miercuri, 19 iunie 2013

The Fight to Reduce Gun Violence Is Far From Over

Here's What's Happening Here at the White House

The Fight to Reduce Gun Violence Is Far From Over

A little more than six months after the shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary, Vice President Biden said yesterday that he and President Obama have not given up the fight to reduce gun violence.

And although a minority of the Senate voted down common-sense legislation that would keep our kids and communities safer, President Obama has "moved forward on what was within his power, what executive actions he could take," the Vice President explained. "Today, I can report that he announced 23 executive actions; 21 of them have been completed or there has been major progress made toward the total completion and that we’re on track to finish the job."

Click here to learn more about how President Obama is fighting to reduce gun violence.

Vice President Joe Biden highlights the Obama administration's significant progress on its plan to reduce gun violence that was announced in January, including strengthening the existing background check system, empowering law enforcement, making schools safer, encouraging responsible gun ownership, ending the freeze on gun violence research, preserving the rights of health providers to protect their patients and communities, and improving access to mental health care. June 18, 2013.

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How Immigration Reform Will Shrink the Deficit

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President Obama Discusses the National Security Agency on Charlie Rose

President Obama discussed a range of issues in his interview Monday night on PBS, but the National Security Agency was the topic for an extended part of the conversation.

"My job is both to protect the American people and to protect the American way of life, which includes our privacy," he said. "So every program that we engage in, what I've said is let's examine and make sure that we're making the right tradeoffs."


Partnership for Sustainable Communities Marks 4th Anniversary with Web-Streaming Twitter Town Hall

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  Today's Schedule

All times are Eastern Standard Time (EST)

3:05 AM: The President and the First Lady meet and greet with Embassy personnel

3:50 AM: The President arrives Schloss Bellevue

3:55 AM: The President signs a guestbook

4:00 AM: The President is welcomed by President Joachim Gauck of Germany in a ceremony with military honors

4:15 AM: The President holds a bilateral meeting with President Gauck

5:00 AM: The President arrives the German Chancellery and is welcomed by Chancellor Angela Merkel

5:15 AM: The President holds a bilateral meeting with Chancellor Angela Merkel

6:30 AM: The President participates in a joint press conference with Chancellor Angela Merkel

7:35 AM: The President joins Chancellor Merkel for a working lunch

9:00 AM: The President delivers remarks

10:05 AM: The President signs the Golden Book of Berlin

10:15 AM: The President meets with Peer Steinbrueck of the Social Democratic Party

11:00 AM: The Vice President delivers remarks at the Congressional ceremony commemorating the dedication of the statue of Frederick Douglass WATCH LIVE

12:45 PM: The President and the First Lady arrive Schloss Charlottenburg and is welcomed by Chancellor Merkel and her spouse, Professor Joachim Sauer

12:50 PM: The President and the First Lady join Chancellor Merkel and Professor Joachim Sauer for an official photo

2:00 PM: The President and the First Lady attend dinner with Chancellor Merkel and Professor Joachim Sauer

3:55 PM: The President and the First Family depart Germany en route to Washington, DC


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