joi, 25 iulie 2013

Damn Cool Pics

Damn Cool Pics

Cute Animals Waving Hi to You

Posted: 25 Jul 2013 06:51 PM PDT

Animals that are happy to meet you.

The Most Amazing Treehouses from Around the World

Posted: 25 Jul 2013 06:23 PM PDT

Tree houses can be used for a variety of things, including recreation, work space, habitation, observation or even as temporary retreats. In some parts of the tropics, houses are either fastened to trees or elevated on stilts to keep the living quarters above the ground to protect occupants and stored food from scavenging animals. Continue reading to see some of the most amazing treehouses from around the world.

Mirror Tree House (Sweden)

Three Story Treehouse (British Columbia, Canada)

The Bird's Nest Tree House (Sweden)

The HemLoft Treehouse (Whistler, Canada)

Treehouse in Muskoka (Ontario, Canada)

Minister's Treehouse (Crossville, Tennessee, USA)

Yellow Treehouse Restaurant

Treehouse in Seattle (USA)

Free Spirit Sphere Treehouses (Canada)

Treehouse by Takashi Kobayashi (Japan)

Senior Center Turned Treehouse (Ghent, Belgium)

O2 Treehouse (USA)

Treehouse for Birds and People (Andu Momofuku Centre, Japan)

Eco-friendly Finca Bellavista Treehouse (Costa Rica)

Plane Treehouse (Costa Rica)

Teahouse Tetsu (Yamanashi, Japan)

UFO Treehouse (Sweden)

Via Boredpanda

Life Hacks for Hot Summer

Posted: 25 Jul 2013 05:19 PM PDT

Does the AC unit above drip onto your AC, keeping you up all night?
Put a sponge down to mute the dripping.

Bitten by mosquitoes?
Dab a cotton ball in vinegar and hold it over the bite. This works best if you've just been stung. The itching and swelling should dissipate and NEVER COME BACK.

Don't have an air conditioner?
Maybe you don't have a window, can't afford one, or can't afford the monstrous bills that come along with owning one. This makeshift "air conditioner" only costs $15 and consists of a desk fan, a styrofoam cooler, lots of ice, a beer can, and duct tape.

A less fussy method:
Place a frozen bottle of water (4/5 full) in front of a fan. Keep frozen bottles of water in the freezer and swap them out as they melt. You'll want to sit directly in front of the fan, as it only works at close-range.

Make a soda slurpee with self-freezing soda.
Shake up the soda while it's still sealed and set it in the freezer for 3 hours and 15 minutes. Loosen the cap to let some of the pressure escape and turn it upside down. IT BECOMES A SLUSHY. But you really should watch the tutorial if you don't want a soda explosion in your freezer.

Here's how to make an ice cozy for a giant bottle of vodka.

Protect your dog's paws with toddler socks.
Whether you're going to be walking on rocky terrain or hot pavement, dog paws are more sensitive than you think.

Playing night volleyball at the beach?
Intertwine glowsticks through the net.

When shopping for a bathing suit, make sure that the fabric is tight in the butt area.
The fabric will stretch a half size bigger once you get in the water, resulting in that common but dreaded Saggy Butt Syndrome.

On vacation but still working?
Encase your laptop in a cardboard box so you can see the screen better.

Put your office mug in the freezer when you get in.
While your coworkers are drinking their average-cold drinks at lunchtime, you'll be sipping on a jealousy-inducing frosty beverage.

If you need extra space for beer, fill a pool raft with ice.

If you've got a horribly embarrassing sunburn, fill an ice cube tray with vinegar and rub the ice cubes onto the affected areas.
This is already a popular lifehack using aloe vera, but vinegar is much more effective in reducing the redness associated with sunburns.

Your favorite white wine was found in the UNREFRIGERATED area of the store.
Now you can chill it in a flash without having to resort to frozen grapes (frozen raspberries are better in wine anyway).

Cut your watermelon like this.
You won't get sticky watermelon juice all over your face.

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