joi, 9 iunie 2011

SEOmoz Daily SEO Blog

SEOmoz Daily SEO Blog

SMX Advanced: Duane Forrester from Bing Talks Social, Schema Markup, and Honey Badger - Whiteboard Friday

Posted: 08 Jun 2011 05:03 PM PDT

Posted by Aaron Wheeler

 This week, SMX Advanced has taken over Seattle - and we've managed to get a piece of the action! That's right - we've got Duane Forrester, the Senior Project Manager of Bing's Webmaster Program, to talk with us about some of the new updates to Bing and Bing's Webmaster Tools. Rand talks to Duane about the new Facebook integration on Bing SERPs, the adoption of metadata markup, and the Honey Badger update to Webmaster Tools (just like that most ferocious of animals, the Honey Badger update is really pretty bad-ass).

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