marți, 24 mai 2011

Damn Cool Pics

Damn Cool Pics

Best Rapture Bombs

Posted: 24 May 2011 03:24 PM PDT

The Rapture is really happening! Just look at all the people disappearing in these pictures. Well, that's what we want people to think. I'm happy for the people, but feel absolutely horrible for those poor dogs.

Here are the best rapturebomb pictures so far.

China's Ghost Cities

Posted: 23 May 2011 10:24 PM PDT

Vast new cities of apartments and shops are being built across China at a rate of ten a year, but they remain almost completely uninhabited ghost towns.

It's all part of the government's efforts to keep the economy booming, and there are many people who would love to move in, but it's simply too expensive for most. More info.

15 Awesome Mazes and Labyrinths

Posted: 23 May 2011 09:10 PM PDT

Labyrinths and mazes can be found around the world and they are important cultural works, offering rich insights into our history and the human psyche. In Greek mythology, the labyrinth was designed by Daedalus to imprison the Minotaur; but the labyrinth serves a symbolic meaning, as well. "Walking the labyrinth" is said to be a deeply personal and revealing meditative experience by which a person gains insights into their true nature.

Mazes, by contrast, are designed to be a strategic challenge; they are one of humankind's original physical puzzle games. Unlike a labyrinth, which is designed to be contemplative but easy to complete, a maze is intentionally difficult to navigate. Both labyrinths and mazes symbolically reveal two sides of the human spirit: complexity and simplicity; mystery and design; intuition and sensory experience. They are emblematic of the eternal philosophical tension between free will and fate. Here are some of the most complex, beautiful, and creative mazes and labyrinths around the world.

Dole Plantation
The world's longest maze is at the Dole Plantation on Oahu, Hawai'i. Comprised of 11,400 tropical native plants and covering 3.11 miles.

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Cherry Crest Adventure Farm

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Snakes 'n Ladders

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Davis Mega Maze

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Richardson Castle

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Hampton Court Maze

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The Imprint

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Grace Cathedral

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The Movie

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Victoria Park Water Maze

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Brick Maze of Capri

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Villa Pisani

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Source: webecoist

Creative Gadgets for Photography Lovers

Posted: 23 May 2011 05:08 PM PDT

This is a list of 20 really cool gadgets for photography lovers. The items vary from useful to fun, but we hope you'll find what you're looking for!

You can actually buy almost every single gadget from this list except a few which are in concept stage.

Recycled Camera Focus Lens Cuff

Photo Album Coffee Table

Camera Phone Lenses

My Photo Case

The Super-Secret Spy Lens

The Camera Lens Mug

Solar-Powered Camera Strap

Camera USB Drive

Inflatable Photo Studio

Mini Model Camera With 3 Lenses

Corner Frames

Photoshop Fridge Magnets

F-ck Photoshop: The Pencil For the Purist

Lens Bracelets

Photoshop Frame

The Level Camera Cube

SLR Pinhole Lens

Camera Lamp

Cloak Bag

The Bottle Cap Tripod

Source: boredpanda

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