joi, 9 iunie 2011

Damn Cool Pics

Damn Cool Pics

Gulliver’s Kingdom Abandoned Theme Park

Posted: 09 Jun 2011 06:14 PM PDT

Built in the shadow of Japan's Mount Fuji with oodles of government stimulus money, was a sprawling white elephant that existed for only 10 years. Today there's little if any trace of the abandoned theme park, its ruins, or Gulliver himself but the eerie and unsettling images captured by a legion of intrepid "haikyo" explorers.

Source: weburbanist

The 20 Most Anticipated Games of 2011

Posted: 09 Jun 2011 05:03 PM PDT

There are some very cool game titles coming. Here is a list of coolest and most anticipated games which will be releasing in year 2011.

Aliens: Colonial Marines

Assassin's Creed Revelations

Batman: Arkham City

Battlefield 3

BioShock Infinite

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3

Dark Souls

Dead Island

Deus Ex: Human Revolution

From Dust

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

Gears of War 3

Hitman: Absolution

Mass Effect 3

Silent Hill: Downpour

Super Mario 3D

Spy Party

Tomb Raider

Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception

Unannounced game

Source: telegraph

Malissa Jones, The Fattest Teenager in Britain is now Anorexic

Posted: 09 Jun 2011 04:48 PM PDT

The woman who was once Britain's fattest teenager now has anorexia. Malissa Jones, 21, lost 26 stone (364lbs) after having a gastric band fitted four years ago. She now weighs just 8st (112lbs).

Doctors had warned her that she was close to death at 34stone (476lbs). At aged just 15, she had already suffered from a suspected heart attack, and her massive weight was crushing her internal organs on her 5ft 8inch frame.

But now Malissa has been told she could die within six months unless she eats more. She told Closer magazine: "I would urge anyone wanting surgery to lose weight healthily. I wish I had. "Surgery can have consequences you might never have imagined."

Malissa was the world's youngest stomach bypass patient when she had the £10,000 NHS operation in January 2008.

Malissa Jones at age 6

She consumed 15,000 calories a day from gorging on chocolate, crisps and junk food - seven and a half times the recommended 2,000 calories for a girl of her age. But parents Richard and Dawn were unable to stop her food cravings.

Source: dailymail

Korea’s Got Talent – The story of Sung-bong Choi

Posted: 08 Jun 2011 10:18 PM PDT

I heard he went to Art High School, but he could barely graduate because of his financial problem. I bet he couldn't get private lessons or support for his vocal training.. I admire him even more!!!!!!!!!!

I seriously cried when he started singing.. just wanna give him a Huge Hug!!
Bring it on Sung-bong!!!

25 Awesome Photographs of Birds Nests

Posted: 08 Jun 2011 09:53 PM PDT

Sharon Beals is an incredible photographer and artist. Sharon uses photography as an art form, and as a way to chronicle what moves her heart and concerns her conscience from habitat restoration and plastic in the ocean, to the ecology of rivers, and of course, birds' nests. In her latest hardcover book 'Fifty Nests and the Birds that Built Them', Sharon showcases her gorgeous photographs of nests accompanied by fascinating and informative portraits of the builders themselves. For more.

Dad Waves at Son in 170 Costumes

Posted: 08 Jun 2011 08:45 PM PDT

Two big thumbs up to American Fork, Utah father Dale Price, also known as the "Wave at the Bus" dad. Price dressed up in a costume every morning of the school year—all 170 days—and then headed outside to wave goodbye to his son's school bus. Price says it started out at a joke on the first day of school to embarrass Rain, a high school sophomore with a 4.0 GPA, since it was his first year riding the bus, and things just snowballed from there.

Indeed, Rain was initially embarrassed by his father's antics, but soon, he and his bus riding classmates, grew to love the costumes and looked forward to seeing what creative outfit his dad would wear next.

The Pirate's Last Wave

Price didn't repeat a costume all year—he's dressed up as a Anakin Skywalker, a pirate, Michael Jackson, and yes, as a blushing bride—and he only spent around $50 total. He mostly borrowed his get-ups from friends and neighbors. Although Dave doesn't plan to do it again next year, Rain can still relive the memories. His mom Rochelle started a blog to document the daily costumes.

Source: waveatthebus

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