miercuri, 19 iunie 2013

Damn Cool Pics

Damn Cool Pics

Best News Videobombs Ever [Video]

Posted: 19 Jun 2013 04:54 PM PDT

Best news blooper videobombs of all time supercut!

Spectacular Wildlife Photos From The National Geographic Traveler Photo Contest 2013

Posted: 19 Jun 2013 12:29 PM PDT

Amazing photos from the National Geographic photo contest. You can see all the entries over at National Geographic.

8 Women Who Auctioned Off Their Virginity

Posted: 19 Jun 2013 10:09 AM PDT

Sounds kind of slutty for a bunch of virgins. Smart but slutty. Who knew you could make bank off of your virginity?

Twenty-year-old Brazilian woman Catarina Migliorini auctioned off her V-card for $780,000

Natalie Dylan went on Howard Stern to sell her virginity. Rumors were that bids reached as high as 3.7 million, but even though the transaction was never consummated, Natalie still ended up walking away with $250,000... for doing absolutely nothing.

A 19-year-old New Zealand virgin, going by the name of Ungirl received 1,200 bids on her purity. She accepted an offer for $32,000

Eighteen-year-old Romanian teenager Alina Percea's virginity was won by a 45-year-old Italian businessman, who coughed up $14,000 to deflower Alina.

Rosie Reid, an 18-year-old lesbian from the UK, decided to sell her first sexual experience for $13,300. A 44-year-old engineer and divorced father of two won the coveted prize.

Raffella Fico, a beautiful bikini model and reality show star, was only willing to give up her virginity for fame and fortune. Fico promised to drop her panties for $1.8 million.

 Graciela Yataco is the smart 18-year-old seductress who started all this virginity auction trend. A Canadian man offered her $1.5 million but at the last minute she backed out of the deal.

An unnamed 16-year-old Irish-Catholic schoolgirl wanted to get in on the virginity-for-money action. She placed an ad on the trading website Gumtree. An undercover reporter agreed to buy her virginity for close to $10,000 to see if her story was bogus. When the reporter revealed his identity, she claimed it was just a joke.

Things You Can Actually Buy In South Korea

Posted: 19 Jun 2013 09:32 AM PDT

You can actually buy all these things!

Some Yellow Food

Some Flying Fish Spawn


This Amazing Wheel of Meat

Or This Sexy-Ass Steak

These Beauty Calorie Noodles

Or This Sweet, Garlic Pastry

This Low-Calorie Water

This Beer-Through-A-Straw At A Movie Theater

Or this winery wine — which is like, totally, from a winery

These Mona Lisa Chocolate Cookies

These Nappies

Or these sanitary pads, which include an interactive display

These Must-Have Beauty Aids

And These Ones

This Mouth Strap

These Women's Linge

And These Running Panties

This Notebook

This Ken Doll Hair Wax

This Vuvuzela Sexual Lubricant

These Powerful Eyedrops

Condoms and/or Mentos from This Well-Meaning Dispenser

This Organic, Green-Tea TP

Some Frisk Gum to Sharpen You Up in One Touch

These Silkworm Pills

Or These Larva Multivitamins

These Dog Panties

And/or These Ones

How To Get A Six-Pack [Infographic]

Posted: 19 Jun 2013 07:58 AM PDT

Exercise increases the rate at which the body burns calories. In combination with the correct diet, it will lead to greater definition and the ability to build a six-pack. This infographic brought to you by Fightshop reveals the myths surrounding body fat, the most six-pack friendly and unfriendly foods and the most effective exercises for developing your core and sculpting your abdominal muscles. You CAN have that washboard stomach you've always dreamed of!

Click on Image to Enlarge. How To Get A Six Pack Via fightshop

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