joi, 12 septembrie 2013

Damn Cool Pics

Damn Cool Pics

iPhone 5 Camera vs iPhone 5s Camera

Posted: 12 Sep 2013 11:26 AM PDT

Wasn't it a "great" example? Let's see what comes next.

24-Carat Gold Rolling Papers

Posted: 12 Sep 2013 11:17 AM PDT

Need to add some style to your hand-rolled "tobacco" cigarettes? Shine has got you covered. These are 24K gold rolling papers that are sure to have you standing out at the next party you attend.

$50 for a pack of 12, check out details here.

Magazine Cover Photoshop Fails

Posted: 12 Sep 2013 11:05 AM PDT

This model holding hands with The Thing:

Avril's vanishing cyborg arm:

This Russian magazine that turned Taylor Swift into a hellspawn:

Zac Efron's creepily chiseled arm:

Kerry Washington's tampered-with bust area:

This Vogue Russia model's disappearing elbow:

Lauren Graham's paste-on head:

Prince William becomes… someone from Fall Out Boy?

Brad's phantom child:

Michelle Obama's pasted-on head:

Rachel Bilson's Gumby thigh:

Eminem's flinty Ken-doll face:

Demi Moore's chopped-off left hip:

KStew's disappearing left arm:

Andy Roddick's tree-trunk neck:

Whatever this magazine did to Ashlee Simpson:

This alien version of Eva Mendes:

Mariska Hargitay's gigantified head:

Kylie Minogue's vanishing foot:

Carrie Underwood's T-rex arm:

This inexcusable butchering of Tina Fey:

This model's painful-looking Stretch Armstrong neck (right):

This Justin Bieber cover that will stalk your dreams:

The Grim Facts About Global Nuclear Stockpiles [Infographic]

Posted: 12 Sep 2013 09:49 AM PDT

Frightening facts about nuclear weapons exist in today's world. It is scary to think that several countries have nuclear weapons at their disposal that they would not hesitate to use in certain circumstances. As the world is in the atomic age, the famous quote by George Wald comes to mind: "The only use for an atomic bomb is to keep someone else from using one."

Both atomic and hydrogen bombs are considered nuclear weapons. An atomic bomb is made up of a nucleus of -235 uranium plus 239 neutrons. The makeup destabilizes atoms and uses gamma rays and thermal energy. A hydrogen bomb requires an atom bomb to start its fuse. It is made from deuterium and tritium and relies on extreme heat from an atomic bomb explosion. This type of bomb is made from fused hydrogen isotopes, can create blindness from a distance, relies on light and heat and gives off a huge blast of explosion as well as a soot cloud when detonated. It is powerful enough to knock down large buildings several miles away.

Click on Image to Enlarge.
The Grim Facts About Global Nuclear Stockpiles
Source: The Grim Facts About Global Nuclear Stockpiles

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