miercuri, 22 iunie 2011

WP Review Site Plugin Review Graywolf's SEO Blog

WP Review Site Plugin Review Graywolf's SEO Blog

WP Review Site Plugin Review

Posted: 21 Jun 2011 10:13 AM PDT

Post image for WP Review Site Plugin Review

The following is a review of the WP Review Site Plugin for WordPress. Recently, I decided to add reviews to one of my websites and WP Review Site Plugin was one of the two plugins I narrowed it down to (see My Review Plugin Review for the other). I was able to narrow it down to these two, but I wasn’t able to see how well they interfaced without purchasing both plugins and trying them out. To be clear, I paid for both of these plugins myself. I wasn’t given a review copy and this isn’t a sponsored review.

This plugin had the core features I wanted:

  • Multiple Review Categories
  • Different Categories (ie one set for hotels another for restaurants)
  • Rich Snippet Compatible

This plugin was definitely the easier of the two to install and get running. To be honest, you should watch the videos to understand it completely, but I will try and give you the steps.

  • Set up different review categories.
  • Choose which categories apply to which posts.
  • Enter the reviews.

This plugin had a lot more display options than the other plugin I reviewed; that said, if you didn’t use one of the built-in themes, it requires some tinkering to get it working properly. I especially liked that you could display the reviews vertically or horizontally. However, for me, this plugin was missing some core functionality. There is zero ability to perform any admin functions to reviews. In the plugin author’s opinion, “site owners should not be able to put words in the reviewer’s mouths.” Additionally, there were no options as far as review weighting; it was more of black box. For me, these two points were deal breakers and made me choose the My Review Plugin instead. That’s not to say this plugin is bad, but it was missing features that I believed were mission critical.

One last point. Both of these review plugins use the WordPress comment system as a mechanism for getting the review information into the system, which brings up the issue of dates in the SERP’s. If you aren’t getting new reviews submitted on a regular basis, this could lead to your SERP’s having a “stale” or “dated” appearance.

To be clear, this post does contain affiliate links. If you purchase the WP Review Site Plugin, I do receive an affiliate commission. This is, however, a plugin I paid for and tested with my own money. This plugin is very strong, is easier to set up and integrate, and has more display options, but it has limited admin functionality. If you are considering adding reviews to your website, WP Review Site Plugin is a choice you should definitely consider.

photo credit: Photospin

tla starter kit

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This post originally came from Michael Gray who is an SEO Consultant. Be sure not to miss the Thesis Wordpress Theme review.

WP Review Site Plugin Review

MyReview Plugin Review

Posted: 21 Jun 2011 10:00 AM PDT

Post image for MyReview Plugin Review

The following is a review of the MyReviewPlugin for WordPress. Recently, I decided to add reviews to one of my websites and MyReviewPlugin was one of the two plugins I narrowed it down to (see WP Review Site Plugin Review for the other). I was able to narrow it down to these two but wasn’t able to see how well they interfaced without purchasing both plugins and trying them out. To be clear, I paid for both of these plugins myself. I wasn’t given a review copy, and this isn’t a sponsored review.
This plugin had the core features I wanted:

  • Multiple Review Categories.
  • Different Categories (ie, one set for hotels another for restaurants).
  • Rich Snippet Compatible.

Some features this plugin had that the other didn’t were:

  • A separate category for editors review.
  • Different weighting (so one bad review doesn’t unfairly unbalance the results).

This plugin was definitely the harder of the two to install and get running. To be completely honest, you need to watch the videos to understand it completely, but I will try to give you the steps:

  • Set up different review categories.
  • Choose which categories apply to which posts.
  • Enter the reviews.

One of the downsides of this plugin was the lack of formatting for the review information. Both plugins come with themes but, if you don’t use them, it requires some work to get them to display properly in the theme. This plugin had the least amount of flexibility as far as the design was concerned. However, one advantage this plugin had was some backend admin functionality as far as review information. For my particular case this was the deciding factor that made this the plugin I ultimately used.

One last issue: all of these review plugins use the WordPress comment system as a mechanism for getting the review information into the system, which brings up the issue of dates in the SERP’s. If you aren’t getting new reviews submitted on a regular basis, this could lead to your SERP’s having a “stale” or “dated” appearance.

To be clear, this post does contain affiliate links. If you purchase the MyReviewPlugin, I do receive an affiliate commission. That said, this is a plugin I paid for and tested with my own money. While this plugin isn’t perfect, it did solve most of my problems with getting review information attached to my pages/posts. If you are considering adding reviews to your website, MyReviewPlugin is a choice you should definitely consider.

photo credit: Photospin

tla starter kit

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  1. Text Link Ads - New customers can get $100 in free text links.
  2. BOTW.org - Get a premier listing in the internet's oldest directory.
  3. Ezilon.com Regional Directory - Check to see if your website is listed!
  4. Need an SEO Audit for your website, look at my SEO Consulting Services
  5. Link Building- Backlink Build offers 45 PR5+ Backlinks for $295
  6. Directory Journal - Get permanent deep links in a search engine friendly directory
  7. LinkWheel SEO - Get Web 2.0 Backlinks
  8. Links From PR9 Sites - - Get In Top 3 Google ASAP
  9. TigerTech - Great Web Hosting service at a great price.

This post originally came from Michael Gray who is an SEO Consultant. Be sure not to miss the Thesis Wordpress Theme review.

MyReview Plugin Review

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