miercuri, 26 februarie 2014

Damn Cool Pics

Damn Cool Pics

A Look at Life in Iran During the ‘60s and ‘70s

Posted: 26 Feb 2014 11:49 AM PST

Amish Girl Kate Stoltz Becomes a Model

Posted: 26 Feb 2014 11:29 AM PST

23-year-old Amish girl Kate Stoltz quits her church, moves to New York and becomes a model.

Trending Tweens: How Kids Use Social Media [Infographic]

Posted: 26 Feb 2014 09:58 AM PST

Kids as young as 6 now routinely have cell phones, which means many of them have access to social media.

This infographic breaks down the trends of kids, particularly tweens, on social media.

Trending Tweens: How Kids Use Social Media Infographic
Infographic by FashionPlaytes

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