miercuri, 23 iulie 2014

The VP has the white board marker:

The White House Wednesday, July 23, 2014

The VP has the white board marker:

Over the past couple years, administration officials have picked up a marker and taken to our "White House white board" to explain how to fix our immigration system, break down how health reform helps your day-to-day life, and outline exactly what our budget's paying for.

Today, Vice President Joe Biden is taking the pen, and he's talking about something he knows like the back of his hand:

The current state of our country's crumbling roads and bridges -- and exactly why it's so important to invest in them right now.

You're going to want to watch this one. Take a look, and pass it on:

Watch the VP discuss our nation's infrastructure.

Our roads and bridges do far more than get people and goods from Point A to Point B.

A high-quality transportation system keeps jobs here in America, allows our businesses to grow, and keeps down the prices of household goods.

Our country's infrastructure crisis isn't a far-off problem: 65% of our major roads are rated in less than good condition. 25% of our bridges require significant repair or can't handle today's traffic.

It looks like Congress is going to act soon to pass a short-term resolution that would continue to fund the projects fixing our roads and bridges -- but we need to solve the problem, not just kick the can down the road.

Watch the Vice President explain the need for a long-term investment, and break down exactly what our plan looks like.

Then, be sure to pass this one on.

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