joi, 15 septembrie 2011



44 Google Webmaster Tools Resources

Posted: 14 Sep 2011 06:04 AM PDT


When recently asked “what is your favorite SEO tool?” I could think of none other than Google Webmaster Tools. While many SEO experts will probably disagree and suggest to use some paid SEO tools suite, I’d like to explain my choice and present you with 44 Google Webmaster Tools resources.

Over the years Google has greatly improved the free Webmaster Tools. They’ve added lots of very useful new features and it’s now a must-use for regularly checking out your site.

Of course GWT is not perfect; there some shortcomings, such as the very short data retention or the rounding of views and click numbers. Nonetheless, you can gain lots of very up-to-date stats about your site, be it load speed, click through rates or backlinks.

You can improve and check indexation and GWT also offers valuable clues for your keyword research. You can use Google Webmaster Tools every day and still gain new insights each time.


How to use Google Webmaster Tools for SEO


GWB features


Internal and third party tools




Google Webmaster Tools for beginners


Advanced analytics with Google Webmaster Tools


Metrics and definitions


Did I overlook some major Google Webmaster Tools resources? Add them in the comment section please! I may update the list.


* CC image by Astrid Westvang.

© SEOptimise - Download our free business guide to blogging whitepaper and sign-up for the SEOptimise monthly newsletter. 44 Google Webmaster Tools Resources

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  1. Google Webmaster Tools: A Beginner’s Guide to Installation
  2. More Than 30 Google+ Tools, Extensions, Tutorials and Other Resources
  3. 30 Social Search Tools & SEO Resources for Power Users

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