miercuri, 2 aprilie 2014

Unnatural link detection at its best ...

With the latest Google Penalties, lots of sites lost their rankings overnight.
To recover or prevent such massive ranking drops, you need to identify and disavow the unnatural links pointing at your site.

Because this is a complex and time-consuming task, we created a very fast & accurate 
Unnatural Link Detection Tool that will simplify your recovery and prevent any future penalties.

Read a Real Google Recovery Story done in only 3 weeks!

Used by more than 15,000 customers worldwide, the cognitiveSEO toolset has helped a multitude of site owners to improve and recover their rankings. One of them is Mr. Manuel Porras who recovered his rankings in only 3 weeks!
The cognitiveSEO platform helps you Recover from Google Penalties, Improves your Rankings and Prevents Future Penalties, by tracking your site and competitors on a daily basis.

To Your Better Ranking,
Razvan & the cognitiveSEO Team!
Razvan Gavrilas
Founder & Chief Architect @ cognitiveSEO.com
Copyright © 2014 cognitiveSEO All rights reserved.

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