miercuri, 22 iunie 2011

Damn Cool Pics

Damn Cool Pics

Living in 320 Square Feet Home

Posted: 22 Jun 2011 01:29 PM PDT

Two years ago, Debra and her family lived in a nearly 2000 square foot home on an acre and a half of land. Then her husband lost his job and they began to work 4 jobs between them to pay the mortgage, until one day they remembered they had a choice.

Before having their son, Debra and her husband Gary had spent 9 years living in very tiny homes in South America. Living small hadn't felt like a sacrifice, but a way to stay focused on what is important. They decided they wanted to get back to that. They stopped working so hard, sold or gave away all of their extra stuff and began looking for the perfect tiny home.

Debra had always liked the Mississippi shotgun style homes, and one day, while browsing craigslist, they noticed an ad for a local Arkansas company custom building tiny homes for a price that could mean an end to house payments. Six weeks and $15,000 later they had their own fully paid-off dwelling. Today, Debra, her husband and 13-year-old son live in a 320-square foot home that is not a sacrifice, but exactly what they need.

Original story here: faircompanies

Mattress Ride

Posted: 22 Jun 2011 01:13 PM PDT

If you were walking by this guy's little business and saw his signs, would you follow them? I am not sure what a mattress ride is, other than the horizontal mambo, therefore many people might show some interest. However, once they see the raggedy mattresses they might change their minds.

Awkward Dog Smiles

Posted: 22 Jun 2011 12:52 PM PDT

Dogs are cute, no argument here. But just because they're cute doesn't mean they're always cute. If you don't believe that's possible, check out these 25 pictures of awkward dog smiles. You will feel significantly happier after looking at this list.

Source: buzzfeed

Red Bull Cliff Diving

Posted: 22 Jun 2011 11:54 AM PDT

Red Bull are the sponsors of some of the craziest competitions that take place all over the world. So to see their name associated with a Cliff Diving contest comes as no surprise. I guess the competitors could be doing with wings

Here are some pictures from previous years of Red Bull Cliff Diving competition. If you want to take part in this year's competition, don't forget to submit your application before October 31st, 2011.

How Your Father’s Favorite Music Indicates What You Listen to Today [Infographic]

Posted: 22 Jun 2011 11:47 AM PDT

This infographic is really good. It is about father's influence on their kids. It says that your father's favorite music indicates what kind of music you listen to today. Do you agree? Do you think what you listen to today is the reason what your dad were listening when you were a kid? Lets have a look.

Click to Enlarge.

Source: sonos

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