a short survey. Can you take a few minutes to let us know what you think? 

Your survey responses are completely anonymous and not tied to your email address. White House staff will only use responses to this survey to help improve our email program and online program.

Did You Know?

Here are some other cool things on WhiteHouse.gov that you may not know about. 

  • White House White Board
    Chairman of the Council of Economic Advisers Austan Goolsbee breaks down key economic issues like tax cuts for the middle class, jobs trends, and the National Export Initiative in this video series.


  • West Wing Week
    West Wing Week is our exclusive look at what’s going on at the White House each week, with special episodes dedicated to dispatches from places like the Gulf Coast and Iraq. Check out this week’s episode here: 


  • Inside the White House
    Thousands of visitors tour the White House each day, but now you don’t have to travel to Washington, D.C. to get a peek inside.  Check out our new interactive tour with some incredible behind-the-scenes photos from the Photo Office and our best "Inside the White House" videos. 


  • Photo of the Day
    Each day, new photos of the President, Vice President and First Family are posted in the Photo of the Day gallery.  In addition, there are periodic photo galleries of important events and trips.  Check out the photo of the day and other galleries here: 


  • President and Vice President’s Daily Schedules
    Want to know what President Obama is up to today?  The President and Vice President’s schedules are published online each day.  You can even download the calendars using iCal. Check out what the President is up to right now:


You can get all of these features and more on WhiteHouse.gov, or sign up for the Daily Snapshot email and have the best of WhiteHouse.gov delivered to your inbox each morning:


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