joi, 5 iunie 2014

President Obama on Tumblr

Here's what's going on at the White House today.

President Obama on Tumblr

On Tuesday, June 10, President Obama will take part in his first-ever Tumblr Q&A to answer your questions about education, college affordability, and reducing student loan debt.

A higher education is the single-most important investment students can make in their own future, but it's never been more expensive. That's why since taking office, the President has made historic investments to make college more affordable -- and it's why he's inviting you to join a conversation about the issue.

Find out how you can get involved:

President Obama Answers Questions on Tumblr

  Top Stories

The First-Ever White House Maker Faire: Celebrating a Nation of Makers

On June 18, President Obama will host Makers, innovators, and entrepreneurs of all ages, who are answering the President's call to be a generation of Americans who should be "makers of things, not just consumers of things."


Day 2: The President Wraps Up His Visit to Poland

On the second day of his trip to Europe, President Obama took part in a bilateral meeting with Ukranian President-elect Petro Poroshenko in Warsaw, Poland; delivered remarks at the 25th anniversary Freedom Day celebration in Warsaw's Castle Square; and traveled to Belgium where he met with King Philippe and Prime Minister Elio di Rupo at the Royal Palace of Brussels.


Reddit "Ask Me Anything" with EPA Administrator Gina McCarthy

Administrator McCarthy took to Reddit on Tueday to answer questions about the EPA's proposed rules to cut carbon pollution in power plants. During the AMA, she answered a range of topics -- including President Obama's plan to fight climate change, how folks can get involved in their communities, and her thoughts on Marvin Gaye.


  Today's Schedule

All times are Eastern Time (ET)

3:25 AM: The President arrives at the European Council -- Justus Lipsius Building for the 2014 G-7 Summit

3:40 AM: The President participates in a G-7 meeting on the global economy

6:00 AM: The President takes part in a working lunch with G-7 leaders on development

8:30 AM: The President participates in a bilateral meeting with Prime Minister David Cameron of the United Kingdom

9:50 AM: The President holds a joint press conference with Prime Minister David Cameron of the United Kingdom

11:05 AM: The President departs Brussels, Belgium

11:55 AM: The President arrives Paris, France

1:05 PM: The President joins President François Hollande for a dinner


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